
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:肖飛,等 編  頁數(shù):211  




Unit OneEducationPart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit TwoHvman QvalitiesPart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit ThreeManagement Part One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit FourArtsPart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit FiveMan and NatvrePart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit SixSocial WelfarePart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit SevenDistance LearningPart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit EinghtFamovs SpeechesPart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit NineEconomic DevelopmentPart One Short ConversationsPart Two DialoguePart Three Compound DictationPart Four PassagesUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveTapescripts and key



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