
出版時間:2010-07-01  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:肖建安等  頁數:193  




快速閱讀理論與策略Unit 1Text A The Green BeadsTeXt B Inter ViewText C Jobs, Education and the Future of the American Labor ForceUnit 2Text A Good News About Racial ProgressText B Amid Iraqi Anger, Prison Scandal ResponseText C A Global Image on the Way DownUnit 3Text B Mexico Picks up After WilmaText C Climate CatastropheUnit 4Text A Do Animals Fall in Love?Text B How Could You?Unit 5Text A A Love Story in AfghanistanUnit 6Text B Never Trust AppearancesText C Are You Poor?Unit 7Text A Black Men and Public SpaceText B Why Men and Women Can't Communicate?Text C Violence Against Women: A Men's IssueUnit 8Text B How I Made My Dreams Come TrueUnit 9Text A When to Keep Your Mouth ShutText B How to Talk fo Anyone, Anytime, AnywhereText C The Power of an ApologyUnit 10Text A Consumer Life StyleUnit 11Text A Problems of Higher EducationText B Intelligence: A Changed ViewText C How Parents Can Make a DifferenceUnit 12Text A Turning Failure into SuccessText B Choose OptimismUnit 13Text C How Can I Lose Weight Safely?



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