
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究  作者:汪士彬主編  頁數(shù):240  




《大學(xué)英語四級考試模擬試題》輔助用書針對性強(qiáng),在選材和試題設(shè)計上力求經(jīng)典,在各方面與大學(xué)英語四級考試新題型保持一致,具有一定的預(yù)見性和前瞻性。通過單項訓(xùn)練與模擬試題相結(jié)合,幫助考生全面熟悉四級考試新題型,做到胸有成竹,順利通過四級考試。    大學(xué)英語四級考試是一個每年涉及上千萬考生的超大規(guī)模的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試,考生將如何適應(yīng)改革后的考試模式,除了打好英語基礎(chǔ)之外,熟悉新題型范圍、類型要求及解題速度等就顯得尤為重要了?!洞髮W(xué)英語四級考試模擬試題》是“經(jīng)典710分”的模擬試題分冊,共包括十套試題。每套試題由六部分組成:寫作、快速閱讀理解、聽力理解、仔細(xì)閱讀理解、完形填空、翻譯。本模擬試題的程序完全按照樣卷的要求設(shè)計。




2008年6月21日英語四級考試真題Model Tests  Test 1   Test 2   Test 3   Test 4   Test 5   Test 6   Test 7   Test 8   Test 9   Test 10 Tape Scripts  Test 1   Test 2   Test 3   Test 4   Test 5   Test 6   Test 7   Test 8   Test 9   Test 10 Key  Test 1   Test 2   Test 3   Test 4   Test 5   Test 6   Test 7   Test 8   Test 9   Test 10


  Most people treat an interview as if it were an interrogation (審問), The employer asksquestions, and the candidate gives answers.  Headhunters go out of their way to avoid that outline. "Your attitude should be that of anemployee whos there to talk about a new project, rather than the more obsequious attitude of acandidate whos hoping to get an offer," Corcodilos says.  Consider how Corcodilos coached Gerry Zagorski of Edison, N.J., who was pursuing anopening at AT&T. The vice-president handling the interview told Zagorski the meeting could lastno more than 20 minutes. Zagorski walked over the VPs marker board and outlined the company schallenges and the steps he would take to increase its profits. Fifteen minutes later, as Zagorskiwrote down his estimate of what he would add to the bottom line, he looked up at his interviewer.  "The guys jaw was on the floor," Corcodilos says. "He told Zagorski that finishing theinterview wouldnt be necessary. Instead, the VP brought in the rest of his team, and the meetinglasted for two hours."  Not only did Zagorski demonstrate that he understood and could do the job, he showed howthe company would profit from hiring him when he turned the interview into a working meeting.Got an offer? Interview the company.  When an employer makes an offer, he does more than deliver a title and a compensationpackage——he also cedes (放棄) part of his control over the hiring process. "At the outset of theinterview, the employer controls the offer and the power that comes with it," Corcodilos says. "Butupon making an offer, he transfers that power to the candidate. This is a power few people in thatsituation realize they have. It s the time for you to explore changing the offer to suit your goals ~~mdfully interview the company."  Ask to meet the members of the team youve been invited to join and to see the resources thatwould be at your disposal. Ask for more money——but only if you think you truly deserve it. Anddont worry about how the employer might react. "As long as you present your requestsprofessionally and not as demands," Corcodilos says, "a good company will consider the thingsthat are important to you."  Once you get that offer, "You have the power," says Corcodilos, "to decide whether, and onwhat terms, you want to hire that company." 1. Job-seekers are advised to give detailed information of their past in the resume. 2. A headhunter never arranges a person for an interview unless he or she is clearly qualified for  a position. 3. The best way to learn about the company one is going to work in is to phone the human  resources department.



    大學(xué)英語四級考試模擬試題 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計30條)


  •   模擬必真試題精簡.。
  •   自己進(jìn)行模擬測試,這本書正合適!
  •   書很好,很有針對性,對學(xué)習(xí)有幫助
  •   我買這本習(xí)題個人覺得挺好的題挺新穎答案講解的也很仔細(xì)
  •   書很好 不錯
  •   五本書沒有任何破損的痕跡,光盤也保護(hù)的非常好,沒有刮痕,可是使用。
  •   可能運(yùn)輸途中有點壓折,不過不影響這是一次很好的購物過程
  •   老師讓買的,,當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)還能打折而且質(zhì)量也不錯。。
  •   給朋友買的,他說這本書他很滿意!
  •   因為一直有事,沒來得及確認(rèn),抱歉
  •   我自己買了一本,同學(xué)也委托我買了一本
  •   內(nèi)容方面,那個時候是聽老師買的這本書,其實我覺得沒什么用,四級還是要做真題好,這本書只有2008年的一套真題。而且真題不需多,要精讀它!書的方面總體不錯,就是答題卡都軟紙質(zhì),容易散成一堆!
  •   為考四級準(zhǔn)備的希望會派上用場
  •   送給姐姐了,用來備考四級
  •   書的質(zhì)量和題的質(zhì)量都很好,聽力也很清晰,不過第六單元以后的快速閱讀題型就舊的,有點沒用,最好也都改成新題型就好了。發(fā)貨很快,服務(wù)也不錯
  •   有10個測試,難度和真題差不多,做完有提高!
  •   光盤壞了一個?。?!其他很好??!
  •   雖然經(jīng)過一個春節(jié) 送來的很慢 但還是很喜歡當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng) 還特地給我發(fā)了短信 進(jìn)行道歉 服務(wù)態(tài)度很棒 推薦!書也很好 ~~~~
  •   書很正,題目也不錯,不過如果答案能都再詳細(xì)一些就好啦~總體不錯的!
  •   很滿意,書的內(nèi)容很好,價格便宜
  •   努力沖4級
  •   老師推薦的,不錯,不過就是一本書,對答案有點麻煩!
  •   不錯,當(dāng)練手了
  •   發(fā)現(xiàn)這套題偏容易,適合第一次考的人練練手!但還需要在加大難度??!
  •   還是買新東方的吧.....
  •   答案應(yīng)該分開裝訂,最好再詳細(xì)點
  •   你們要考慮清楚啊,不是最新版,而且沒有人可以詢問的
  •   提醒大家簽收的時候一定打開看一下,朋友幫我簽收的,結(jié)果我打開的時候光盤已經(jīng)碎成了好幾塊,很可惜哦,書上的聽力部分就都不能用了。
  •   只見大白題,毫無解釋語
  •   這本書完全不行。不值得買

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
