
出版時間:2007-11  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:鄭仰成 編  頁數(shù):104  


  《新思維英語》以教育部《中等職業(yè)學(xué)校英語教學(xué)大綱(試行)》為依據(jù),以充分的市場調(diào)研為基礎(chǔ),以培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的實際應(yīng)用能力為目標(biāo),難度適當(dāng),循序漸進(jìn),是一套專供初中畢業(yè)起點的中、高等職業(yè)教育公共英語課使用的教材。  全套教材共四冊,配有教師用書和錄音帶,可供兩學(xué)年使用。每冊有八個單元和兩套測試題,每單元包含四個板塊: Learn to Say:圍繞各類話題進(jìn)行基本聽說訓(xùn)練,提高學(xué)生的英語交際能力; Learn to Read:文章選材廣泛,融知識性、哲理性和趣味性于一體,配有詞匯和閱讀練習(xí); Learn to Use:語法以“夠用”為度,表述通俗、易懂易學(xué); Learn to Write:介紹常見實用文體寫作,講練結(jié)合,操作性強(qiáng)。


UNIT 1Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening Studying AbroadLearn to ReadReading for Progress The Circle of LifeReading for Enjoyment Balance of NatureLearn to UseGrammar Passive Voice (11)Learn to WriteWriting Letter of InquiryUNIT 2Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening DINKLearn to ReadReading for Progress Rebellion and ConfusionReading for Enjoyment RulesLearn to UseGrammar Non-Finite VerbsLearn to WriteWriting Letter of CongratulationUNIT 3Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening Go TravelingLearn to ReadReading for Progress Travel Alone or with FriendsReading for Enjoyment The Manneken PissLearn to UseGrammar GerundLearn to WriteWriting Letter of ReservationUNIT 4Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening Shopping (11)Learn to ReadReading for Progress Accounting and BookkeepingReading for Enjoyment Online ShoppingLearn to UseGrammar ParticiplesLearn to WriteWriting Letter of ConsolationTEST 1UNIT 5Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening HotelLearn to ReadReading for Progress Are Cell Phones Harmful?Reading for Enjoyment What Happens When You Smoke aCigarette?Learn to UseGrammar Coordinate Conjunctions and Subordinate ConjunctionsLearn to WriteWriting Letter of InvitationUNIT 6Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening Talking About TransportationLearn to ReadReading for Progress The Value of TimeReading for Enjoyment Are These the Best Years of Your Life?Learn to UseGrammar Subjective and Predictive ClausesLearn to WriteWriting TimetableUNIT 7Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening Table MannerLearn to ReadReading for Progress George W. Bushs Address on the 9/11Terrorist AttacksReading for Enjoyment Bill Clintons Speech at PekingUniversityLearn to UseGrammar Appositive Clauses and Objective ClausesLearn to WriteWriting Letter of RecommendationUNIT 8Learn to SaySpeaking and Listening Idols and FansLearn to ReadReading for Progress One MoveReading for Enjoyment Follow Your DreamsLearn to UseGrammar Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechLearn to WriteWriting How to Fill in a FormTEST 2GLOSSARY



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