
出版時(shí)間:2004-11  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:文秋芳  頁數(shù):371  


"Give a man a fish and he eats for a
day. Teach him how to fish and heeats for a lifetime. " Doing
research is a mystery to many graduate students and secondlanguage
teache in China. This book aims to demystify the process ofcarrying
out research in the field of applied linguistics, particularly
inthe area of second language acquisition and teaching. This book
iswritten for those who have no previous research experience at all
orthose who have done some research without formal training. It
isparticularly useful for graduate students of applied linguistics,
secondlanguage teache and teacher-traine.


Part I Introduction
1. What is research?
Definition of research
Visualizing the research process
Classificatio of research
Discussion questio
2. Fundamental concepts
Hypothesis, theory and model
Population and sample
Levels of measurement
Discussion questio
Part II Researching
3. Developing research questio
Problems in question formation
Discussion questio
4. Reading the literature
Sources of literature
Procedures for reviewing the literature
Deciding the scope
Summarizing the information
Discussion questio
5. Selecting research desig
Quantitative and qualitative
Links between question and design
A mono-design or a mixed design?
Complexities in classifying desig
Discussion questio
6. A survey study
A brief description
Itrument designing, questionnaire
Scaling techniques
Selecting subjects
Administering the questionnaire
Discussion questio
7. An experimental study
What is an experimental study?
Validity in experimentation
Types of experimental studies
Procedures for an experimental study
Discussion questio
8. A ease study
What is a case study?
Selecting the subjects
Collecting data
Discussion questio
9. Basic statistics
A brief description of statistics
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics
Discussion questio
10. The analysis of quantitative data
Overview of SPSS for windows
Questionnaire data analysis
Analyzing data from an experiment
Discussion questio
11. The analysis of qualitative data
Choices in analyzing qualitative data
Data preparation
Qualitative analysis
Validity and reliability
Discussion questio
Part III Thesis Writing
12. An overview of thesis writing
The structure of a thesis
Discussion questio
13. Writing up a thesis/dissertation
Writing an introduction
Writing a literature review
Describing methodology
Reporting results and discussion
Writing the conclusion chapter
Discussion questio
14. Writing style
Academic writing style
APA writing format
Discussion questio
Appendix one:A Survey Study
Appendix two:An Experimental Study.
Appendix three: A Case Study
Appendix four: Questionnaire Description
Appendix five: Random Numbe
Subject index
Author index


  1. What is research?  If someone asks you to make a cake, you should know what kindof cakes/he wants. To look for a key, you must know what a key lookslike. Without a good understanding of the outcome you intend toobtain, you will experience a lot of frustrations and even failures. Theextreme case is that you might have spent your lifelong time and effortsdoing a piece of work but the eventual results you have obtained are notwhat you desired at all. Similarly, once you make up your mind tomake a commitment to research, the first legitimate question youshould ask is:"What is research?" The importance of such a question iswell illustrated in the following parable:  A MAN LOOKING FOR FRUITS  There was once a man who lived in a country that had nofruit trees. This man was a scholar and spent a great deal of timereading. In his readings he often came across references to fruit.The descriptions of fruit were so enticing that he decided toundertake a journey to experience fruit for himself. He went to the market and asked everyone he met if theyknew where he could find fruit. After much searching he locateda man who knew the directions to the country and place where hecould find fruit. The man drew out elaborate directions for thescholar to follow. With his map in hand, the scholar carefully followed all ofthe directions. He was very careful to make all of the right turnsand to check out all of the landmarks that he was supposed toobserve. Finally, he came to the end of the directions and foundhimself at the entrance to a large apple orchard. It was springtimeand the apple trees were in blossom.




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  •   學(xué)位論文寫作的好幫手。
  •   好書,有點(diǎn)薄
  •   挺快的,也是正版
  •   由于下雨,快遞叔叔晚送了三天,我以為書給丟了呢!書很好,上課用很滿意!呵呵!
  •   很好的一本參考書,值得擁有。
  •   文老師的佳作,很受益!
  •   英文的 可以和中文的結(jié)合讀 挺好的
  •   書很好,又是老師用的教材
  •     正如其英文前言所說:“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for lifetime.”本書以其強(qiáng)大的邏輯性,清晰的條理性深入淺出地為英語專業(yè)的我們?cè)谘芯糠椒ê驼撐膶懽鞣矫嫣峁┝讼到y(tǒng)而全面的幫助。全書分為三個(gè)部分用十五章的篇幅較為全面的為讀者提供了在日常學(xué)習(xí)及研究中一些具體問題的解答。我個(gè)人感覺雖然以前曾接觸過一些研究方法但是對(duì)于其實(shí)質(zhì)和具體操作卻并不清楚。因此我認(rèn)為此書很好地做到了答疑解惑和“授人以漁”。

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