
出版時(shí)間:2006-11  出版社:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究  作者:霍爾  頁(yè)數(shù):374  




Pre-Course Activlty Let's Get Prepared Task 1    Hi! Let's study together Task 2    Let's unpack the package together Task 3    Let's map out the course territory Unit 1 ICT Basics "      Warm up Activity 1   Understand how a PC works Activity 2  Understand how the Internet works Activity 3  Explore the Internet resources            Activity 4  Reflect upon the ICT impacts--Forum 1 HasICT altered the way we live?,Unit 2 CALL: A Historical Survey Warm up Activity 1  Familiarise ourselves with the terminologies ,and some key concepts Activity 2  Review text-based CALLs Activity 3  Review multimedia-based CALLs Activity 4  Experiment with some network-based CALLs Activity 5  Reflect upon the ICT impacts--Forum 2 Fromprint  text to multimedia tO hypermedia: What does it mean to the learner and the teacher?Unit 3 Learning, Teaching and CALL Modelling Warm up Activity 1  Let's~do some reading on learning and teaching   Activity 2  Let, sdosomecriticalreflectionsonleamingargl~ching Activity 3  Make factor and perspective analysis of modelling Activity 4  Forum3-Exploring hybrid modes of learning and teaching: An integrated approachUnit 4  Self-access Learning Centre, Real or Virtual, and CALL Evaluation Warm up Activity 1  Let's first learn from others experiences Activity 2  Let's make a conceptual design Activity 3  Let's set up a personal mini-self-access resource centre Activity 4  Let's do some critical evaluations of CAin:products Activity 5  Forum 4---Exploring learning and integrationUnit 5 CALL Authoring: Taxing the ICT Potential Warm up Activity 1  Let's familiadse ourselves with the general"stages of CALL authoring Activity 2  Let's have some hands-on experience of a linear presentation of multimedia materials  Activity 3  Let's have some hands-on experience of working: with hypermedia Activity 4  Forum 5--Goal-directed approach to blended learning designBibliography



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