
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究  作者:休姆  頁數(shù):359  




Acknowledgments ixIntroduction iChapter OneThe Shocks of TransplantationWorld’s End * Continental Drift * How the Garcia Girls LostTheir Accents * The Joy Luck Club * China Men * The MamboKings Play Songs of Love * The Xenogenesis Trilogy * JasmineChapter TwoMythical InnocenceDandelion Wine * The Bluest Eye * Mama Day * ContinentalDrift * Original Sins * So the Wind Won’t Blow It All Away *Deadeye Dick * The Things They Carried * 1968: A Novel *Invisible Man * The Sot-Weed FactorChapter ThreeYearning for Lost CivilizationFools Crow * Mr.Sammler’s Planet * The Dean’s December *Love in the Ruins * Snow White * The Free-Lance Pallbearers *Flight to CanadaChapter FourSeeking Spiritual RealityHouse Made of Dawn * Rabbit, Run * Rabbit Redux * Rabbit IsRich * Rabbit at Rest * Bless Me, Ultima * Legs * Billy Phelan’sGreatest Game * Ironweed * An American Dream * Gravity’s RainbowChapter FiveThe Fragility of DemocracyThe Crying of Lot 49 * The Book of Daniel * Libra " The TerribleTwos * The Terrible Threes * The Turner Diaries * Ecotopia *Ecotopia Emerging * Cities of the Red Night * The Moon Is aHarsh Mistress * VinelandChapter SixDemonic VisionsThe Free—Lance Pallbearers * The Public Burning * One Flewover the Cuckoo’s Nest * Woman on the Edge of Time * Bloodand Guts in High School * American Psycho * Why Are We inVietnam? * Mercy * Bearheart:The Heirship Chronicles*Almanac of the DeadChapter SevenLiberating the Land of FreedomSombrero Fallout: A Japanese Novel * Dhalgren * TripmasterMonkey: His Fake Book * Griever: An American Monkey King inChina * Always Coming Home * The Dispossessed * Woman onthe Edge of Time * He, She and It * The Fifth Sacred ThingChapter EightSmall Is Beautiful 240Sula * Hiding Place * Damballah * Sent for You Yesterday *Tracks * Love Medicine * Ceremony * The Beans of Egypt,Maine * Letourneau’s Used Auto Parts * Merry Men * Slapstick;or, Lonesome No More! * Islands in the NetChapter NineThe Failure of the Dream in FictionNotesBibliographyIndex






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