
出版時間:2004/10  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:(美)裴杰斯  頁數(shù):123  譯者:李家真  




I wish for you 為你祝福I want you to read this today... and remember it forever 今天,我要你永遠記得……I have something to tell you... 有一些事情想告訴你You are a very special person 你如此特別I know your days are busy... 知道你日子繁忙Ive heard it said that "You should never pass up a chance to let someone know how much they mean to you"... 聽人說“永遠別放過任何機會,去告訴一些特別的人,他們在你心中的地位?!盜 think of you every day 想你,在每一天May you always have an angel by your side 愿天使戶在你身邊I think youre simply wonderful 你就是那樣精彩20 beautiful things that are true about you 你的二十種美麗I just want you to know this 只要你知道……For you 獻給你When you read this 當你讀到這些……Carry the sun inside you... 懷抱著陽光There will always be a special place in my heart ... for you 為你 我總是在心里保留著一個特別的位置There are only a few really special people 這樣的人世間難覓Thanks to you ... 因為有你I will always be thankful for... the special connection between us 我始終感激…… 我們之間的特殊關聯(lián)You can make me laugh... 你能讓你歡笑開懷Remember that you can always count on me 我是你不變的依靠We have a bond... 有一條紐帶始終把我們相連Thank you for the way you touch my life 謝謝你觸動我生命的方式Special people 特別的人To one very wonderful person 致一個無比美好的人Some people are so wonderful 有些人是這般美好Always stay as special as you are 永遠如今日一般特別I am beginning to understand... 我開始懂得24 things to always remember... and on thing to never forget24句箴言和一件必須銘記的事If I could have a wish come true... 如果有個夢想可以實現(xiàn)……


  《要你永遠記得》用最簡單的語言表達了我們難以表達的感情,好書可遇不可求,今天這趟書店真是沒有白去! 我建議外研出版社要向社會大力推薦這本書,讓更多人懂得生命最簡單但卻最有力量的感情.希望我們以后有更多像這樣的好書可看。




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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •     This book is a copy of collection of poems by Dougal Pagels.They are all about a special person you should always be thankful for.The sentences are beautiful,and thoughtful.Here is one of them:
      Remember that you can always count on me
      When life isn't easy and you wonder
      if anyone understand what you're going
      through,I want you...to reach out to
      me.Even if we find ourselves miles apart,
      don't ever forget that my heart is filled
      with so many hopes for your happiness.
      I want you to feel like you can tell me
      everything that's on your mind.I want
      to be able to help you find a lot more
      smiles and make your days more joyful
      and filled with all the serenity you so
      dearly deserve...
      When you wonder if there is anyone who
      cares completely and unconditionally,look
      my way.Let down your guard,and know
      that it's okay to bare your soul with someone
      who knows you as well as I do.When you
      need to talk things out,realize that you'll
      find a very loving listener...in me.
      It doesn't matter what it's for;if it's important
      to you,then it's important to me.What
      matters most is that you gently remember:
      Sometimes two heads(and two hearts)
      are better that one can be,and you
      can always count on me to be
      there for you.
  •   I like it very much.
  •   When life isn't easy and you wonder
    if anyone understand what you're going
    through,I want you...to reach out to
    me.Even if we find ourselves miles apart,
    don't ever forget that my heart is filled
    with so many hopes for your happiness.
  •   Why are you speaking English?
  •   hui lou shang, yin wei zhe shi ying wen shi ya

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