
出版時間:2007-7  出版社:外語教研  作者:Moor  頁數(shù):114  


《朗文當(dāng)代英語教程》(Cutting Edge)是一套在世界各地廣泛使用的英語教材,以其國際化的選材、綜合全面的語言技能培養(yǎng)、實用的教學(xué)大綱,以及豐富的教學(xué)資源受到各國英語學(xué)習(xí)者和教師的青睞。    本套教材采用英式英語編寫,涉及英國及其他各國文化;其活動內(nèi)容和形式既適合青少年,也適合成年學(xué)習(xí)者;其豐富的內(nèi)容可以滿足各類英語學(xué)習(xí)者的個性需求。


IntroductionGrammar termsModule 1 Question forms: Word order  Question words  Subject and object questions Present Simple:  Short answers Frequency: Adverbs  Phrases Vocabulary booster: sports Vocabulary: Phrases with go and play Pronunciation: The lal sound Improve your writing: PunctuationModule 2 Past Simple: Regular and irregular verbs  Negatives and affirmatives  did, was or were in questions and answers Time phrases often used in the past: ago  in, at, on Vocabulary: Words to describe feelings Listen and read Spelling: -ed endings Pronunciation: -ed endings Linkers: but, so, because, thenModule 3 can I can't have to I don't have to can I can't I have to I don't have to should I shouldn't Short answers with modal verbs can, should, have to Prepositions Vocabulary booster: things in a school Vocabulary: Word building  Collocations Pronunciation: How to pronounce the letter 'a' Improve your writing: Writing a paragraph Spelling: Finding mistakesModule 4 Present Continuous Present Simple or Present Continuous?  State and action verbs Present Continuous for future arrangements Vocabulary booster: special occasions Vocabulary: Things people do on special occasions Listen and read Improve your writing: A letter of invitation Spelling: -ing forms Pronunciation:/c~/and/0/Module 5 Comparatives and superlatives: Comparative forms  Superlative forms Prepositions in comparative phrases:  as, than, from, like, in, to Describing what people look like:  Questions about appearance  is or has got? Vocabulary: Describing appearances  look Vocabulary booster: parts of the face and body Improve your writing: Writing a description Pronunciation:  Different ways of pronouncing the letter 'o Spelling: Double lettersModule 6 Intentions and wishes: going to and planning to  going to, planning to, would like to, would prefer to Predictions: will and won't  Short answers with will, won't and going to Pronunciation:.'ll. will and won't Vocabulary: Holidays Listen and read Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday Improve your writing: More postcards Spelling: Words with -ed and -ingModule 7 Present Perfect: Positive, negative and question forms  Present Perfect and Past Simple with for  Present Perfect: short answers  Present Perfect with just, yet, already and never  Present Perfect and Past Simple with time phrases  been or gone  Present Perfect and Past Simple  Past Participles Wordsearch Vocabulary: Ambitions and dreams Pronunciation: The sounds/a~/and/A/ Improve your writing: A mini-biographyModule 8 Articles: Zero for general statements  For general and specific statements  With geographical features  Phrases with the: location  Phrases with the: time  Other phrases with and without the Vocabulary: Geographical features Vocabulary booster: things you find in cities Spelling: Plural nouns Listen and read Improve your writing: Formal letters and informal notesModule 9Module 10Module 11Module 12Module 13Module 14Module 15Module 16Answer KeyPronunciation tableAcknowledgements



    朗文當(dāng)代英語教程-練習(xí)冊-3 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計16條)


  •   朗文當(dāng)代英語教程是本好書,聽說讀寫都能照顧到,內(nèi)容也很時尚新穎,圖為并茂,很有趣。孩子成人都適合。
  •   教材很實用,練習(xí)冊正好是補充,比較適合中學(xué)生
  •   配套練習(xí)冊,題型豐富,難度適中!
  •   如題,口語教材,內(nèi)容新穎,小升初的孩子喜歡學(xué).
  •   挺不錯,比實體店便宜多了。
  •   這三本書是我女兒急需的!非常及時!感謝當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)!
  •   總體還算挺好的一本書,唯一不足的就是音標(biāo)學(xué)習(xí)的視頻畫面切換時老接不上,看起來很郁悶。
  •   一如既往的好。是書本的配套練習(xí),比較保守的難度。
  •   是老師要的書,小孩很喜歡
  •   包裝不錯,書也不錯.
  •   很好的一套教材 適合英語學(xué)習(xí)
  •   這套教材很實用,內(nèi)容豐富,知識面很廣,學(xué)生的興趣提高了,老師上課就輕松,又有效果,但配套的學(xué)生光盤,要及時配上,要不怎樣做練習(xí)?
  •   書收到了﹐很好。但是﹐送貨服務(wù)實在太差。過來對客戶的第一句話就是質(zhì)問"一定要我給你打個電話?"當(dāng)時的情景﹐似乎客戶一定要認(rèn)得他﹐一定要迎接他﹗真是氣人﹗
  •   但怎么沒有隨書附送的2張CD?
  •   速度需要加快,比較滿意。
  •   我真的忍不住要給差評,書皮都破了

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