
出版時間:2008-11  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:William Croft  頁數(shù):341  




William Croft:曼徹斯特大學(xué)語言學(xué)教授。


List offiguresList of tablesPreface to the second edilionpreface to the timeditionList ofabbreviationsList ofsymbols1 Introduction  1.1 Whatistypology?  1.2 Typology,universals and generative grammar  1.3 Cross-linguistic comparison 1.4 The problem ofcross linguistic comparability 1.5 Language sampling for cross-linguistic research 1.6 Data sources2 Typologicai classification 2.1 A cross-linguistically valid description of morphosyntactic structures  2.1.1 Simple strategies  2.1.2 Relational strategies  2.1.3 Indexical strategies  2.1.4 Classifiers:indexical or relational?  2.1.5 More grammaticalized strategies  2.1.6 Summary 2.2 What is being classified? 2.3 M0rphological typology3 Implicational universals and competing motivations 3.1 Restrictions on possible language types 3.2 Unrestricted and implicational universals 3.3 Competing motivations 3.4 Deeperexplanationsforwordorder and affixorderuniversals 3.5 Typology。universals and generative grammar revisited 3.6 Conclusion4 Grammatical categories:typological markedness economy and iconicity 4.1 Typological markedness  4.1.1 Structural coding  4.1.2 Behavioral potential  4.1.3 Neutral value:not a criterion for typological markedness 4.2 Economy and iconicity  4.2.1 Structural coding,economy and syntagmatic isomorphism  4.2.2 Economy.paradigmatic isomorphism and polysemy 4.3 Frequency and deeper explanations for economy and iconicity 4.4 Typological asymmetries in word order and phonology 4.5 Conclusion5 Grammatical hierarchies and the semantic map model 5.1 Grammatical hierarchies and implicational universals 5.2 The animacy and definiteness hierarchies 5.3 A deeper explanation tbr hierarchies and categories:the semantic map model 5.4 Conceptual spaces.structural coding and behavioral potential 5.5 111e grammatical relations hierarchies  5.5.1 The external definition of grammatical relations  5.5.2 Subject and object,ergative and absolutive  5.5.3 Objects:direct and indirect.primary and secondary  5.5.4 T11e conceptual space for grammatical relations 5.6 Conclusion Appendix:typological markedness patterns in grammatical categories6 Prototypes and the interaction of typological patterns 6.1 Interactions ofcategories  6.1.1 Place of articulation  6.1.2 Person 6.2 Interactions of values:typological prototypes 6.3 GrammaticaI relations  6.3.1 Animacy,definiteness and participant roles  6.3.2 Transitivity  6.3.3 Deeper explanations for the typology of grammatical relations 6.4 Parts ofspeech 6.5 Other prototypes and markedness reversals 6 6 Conclusion7 Syntactic argumentation and syntactic structure in typology 7.1 Typology and syntactic argumentation 7.2 lconicity,economy and syntactic structure 7.2.1 Conceptual distance and constituent structure  7.2 2 Syntactic and conceptual independence  7.2.3 The encoding of objects and events  7.2.4 Other universals of linguistic structure 7.3 Vypological conspiracies and communicative motivation 7.4 Conclusion8 Diachronic typology 8.1 The dynamicization of synchronic typology 8.2 From states to processes 8.3 Grammaticalization  8.3.1 Phonological processes  8.3.2 Morphosyntactic processes  8.3.3 Functional processes  8.3.4 Issues in grammaticalization  8.3.5 Explanations for grammaticalization  8.4 Inferring diachrony from synchrony 8.5 Conclusion9 Typology as an approach to language 9.1 Scientific approaches(research traditions)and linguistic theories 9.2 Thinking like a typologist 9.3 Description.explanation and generalization 9.4 Typology,the Saussurean dichotomies and the evolutionary modelList of referencesMap oflanguages citedAuthor indexLanguage indexSubiect index




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