出版時(shí)間:2007-1 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:皮姆 頁數(shù):220
翻譯史的選題有何技巧?翻譯史研究的意義是什么?翻譯史的寫作需要注意哪些問題和遵守怎樣的原則?翻譯史研究有無理論?相信這些均是正在從事或有志于翻譯史研究的讀者所關(guān)心的問題。本書正是為解決上述問題而寫,內(nèi)容編排得當(dāng),討論問題深入淺出,且不乏自己的真知灼見,對(duì)翻譯史寫作和研究都有很強(qiáng)的理論及實(shí)踐指導(dǎo)意義。 本書不僅是一本翻譯史研究和寫作的案頭必備書籍,且對(duì)有志于翻譯史研究的研究生而言,更是一本“絕佳的基礎(chǔ)、入門書籍”。
PrefaceAcknowledgements1. History History within translation studies The parts of translation history The interdependence and separateness of the parts A too-brief history of translation history Reasons for doing translation history2. Importance What is importance? Against blithe empiricism Personal interests Research and client interests Subjective interests and humility3. Lists Reasons for lists Getting data The difference between catalogues and corpora Shortcomings in bibliographies: four examples Completeness in history and geology Sources as sifted sands The historian as reader of indexes4. Working definitions Why some information has to be thrown out ? In defence of definitions Inclusive definitions Defining translations from paratexts Corpora of borderline cases How Wagner sneaked in ? How Salome danced out ?5. Frequencies Statistics and importance Diachronic distribution Retranslations, re-editions and nontranslations Retranslation and its reasons A general diachronic hypothesis6. Networks Reconstructing networks from within Mapping networks Two cheap transfer maps Lines and symbols The spatial axis Cities as borders7. Norms and systems Actually reading translations Norms? Systems? Leaps of faith The will to system Subjectless prose Where's the gold?8. Regimes What are regimes? Starting from debates A regime for twelfth-century Toledo A regime for Castilian protohumanism A regime for early twentieth-century poetry anthologies Translation as a transaction cost9. Causes Systemic and probabilistic causation Aristotle Transfer as material causation Final causes in theories of systems and actions Equivalence as formal cause Translators as efficient causes10. Translators Translators, not 'the translator' Translators can do more than translate Translators have personal interests Translators can move Translators can go by several names11. Intercultures Where intercultures are hidden7 Translations or translators? Strangers and trust Interculturality and its negation Intercultural professions as a social context An alternative basic link What is a culture?12. Interdisciplinarity Personal reasons for pessimism A lacking discipline Cultural Studies? Intercultural Studies ReferencesIndex of Names & Topics