
出版時(shí)間:2008-11  出版社:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:陳琳,劉鳳玲 編  頁(yè)數(shù):162  


  根據(jù)《五年制高等職業(yè)教育實(shí)用英語(yǔ)課程基本要求》和《普通高等??茖W(xué)校英語(yǔ)課程基本要求》,在總結(jié)了多年的教改和教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的基礎(chǔ)上編寫而成。根據(jù)五年一貫制的特點(diǎn)和學(xué)生年齡小、可塑性強(qiáng)的優(yōu)勢(shì),合理設(shè)計(jì)、統(tǒng)籌安排,體現(xiàn)了五年制高職教材的特色?! 〔煌趥鹘y(tǒng)英語(yǔ)課程的教學(xué)方式,基本思路立足于提高學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)交際能力,采用聽(tīng)讀領(lǐng)先的教學(xué)模式。  突出“立足實(shí)用,打好基礎(chǔ),強(qiáng)化能力”的高職英語(yǔ)教學(xué)原則?! ?qiáng)調(diào)以話題為中心,以培養(yǎng)英語(yǔ)交際能力為重點(diǎn)?! ∽⒅乜茖W(xué)性、趣味性、前瞻性,強(qiáng)調(diào)實(shí)用性。


Unit One Weather and ClimateⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Transtation of the TextUnit Two Food and DrinkⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Transtotion of the TextUnit Three TravelingⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TopescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Four HealthⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Five ServiceⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextReview OneⅠ. TapescriptsⅡ. KeyUnit Six TelephoneⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Seven RecyclingⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Eight The WorkplaceⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Nine TransportⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese Translation of the TextUnit Ten Popular ScienceⅠ. Background InformationⅡ. Language PointsⅢ. Structure and GrammarⅣ. TapescriptsⅤ. Key to ListeningⅥ. Key to ReadingⅦ. Key to WritingChinese TransLation of the TextReview TwoⅠ. TapescriptsⅡ. Key


  Travel in modern world is motivated by the desire to expand ones horizons,to experience other cultures and to connect with other people whether they arefriends, relatives or business partners. Travel to somewhere is a Lifetime experience.Only when you are there, may you start to appreciate and understand the difference.It is an opportunity to know more background information about history, culture,food and arts, etc. of the place.  Constantly changing airfares and schedules and a vast amount of travelinformation on the Internet can make travel planning frustrating and time-consuming. To sort out the many travel options, tourists and business people oftenturn to travel agents, who help them make the best possible travel arrangements.In generaL, travel agents give advice on destinations and make arrangements fortransportation, hotel accommodations, car rentals, tours and recreation.  1. Definition of Tourism  Tourism can be viewed from different perspectives. It is an activity in whichpeople are engaged in travel away from home primarily for business or pleasure.It is a business providing goods and services to travelers, and involves anyexpenditure incurred by or for a visitor for his or her trip. Tourism is an overarchingbusiness, including airlines, railroads, rental car agencies, travel marketers,lodging, restaurants, etc. On March 4, 1993, the world Tourism Organization (WTO)recommended that "Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to andstaying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutiveyear for Leisure, business and other purposes. "  Tourism falls into two main categories according to the purpose of the visit:Leisure and business.  2. Tips for TraveLing Abroad  If you are traveling abroad, here are the top 8 tips you need to make your tripeasier:  1)Make sure you have a signed, valid passport and visa, if required. ALso, beforeyou go, fill in the emergency information page of your passport!  2)Read the ConsuLar Information Sheets (and PubLic Announcements or TravelWarnings, if appLicabLe)for the countries you plan to visit.  3)FamiLiarize yourself with Local Laws and customs of the countries to which youare traveling. White in a foreign country, you are subject to its Laws.  4)Make 2 copies of your passport identification page. This will facilitatereplacement if your passport is Lost or staten. Leave one copy at home with friends orrelatives. Carry the other with you in a separate place from your passport.  5)Leave a Copy of your itinerary with family or friends at home so that you canbe contacted in case of an emergency.  6)Dont leave your Luggage unattended in public areas. Dont accept packagesfrom strangers.  7)To avoid being a target of crime, try not to wear Conspicuous clothing andexpensive jewelry and dont carry excessive amounts of money or unnecessary creditcards.  8)In order to avoid violating Local Laws, deal onLy with authorized agents whenyou exchange money or purchase art or antiques.  3. What Type of Research ShouLd Be Done Before TraveLing?  1)Do some research, learn as much as you can about your destination.  2)Check to see what type of weather the area has so you can plan accordingly.  3)Check to see what type of paperwork and documentation you wiLL need to traveL.  4)Find out what type of diseases are common to the area you are visiting and take actions to prevent your exposure to those diseases.  5)Check your own medical coverage to see what type of coverage you have  when being away from home. Consider purchasing trip insurance.  6)If you plan on driving, get your car ready and investigate the Local road  conditions, laws and other driving requirements.  7)Do some research about the costs of local items so you can set your budget. Dont forget to budget for taxes:and tipping. Many governments charge high taxes for travel related services.  8)Check the dates of Local major holidays or festivals, since services may be limited on those dates. travel, journey, trip  1)travei/travelingTravel is the general term to describe going from one place to another. Wecan talk about someones travels to refer to the journeys he makes.e.g. His travels abroad provided tots of background material for novels he wrote.Traveling is also a general term which refers to the activity of travel.  e.g. Traveling by boot between the islands is tess tiring than traveling byroad.  I dont do as much traveling as I used to now that rm retired.Travel often crops up as part of compound nouns. Compare the following,We often use travel as a verb:e.g. I love to trove[ during the summer holidays.    This year I plan to trovel att around the Iberian Peninsula.  2)journey  A journey is one single piece of travel You make journeys when you travelfrom one place to another. (Note that the plural is spelt journeys, not journies.)e.g. The journey from London to Newcastle by train con now be completed inless than three hours.We can talk about journeys taking or tasting a tong time.How Long did your journey take? Oh, it tasted for ever. We stopped atevery small station.



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