
出版時(shí)間:2006-8  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究  作者:L.G.亞歷山大  頁(yè)數(shù):249  


《直捷英語》是為英語學(xué)習(xí)者專門設(shè)計(jì)的一套聽說強(qiáng)化教程,是《新概念英語》(New Concept English)的作者路易斯·亞歷山大(Louis Alexander)的又一經(jīng)典作品。與《新概念英語》不同的是,《直捷英語》采用系列短劇的形式,將語言知識(shí)貫穿劇情之中。學(xué)習(xí)者通過模仿地道美語,達(dá)到強(qiáng)化英語聽說能力的目的。


Unit 55 Lesson 1 The detective's story Lesson 2 Editorial Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 1 Self-assessmentUnit 56 Lesson 1 Chasing money Lesson 2 Interview Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 2 Self-assessmentUnit 57 Lesson 1 Missing in action Lesson 2 Communication in style Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 3 Self-assessmentUnit 58 Lesson 1 The two sides of Jack Lesson 2 Society today Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 4 Self-assessmentUnit 59 Lesson 1 The job Lesson 2 Sports Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 5 Self-assessmentUnit 60 Lesson 1 Scoop! Lesson 2 Possessions Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 6 Self-assessmentUnit 61 Lesson 1 Snoop Lesson 2 The cost of the commercial Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 7 Self-assessmentUnit 62 Lesson 1 Puzzle pieces  Lesson 2 Review Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 8 Self-assessmentUnit 63 Lesson 1 True colors Lesson 2 Travel report Lesson 3 Twice lucky Chapter 9 Self-assessmentAnswers to the sell-testTranscriptlonsTrrregular verb tableGlossaryPronunciation tableGrammar codes and abbreviations




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