
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:韓照紅  頁數(shù):201  


  As a multilingual speaker, a second language educator and a researcher, Ihave always been fascinated by the notion of fossilization (Selinker, 1972),that is, cessation of learning in spite of rich exposure to input, adequatemotivation to learn, and abundant opportunity for communicative prac-tice. Yet it was not until after I became a student of Larry Selinker at theUniversity of London that I began research in this area. The longitudinalstudy (Han, 1998) I performed then not only convinced me of the reality offossilization, but kindled in me an even greater interest in seeking anunderstanding of its etiology. Why is it that learners suffer fossilizationdifferentially? Why do L2 learners wind up with differential success inlearning the L2 under seemingly identical learning conditions? What doesthe existing constellation of explanations tell us about lack of learning, andabout the general understanding of adult second language acquisition(SLA)? Can instruction salvage learners from fossilization? These are someof the issues that have appealed to my attention and that I have tried toaddress in this book.  With no pretense of offering an exhaustive account of fossilization, thebook synthesizes the major research on the topic, provides a conceptualframework for interpreting various manifestations of lack of learning, andexplores the relationship between instruction and fossilization, an issue ofextensive interest to second language researchers and educators.  In the preparation for this book, I have benefited, in no small measure,from discussions on various issues with the following individuals (inalphabetical order): David Birdsong, William Davies, Robert DeKeyser,Lynn Eubank, Susan Foster-Cohen, Gillies Houghton, Jan Hulstijn, ScottJarvis, Eric Kellerman, Donna Lardiere, Diane Larsen-Freeman, MikeLong, Brian MacWhinney, Terry Odlin, Bonnie Schwartz, Tom Scovel,Larry Selinker, Mike Sharwood Smith, Rex Sprouse, and Paul Wiita,though I should point out that none of them is responsible for any of theideas presented in this book.


本書所謂僵化,是指在語言學(xué)習(xí)過程中,不正確的語言特征永久性地留在學(xué)習(xí)者的中介語中,成為學(xué)習(xí)者理解或產(chǎn)出語言的一種方式。它是二語習(xí)得中的一種常見現(xiàn)象。  作者審視了30多年來的僵化研究,論述了有關(guān)僵化的基本理論,搜集和評價了大量的實證研究成果,提出應(yīng)在宏觀和微觀兩個層面上,以第二語言習(xí)得為背景研究僵化,是為數(shù)不多的全面論述僵化現(xiàn)象的專著。




Preface1 Introduction2 What is Fossilization?3 Behavioral Reflexes and Causal Variables4 A Macroscopic Analysis: Critical Period Effects5 A Macroscopic Analysis: Native Language Transfer6 A Macroscopic Analysis: Some Empirical Evidence7 Second Language Instruction and Fossilization8 Summary and ConclusionReferencesIndex




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