出版時間:2009-4 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社 作者:王薇,劉相東 編 頁數(shù):406
This book is a collection of selected papers from the 2006 InternationalSymposium of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (June 2-4,Beijing). The symposium was initiated and coordinated by Gary Motteram of theIATEFL Learning Technologies SIG committee, Wang Wei of the NationalResearch Centre for Foreign Language Education of Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity (BFSU), and Liu Xiangdong of Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press (FLTRP) and China English Language Education Association(CELEA). The four above organizations they represented were the co-hosts andorganizers of the symposium. The symposium features five keynote speeches andaccommodates 69 presentations, selected out of 177 abstracts initially submittedto the symposium. A total of 160 participants from eight countries and regionsattended the symposium. About 80% of them came from universities in China.The theme of the event was revisited, reflected upon and discussed at a paneldiscussion attended by the keynote speakers, the presenters and other non-presenting participants on the afternoon of June 4th. The symposiums officialwebsite http://call2006, fltrp, corn/ plays a very important role in providingcrucial information to the participants before the symposium and in giving theman opportunity to discuss and share their experiences after the symposium. Wen Qiufang of National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education ofBFSU talked about corpus-based learner language research in her keynote speechwhile Gu Yueguo of the Institute of Beiwai Online Education of BFSU discussedissues arising out of his five-year hands-on work on EFL online education inChina. Among the three invited keynote speakers from abroad, Phil Hubbard ofStanford University (US) lectured on CALL teacher education, Gary Motteramof Manchester University (UK) introduced social computing, and Mike Levy ofGriffith University (Australia) reviewed CALL research in detail.
Keynote Speeches Teacher Education in CALL: The Seven Central Questions Making CALL Research Count: Criteria for Identifying Productive ResearchAgendas An Ecological Model of E-learning in a Chinese Context: Critical Reflections ofFive Years' Practice of E-learning Management in the BIOE Chinese Learner Corpora and Second Language Research Social Computing and CALL Teachers in CALL Tutor Feedback in Online English Language Learning: Tutor Perceptions Autonomous Learning and Face-to-face Tutoring in Computer-assisted College English in China--An Explorative Study in Beijing University of ClothingTechnology An Investigation into a Chinese College TESOL Context Action Research, a Methodological Approach to the Study of CALL A Case Report of Web-enhanced Language Learning (WELL) for EFL TeachersLearners in CALL A Comparison of the Usage of English TenSes by Undergraduate Students of Different Levels of Ability Receiving Different Types of Error Treatmen Through the Use of Computer-assisted Language Learning Attitude and Behavior study in Web-based Language Learning Students' Perceptions of the Effect of Interaction in Web-based Courses onStudent Outcomes Hypermedia Annotation Preferences and Their Effects on Reading Comprehensionby English-major Students Instructional Design and Material Evaluation Designing Foreign Language Instruction Delivered at a Distance: Learner Considerations The Design of EFL Multi-media Materials in Assisting Listening ComprehensionTechnologies in CALL Blogging: Voices Need an Audience Concordancers and Synonym Learning: A Between-group Research The 90 Percent Solution: The Case for English Language Learning with Mobile Phones Supporting Student Learning on an International CampusTesting and Assessment in CALL Formative Assessment Notions in Email-based Language Learning: A Case Analysis Corpus-based Studies A Corpus-based Study of Connectors: Research from the CAS Learner Corpus of English Essays Amplifier Collocations in the Chinese Learner English Corpus Spoken Language Learned from Textbooks and Evidenced in CANCODE Rhetoric Structure of the Coalesced Results and Discussion Section: A Corpus-based Comparative Study via NVivo 2.0
The participant of AR, according to previous study, varies from differentoccupations in the society, such as nurse, business people. However, in the areaof educational research, AR has changed the teacher s role from "a consumer ofsomeones research results" to "teacher as researcher" (Johnson & Button,2000; Stenhouse, 1975), which has turned out to be a revolutionary slogan inthe history of AR. This paper argues that we should involve both teacher andstudents into the study of AR participants. In addition to the idea of "teacher asresearcher", "student as researcher" could be conceptualized in the discussions ofAR-related issues. Shneiderman (1997) said "we must do more than teach students to surf thenet; we must also teach them how to make waves". We know "making waves"should be designed in a variety of activities. So, the involvement of studentsparticipation in CALL activities should correspond to the notion of "student asresearcher". On the side of the students, there are three main interpretationsassociated with their learning in China: autonomous learning, research-orientedlearning and collaborative learning, which also represent the mainstream of studyon learners (Pang, 2003). Moreover, a large number of terms —— problem-basedlearning, project-based learning, action learning, inquiry learning, research-oriented learning, self-regulated learning, active-learning, self-planned learning,and autonomous learning and so on (Pang, 2003) are coined to describe theirlearning though they resemble each other quite a lot, which results in the fact thatmost readers feel puzzled about distinguishing one from another. Is it possible tounify all terms with one concept? Consequently, the introduction of AR seems necessary and significant. InCALL activities, AR can be interpreted in a broad and a narrow sense. In anarrow sense, AR is teachers (sometimes other practitioners, or even advancedresearchers) attempt at trying out ideas in practice as a means of improvementand as a means of enriching understanding about the curriculum, teaching, andlearning in search for the applications of computer. Broadly speaking, CALLactivity includes the actions of both CALL-practitioners and CALL-learners. ForCALL-learners, AR can be an umbrellas term identifying a project-oriented,task-based or inquiry-based learning activities in the technology-enhancedlanguage course and programs.
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