
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:外語教研  作者:陳淑芬  頁數(shù):96  




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  When Jason Becker was 19 years old, he was a very good guitar player. He was goingto be a rock and roll star. In 1989, he wanted to be in a new band. He practised with themto see if they would hire him. At the same time, he noticed he had a limp(瘸)when hewalked. The band liked how he played. They asked him to join their band. Jason thenwent to see the doctor about his limp. The doctor told him he had a disease. It is called ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease. Over the next seven years, Jason lost the use of his legs andhis hands. Even talking became difficult for him. His family and friends had to take careof him at all times. This meant that he could no longer play his guitar in a band.  However, this did not stop Jason. He got a computer and used it to make his music. Itallowed him to create any sound he wanted. He made an album and a music video. It took five years to produce. Jason says that music is what he wants to make for the rest of hislife. His girlfriend wants to help him with it. His father is also helping but it is getting harder and harder for Jason to talk. For his mother, Jason is a hero because he has never given up. Jason works with his brother and his friend to make a new album. His mother and father will support him for the rest of his life. They just want him to be happy.



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