出版時間:2008 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:Duncan Sidwell 頁數(shù):500
本書作者Duncan Sidwell具有多年語言教學(xué)和教材編寫方面的經(jīng)驗,從西方人的視角敘述歐洲文化的發(fā)展變遷,語言地道 、見地。本書既可用作高樣英語專業(yè)文化課教材,也可供水平相當 的英語學(xué)習(xí)者參考,具有 如下特點:結(jié)構(gòu)清晰,系統(tǒng)、全面地介紹了歐洲文化,注重史實,詳略得當。 圖文并茂,并配CD-ROM光盤,最大限度擴充內(nèi)容,提供更多教學(xué)參考?! √峁┝嗽敿毜慕虒W(xué)建議,每章均有引言和總述,每節(jié)標題下均附重點內(nèi)容提示,概要介紹該部分內(nèi)容?! ∶空略O(shè)復(fù)習(xí)題及討論題,注重文化的橫向比較,把歐洲文化的發(fā)展放在世界文化發(fā)展的宏觀背景中,有意識地引導(dǎo)學(xué)習(xí)者深入思考?! 「戒浿刑峁┝舜罅繉嵱玫男畔?,如:哲學(xué)術(shù)語匯總、英語人名地名匯總、希臘羅馬神話中諸神對照表等,方便讀者查閱。 本書分10章按時間順序介紹了歐洲文化的源流發(fā)展。最大的特點是,避免了一般歷史書枯燥乏味的敘述,代之以具體的歷史史實,從而增加了趣味性和可讀性。本書內(nèi)容豐富,配有許多精美圖片,由于需要擴展內(nèi)容較多,延伸的部分以光盤的形式出現(xiàn)。
Duncan Sidwell was born in the UK. After graduation he became a teacher of languages and then a languages adviser in the English county of Leicestershire. Later he researched teacher evaluation. He worked as a national inspector of schools, before joining the Open University, a distance teaching university, where he was in charge of German and then of English. At the OU he worked for a time on English language materials for the Central China Radio and TV University. He taught at the CUN in 2005 – 6 and enjoyed it so much that he returned this year. He has published a number of German and French textbooks, and books about language teaching and learning. His book on western culture is at present being prepared for publication by the FLTRP.
CHAPTER 1 ANCIENT GREECE AND THE HELLENISTIC AGE Introduction Part 1 The history of Greece 1 The predecessors of the Greeks 2 The Greeks arrive 3 The Hellenistic Age (338-30 BC) Part 2 Religion, politics, and daily life 4 Greek religion 5 The early development of politics 6 Society and education Part 3 Literature and historical writing 7 Early Greek literature 8 Literature of the Lyric Age (700-490 BC) 9 Drama in the ClassicalAge 10 Literature in the Hellenistic Age 11 Historical writing Part 4 The arts 12 Architecture 13 Sculpture 14 Pottery 15 Music Part 5 Philosophy and science 16 Philosophy and science from the seventh to the third century BC 17 Science in the Hellenistic Age ConclusionCHAPTER 2 ANCIENT ROME Introduction Part 1 The history of Rome 1 Historical background: Rome from Republic to Empire Part 2 Society and daily life 2 Religion 3 The family and education 4 Entertainment Part 3 The arts, law and writing 5 The arts 6 Roman law 7 Roman literature and historical writing ConclusionCHAPTER 3 JUDAEO-CHRISTIANITY Introduction Part 1 The history of the Jews and of early Christianity 1 The Hebrews and the creation of Israel 2 Jews in the Hellenistic Age 3 Jesus and the first Christians 4 From persecution to state religion 5 Establishing the Christian church 6 Early church debates and disputes 7 Monasticism Part 2 The Bibe-The Old Testament 8 The Creation and the Law of Moses 9 The history of Israel 10 Wisdom, unhappiness and poetry 11 Protest and prophecy Part 3 The Bible-The New Testament 12 The texts of the New Testament 13 The nature of the New Testament 14 The life and teaching of Jesus as shown in the Gospels 15 The Acts of the Apostles, the teaching of Paul and early letters 16 The Book of Revelation Part 4 Perspectives on Judaism and Christianity 17 Historical aspects of Judaism and Christianity ConclusionCHAPTER 4 THE MIDDLE AGES Introduction Part 1 The Early Middle Ages from 500 to 1000 AD 1 The collapse of the Roman Empire in the west 2 The growth of order 3 The early medieval population and the medieval world view 4 Learning and literature 5 Charlemagne and the restoration of learning Part 2 The Late Middle Ages--new social organisation,chivalry and the crusades 6 The new social organisation of the tenth to the thirteenth centuries 7 Chivalry 8 The crusades Part 3 The Late Middle Ages--intellectual change and controversy 9 Social change and the growth of law 10 Intellectual controversy-faith or reason? 11 The church strengthens its authority 12 The church and the state in dispute Part 4 The Late Middle Ages--the arts and science 13 Architecture and art 14 Literature 15 Music 16 Science ConclusionCHAPTER 5 THE RENAISSANCE AND THE REFORMATIONCHAPTER 6 THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURYCHAPTER 7 THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURYCHAPTER 8 THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: 1800-1870CHAPTER 9 EUROPE 1870-1914CHAPTER 10 EUROPE 1914-2000