
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:王彤  頁數(shù):349  




List of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Tertiary online education in China1.1.1 Background of tertiary online education in China1.1.2 Development scale of tertiary online education in China1.1.3 Development environment for tertiary online education in China1.1.4 Achievement and lessons learnt in China1.2 Tertiary online English language education in China1.3 Introduction to online education at Beijing Foreign Studies University1.4 Research objectives of the projectChapter 2 Theories in distance education and learner support2.1 Theories of distance education2.1.1 Definitions of distance education2.1.2 Generations of distance education2.1.3 Theories of distance education2.1.4 The theoretical rationale of this project2.2 Theories of autonomy in language learning2.2.1 Profile of autonomous language learners2.2.2 Language learning strategies2.2.3 Practices of language learning autonomy2.2.4 Learner autonomy at BeiwaiOnline2.3 Theories of learner support in distance education2.3.1 Meanings of learner support in distance education2.3.2 Reasons for learner support in distance education2.3.3 Elements and models of learner support in distance education2.3.4 Institutional cases of learner support in tertiary online education2.4 Rationale of learner support system design in this projectChapter 3 Learner support at BeiwaiOnline3.1 The design rationale for BeiwaiOnline elearning system3.2 The design of BeiwaiOnline learner support systems3.3 Introduction to BeiwaiOnline learner support provisions3.4 Evaluation of BeiwaiOnline learner support systemsChapter 4 Research design for the project4.1 Overall research aims of the project4.2 Three-phase research design for the project4.2.1 Phase- 1 research: a national study on learner support system design and utilisation for tertiary English language elearning in China4.2.2 Phase-2 research: an institutional study on utilisation of learner support by different achieving groups of English language e-learners4.2.3 Phase-3 research: a longitudinal study on the learning ecologies of English language e-learnersChapter 5 Phase-1 research findings5.1 Design for Phase-1 research5.1.1 Research questions for Phase 15.1.2 Participants in Phase 15.1.3 Research methods and instruments for Phase 1……Chapter 6 Phase-2 research findingsChapter 7 Phase-3 research findingsChapter 8 An ecological learner support model for elearningChapter 9 ConclusionReferenceAppendices


  Besides learner autonomy, Moore examined the construct of "distance" between the learner and the teacher and articulated a theory of transactional distance in 1972 and 1973. "It is the separation of learners and teachers that profoundly affects both teaching and learning. With separation there is a psychological and communications space to be crossed, a space of potential misunderstanding between the inputs of the instructor and those of the learner. It is this psychological and communications space that is the transactional distance... It cannot be emphasised too strongly that transactional distance is a relative rather than an absolute variable" (Moore,1993: 23).  In Moore's theory, there are three clusters of variables named Dialogue, Structure, and Learner Autonomy. "Dialogue is developed by teachers and learners in the course of the interactions that occur when one gives instruction and the others respond" (23). The difference between a dialogue and an interaction is that "dialogue is used to describe an interaction or series of interactions having positive qualities that other interactions might not have" (24). "Structure" in the theory means "the elements in the course design, or the ways in which the teaching programme is structured so that it can be delivered through the various communications media" (26). "Learner Autonomy" is "the extent to which in the teaching/learning relationship it is the learner rather than the teacher who determines the goals, the learning experiences, and the evaluation decisions of the learning prograrnme" (31).  ……



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