
出版時(shí)間:2011-5  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:楊治中,李霄翔 編  頁數(shù):172  




Unit l Everyone Needs a Fresh Start 人人需要新起色Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One It’s Lucky We’ve Met 有緣相見Dialog Two English Learning: Ways Out 英語學(xué)習(xí):有捷徑嗎Dialog Three Learning by Doing 做中學(xué)Part Three PassagesPassage One Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧Passage Rwo Tips on How to Improve Your English 提高英語水的竅門Unit 2 So Many Countries, So Many Festivals 不同的國家,眾多的節(jié)日Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One Christmas for Children 孩子們的圣誕節(jié)Dialog Two Christmas for Adults 大人們的圣誕節(jié)Dialog Three The Spring Festival 春節(jié)Part Three PassagesPassage One Chinese Valentine's Day 中國的情人節(jié)Passage Two Jack-O’-Lantern 杰克燈籠Unit 3 Education: Cradle of Success 教育:成功的搖籃Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One A Students'C onversation 同學(xué)間的談話Dialog Two A New Style of Learning 一種新的學(xué)習(xí)方式Dialog Three I'd Like to Ask You a Question 我想問您一個(gè)問題Part Three PassagesPassage One Education in the Information Age 信息時(shí)代的教育Passage Two The Snowball Effect 滾雪球效應(yīng)Unit 4 Everyone to His Own Taste 人各有其趣Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One Good Old Days 過去的好時(shí)光Dialog Two I Don't Like Watching TV 我不喜歡看電視Dialog Three Welcome to Our Show 歡迎參加我們的節(jié)目Part Three PassagesPassage One If You Can't Sleep at Night 如果你晚上睡不著Passage Two Example: The Best Teacher 榜樣:最好的老師Unit 5 Sports World 體育世界Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One Fitness Is a Fashion 健身是時(shí)尚Dialog Two On Football 大話足球Dialog Three Big Bucks the Easy Way生財(cái)有道Part Three PassagesPassage One Who Are Getting Crazy About Football 誰為足球狂Passage Two Michael Jordan 邁克爾·喬丹Unit 6 Health Food Brings Health 吃得健康,長得健壯Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One How Do You Like English Food 莢國食物合你口味嗎Dialog Two A New Waiter 新來的服務(wù)員Dialog Three A Piece of Cake 小菜一碟Part Three PassagesPassage One Why Are You Again 怎么又是你Passage Two Table Manners in US Families 美國家庭中的餐桌禮儀Unit 7 Computer Works Wonders 電腦創(chuàng)造奇跡Part One Warm-up ActivitiesPart Two DialogsDialog One It's Fantastic to Surf the Net 上網(wǎng)真棒Dialog Two Every one Has His Own Taste 人各有所好Dialog Three Mobile: Our New Friend 手機(jī):我們的新朋友Part Three PassagesPassage One Sending a Fax 發(fā)傳真Passage Two It Simply Stops Working 它就是不工作





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