
出版時(shí)間:1970-1  出版社:外語(yǔ)教研  作者:蓋蘇珊  頁(yè)數(shù):486  




Preface序Autobiographical Statement and Research HistoryVolume 1Part Ⅰ Linguistics and ProcessingLanguage Transfer and Universal Grammatical RelationsL2 Data: Their Relevance for Language UniversalsFrom Theory to PracticeSentence Processing by L2 LearnersSecond Language Acquisition and the Ontology of LanguageUniversalsDevelopment of Speech Perception and Speech Production Abilities in Adult Second Language LearnersA Review of Interlanguage Syntax: Language Transfer and Language UniversalsAn Interactionist Approach to L2 Sentence InterpretationLexical Constraints on Syntactic AcquisitionThe Resolution of Conflicts Among Competing Systems: A Bidirectional PerspectiveIncidental Vocabulary LearningLanguage Universals and Second-Language AcquisitionAccounting for Interlanguage Subject PronounsDifferential Effects of AttentionPart Ⅱ Language in ContextThe Comprehensibility of Non-Native SpeechThe Effect of Familiarity on the Comprehensibility of Non-Native SpeechNon-Native/Non-Native Conversations: A Model for Negotiation of MeaningMiscommunication in Native/Non-Native ConversationVariation in Native Speaker Speech Modification to Non-Native SpeakersTask Variation and Non-Native/Non-Native Negotiation of MeaningSex Differences in NNS/NNS InteractionsInterlocutor and Task Familiarity: Effects on Interactional StructureVolume 2Part Ⅱ Language in Context (Continued)Input, Interaction and Second Language ProductionDancing a Waltz to Rock & Roll Music: Resolving Conflicting Discourse Expectations in Cross-Cultural InteractionThe Role of Interaction in Native Speaker Comprehension of Nonnative Speaker SpeechThe Effects of Task Repetition on Linguistic OutputHow Do Learners Perceive Implicit Negative Feedback?Conversation Analysis and Input-InteractionAttention When? An Investigation of the Ordering Effect of Input and InteractionUsing Stimulated Recall to Investigate Native Speaker Perceptions in Native-Nonnative Speaker InteractionPerceptions of Interactional Feedback: Differences Between Heritage Language Learners and Non-Heritage Language LearnersPart Ⅲ Research MethodologyThe Development of L2 IntuitionsThe Reliability of L2 Grammaticality JudgmentsNon-Native Refusals: A Methodological PerspectiveReplication and Reporting: A CommentarySentence Matching: A Re-examinationTask-Based Interactions in Classroom and Laboratory SettingsPart Ⅳ Papers of a General NatureIntegrating Research Areas: A Framework for Second Language StudiesSecond Language Acquisition: Past, Present and FutureLearning and Teaching: The Necessary IntersectionGrammar Instruction, Selective Attention and Learner ProcessesApples and Oranges: Or, Why Apples Are Not Orange and Don t Need to BeSecond Language Acquisition: Perceptions, Origins and BoundariesPublications



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