
出版時間:2007-7  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:博爾英語閱讀系列編委會 編  頁數(shù):178  


  閱讀是一種書面交際的行為。它既是語言學習的重要手段,也是語言學習的重要目的。通過閱讀學英語,既能獲取相關(guān)的語言知識。奠定扎實的語言基礎,又能了解英語國家的文化背景知識,增強語言運用能力。閱讀能力的提高是語言學習的突破口,閱讀能力的高低也是評價語言能力的重要標準?! ‰S著《英語課程標準》在全國的廣泛實施,英語教學的理念正在發(fā)生根本的改變,以教師為中心的課堂變成了以學生為中心的課堂;學生的學習方式在變,被動的接受式學習正在向自主的探究式學習轉(zhuǎn)變;評價的要求在變,單一的紙筆測試正在向多元化的測試手段轉(zhuǎn)變;考試命題的觀念也在變,由知識立意向能力立意轉(zhuǎn)變。目前閱讀理解正在成為各種英語測試的主體。閱讀理解也是目前測試學生綜合運用英語語言知識的能力的有效手段。




Reading OneReading TwoReading ThreeReading FourReading FiveReading SixReading SevenReading EightReading NineReading TenReading ElevenReading TwelveReading ThirteenReading FourteenReading FifteenReading SixteenReading SeventeenReading Eighteen參考答案


  Many North Americans love sport. Thisdoes not necessarily mean that they get any ex-ercise. What they do is to watch national teamson television. They watch baseball, football, bas-ketball, hockey, golf and tennis —— which meansthat for most of the weekends they sit in front ofthe television. 8. they are / watch with them /their friends / If friendly Baseball is a greatAmerican sport and every team has fans. Nearlyevery big city has a team, and as each teamplays 162 games a year, following baseball cantake up a lot of time. The playing season beginsin spring and finishes in the fall World Series,when the two leading teams play with eachother. The first to win four games wins theSeries. Although called the World Series, Cana-da is the only other country to take part in it.



    博爾英語新標準英語閱讀72篇(初中二年級上冊) PDF格式下載

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