
出版時間:2007-6  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:山東省英語高考研究組 編  頁數(shù):316  


  從2007年開始,山東省高考將根據(jù)新的國家《英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》自主命題,自主組織考試,并采用3+X+1的模式進行。山東省教育廳新近頒布了《山東省普通高校招生考試各科目考試說明》(以下簡稱《考試說明》),對英語學(xué)科命題的指導(dǎo)思想、考試范圍及能力要求、考試形式和試卷結(jié)構(gòu)等作出了明確的規(guī)定,并公布了新的考試樣卷。為了幫助廣大考生按照《考試說明》的要求,做好高考復(fù)習(xí)備考工作,我們邀請山東省高考方案研制組的專家、優(yōu)秀教研人員和高中教師編寫了這本《新課程山東英語高考模擬訓(xùn)練》?! ”緯浴犊荚囌f明》為編寫依據(jù),貫徹落實國家《英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》,結(jié)合山東省高中新課程的教學(xué)實際,為考生編寫了聽力、閱讀理解、閱讀表達和寫作四個方面的專項訓(xùn)練題各10套,以及高考模擬試題10套,并附有參考答案、答案解析和聽力錄音原稿,還配有聽力錄音光盤。本書充分考慮了山東考生復(fù)習(xí)備考的實際需要,力求把技能訓(xùn)練和模擬備考相結(jié)合,使考生在練習(xí)中不斷地提升語言運用能力和應(yīng)試能力,特別是逐漸適應(yīng)新的考試題型的要求,提高相關(guān)的語言技能和應(yīng)試技巧。本書是實施新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)后考生必備的英語復(fù)習(xí)備考資料?! g迎廣大師生在使用中提出改進意見。






  When the teacher asked us to write about birthday celebrations around the world, I supposedthat everyone celebrated their birthdays in more or less the same way, in other words, like we dohere in the United States —— with cakes, cards, presents and so on. How wrong could I be?Birthdays are different everywhere!  I really like the things I found out about Mexico. At a Mexican birthday party, there aresome hollow paper models of animals called pifiatas, which are filled with goodies (candy, littlegifts, etc) and hung from the ceiling. The birthday child is blindfolded and hits the pifiata with astick until it cracks open. Sometimes all the children at the party hit the pifiata at the sametime —— but this is quite dangerous!  One of the strangest rituals I came across was something they do in Canada. In someCanadian provinces, the birthday person is ambushed (伏擊), for example, on their way toschool, and their noses are greased with butter! This is supposed to bring good luck. A greasednose makes a child too slippery for bad luck to catch them!  There is also a really strange idea in Germany. If a man reaches 30 and doesnt have agirlfriend, he goes to the city centre and sweeps the stairs at the city hall. And his friends makehis job more difficult by throwing more garbage on the stairs when hes finished. Every girl intown can walk past, examine his work and decide if he is likely to be good at keeping a houseclean.  In Vietnam, everyones birthday is celebrated on New Years Day. Apparently, theVietnamese do not know or acknowledge the exact day they were born. Children say they wereborn in the year of the lunar calendar symbol for that year. On the first morning of the year,adults congratulate children on becoming a year older by presenting them with red envelopes thatcontain "Lucky Money". These envelopes are given to the children by parents, relatives and closefriends.


  緊扣國家《英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》,并結(jié)合山東省英語高考的實際要求,符合山東省英語高考的命題趨勢  技能訓(xùn)練與模擬備考相結(jié)合,實用性強  題型結(jié)構(gòu)與高考試題相同,針對性強



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