
出版時間:2008-2  出版社:外語教研  作者:鄭仰成 編  頁數(shù):183  




UNIT 1Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  Volunteer WorkLearn to ReadReading for Progress  Getting Up Late Is Laziness?Reading for Enjoyment  Why People Wear Clothes?Learn to UseGrammar  Attributive Clause (I)Learn to WriteWriting  Notice of InterviewUNIT 2Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  InterviewLearn to ReadReading for Progress  The First-day WorkReading for Enjoyment  A Letter of ApplicationLearn to UseGrammar  Attributive Clause (II)Learn to WriteWriting  Letter of ApplicationUNIT 3Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  Behavior and Conduct in SocietyLearn to ReadReading for Progress  Lack of Social Skills: A Common Reason for FailureReading for Enjoyment  Be the First One to Act Loving or Reaching OutLearn to UseGrammar  Adverbial Clause (I)Learn to WriteWriting  ResumeUNIT 4Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  GraduationLearn to ReadReading for Progress  Means or End?Reading for Enjoyment  Never Too Old to LearnLearn to UseGrammar  Adverbial Clause (11)Learn to WriteWriting  How to Make an Appointment by a Lettertest 1UNIT 5Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  DrivingLearn to ReadReading for Progress  DrivingReading for Enjoyment  Automobiles in the Years to ComeLearn to UseGrammar  Subjunctive MoodLearn to WriteWriting  Letter of ClaimUNIT 6Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  Assault and Self-defenseLearn to ReadReading for Progress  Crime InvestigationReading for Enjoyment  Death PenaltyLearn to UseGrammar  AgreementLearn to WriteWriting  CertificateUNIT 7Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  Rent a HouseLearn to ReadReading for Progress  Annoying InvadersReading for Enjoyment  Music and PlantsLearn to UseGrammar  Negation and InversionLearn to WriteWriting  Certificates of Diploma and DegreeUNIT 8Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening  DreamLearn to ReadReading for Progress  If the World Were a Village of 100 PeopleReading for Enjoyment  Food for ThoughtsLearn to UseGrammar  Word FormationLearn to WriteWriting  FaxTEST 2GLOSSARY



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