
出版時間:2006-10  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究  作者:應(yīng)惠蘭  頁數(shù):298  


本書按照《新編大學(xué)英語》(第二版)的內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu),根據(jù)學(xué)生的自學(xué)要求,編寫而成,能幫助學(xué)生把握重點、理解難點、進(jìn)行有效的課外自主學(xué)習(xí)。本書內(nèi)容包括有外教點評、詞匯講解、難句解析、課文譯文、練習(xí)答案、背景小檔案、美文欣賞等,它們均具有一定權(quán)威性。其中背景小檔案、美文欣賞等課外知識符合學(xué)習(xí)規(guī)律,有助于擴大學(xué)生的知識面.提高學(xué)習(xí)興趣。   本書共分10單元,每單元包括單元導(dǎo)讀、課文講解、課本練習(xí)答案、四六級題型操練、美文欣賞五部分。


Unit 1 Personality?、?單元導(dǎo)讀 Ⅱ 課文講解  In—Class Reading The Misery of Shyness   After-Class Reading Ⅰ Two Ways of looking at life   After-Class Reading Ⅱ You Are What You Think ?、?課本練習(xí)答案  Ⅳ 四、六級題型操練 ?、?美文欣賞Unit 2 Myths and legends?、?單元導(dǎo)讀?、?課文講解    In-Class Reading Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is Not Smooth    After-Class Reading Ⅰ Beauty and the Beast     After-Class Reading Ⅱ The Monkey King   Ⅲ 課本練習(xí)答案  Ⅳ 四、六級題型操練  Ⅴ 美文欣賞 Unit 3 Social Problems  Ⅰ 單元導(dǎo)讀  Ⅱ 課文講解  In—Class Reading I atchkey Chlldren-Knock,Knock,  Is Anybody Home?  After—Class Reading Ⅰ It'S a Mugger’s Game in Manhattan  After—Class Reading Ⅱ Thief ?、?課本練習(xí)答案?、?四、六級題型操練?、?美文欣賞Unit 4 Career Planning?、?單元導(dǎo)讀?、?課文講解  In-Class Reading Career Planning   After-Class Reading Ⅰ Summer Job Planning   After-Class Reading Ⅱ Which Career Is the Right One for You? Ⅲ 課本練習(xí)答案?、?四、六級題型操練?、?美文欣賞Unit 5 language?、?單元導(dǎo)讀?、?課文講解  In-Class Reading How I Discovered Words  After—Class Reading Ⅰ Foreign Accents  After—Class Reading Ⅱ Not Just Parrot.talk?、?課本練習(xí)答案?、?四、六級題型操練 Ⅴ 美文欣賞Unit 6 Man and Animals?、?單元導(dǎo)讀 Ⅱ 課文講解  In-Class Reading Aggression in Humans and Animals  After-Class Reading Ⅰ Should the Navy Draft Dolphins  After-Class Reading Ⅱ Animals on the Job?、?課本練習(xí)答案 Ⅳ 四、六級題型操練?、?美文欣賞 Unit 7 The Joy of TravelUnit 8 Nature and NurtureUnit 9 MusicUnit 10 Reflections on life




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