
出版時間:2004-8  出版社:外研社  作者:王海嘯 編  頁數(shù):290  


  高職高專教育是我國高等教育的一個重要組成部分,高職高專學生是我國大學生中一個十分重要的群體。針對這一群體學生的特點,教育部于2000年頒布了(《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》(試行)(以下簡稱《基本要求》)。該《基本要求》明確指出,高職高專的英語教學應該以培養(yǎng)學生實際運用語言的能力為目標,突出教學內容的實用性和針對性?! 「鶕?jù)《基本要求》的這一指導思想,外語教學與研究出版社組織編寫了這套(《新起點大學基礎英語教程》系列教材。本套教材由長期從事大學英語和高職高專英語教學、具有豐富教學經驗的教師編寫,包括讀寫系列、聽說系列、學習方法與閱讀系列和自主綜合訓練系列,并附以相配套的教學課件和試題庫。在本套教材的編寫過程中,我們注重從我國高職高專學生的實際水平出發(fā),循序漸進,拾級而上。教材所選篇章短小精悍、題材廣泛、語言規(guī)范、內容新穎,富有時代氣息,融知識性、趣味性和思想性于一體;全套教材練習形式多樣,既便于教師在課堂上教學,也便于學生課后自學;各教程之間在內容上相互呼應、相互補充,使學生通過學習不僅掌握語言技能和知識,而且增進對中西文化的了解,掌握良好的學習英語的方法,為今后進一步學習英語打下扎實的基礎?! ∥覀兿M@套《新起點大學基礎英語教程》能以其自身的特色為高職高專教材增加一個新的品種,能為廣大師生所接受和垂愛。同時我們也懇切希望廣大師生在使用過程中對教材的不足之處提出批評指正,以使它能不斷地改進和完善。


  《新起點大學基礎英語教程:讀寫教程2》根據(jù)教育部《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》(試行)編寫,將基礎知識學習、實用技能訓練和文化背景介紹有機地融為一體,力求使英語學習做到學用結合、學以致用、學后會用。  全套教材由讀寫系列、聽說系列、學習方法與閱讀系列和自主綜合訓練系列組成。讀寫系列和聽說系列配有教師用書?! ∽x寫系列以提高英語閱讀能力為主,同時培養(yǎng)寫作能力和翻譯能力每單元由兩篇主題相同的閱讀文章構成。并配有大量閱讀、語法、詞匯、翻譯等基礎技能訓練與實用性練習。  聽說系列以聽為導入,以說為目標,通過大量由淺入深、針對性強的聽力、朗讀素材和形式多樣的聽說技能轉換練習,循序漸進地提高學生的聽說能力,使學生做到有話可說、有話要說和有話會說?! W習方法與閱讀系列著重培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀技能和學習方法,通過閱讀文章、學習方法介紹以及對照閱讀、格言錦句、英文歌曲等豐富內容為學生創(chuàng)造輕松愉悅的氛圍,幫助他們開拓視野,提高英語學習的效率。  自主綜合訓練系列延續(xù)與主教材相關的話題,每單元包括聽說訓練、詞匯與結構訓練、閱讀訓練和寫作訓練等,是讀寫系列和聽說系列的同步自學用書,旨在幫助學生進一步消化和鞏固在主教材中所學的內容。


Unit OneText A The Study of WordsText B Polite and RudeVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit TwoText A It Was a Good BarnText B Being a Good FriendVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit ThreeText A Home Schooling——An American PhenomenonText B The College ExperienceVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit FourText A Unlocking the Future with Useful KeysText B Changing Attitudes to Lifelong EmploymentVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit FiveText A Ban This Noise from the StadiumText B Pop Concerts Are FunVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit SixText A Billionaire Bill (I)Text B Billionaire Bill (II)Vocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit SevenText A JoggingText B MountaineeringVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit EightText A Mom's Approach to Meals May Need a Second LookText B What Is Safe to Eat?Vocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit NineText A Can You Speak Technology in a Wired World?Text B The Web LifestyleVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit TenText A Wild Jaguars in ArizonaText B Nature JournalingVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit ElevenText A Some People Are Born with ConfidenceText B Laughter Is the Best MedicineVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit TwelveText A Going Grocery Shopping:Let Your Fingers Do the WalkingText B Pocket MoneyVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingGlossary


  1 You've probably already discovered that learning a foreign language isn't just learning new words and grammar. In order to speak fluently3 —— and to avoid some embarrass in situations- you must learn how to use the words and grammatical structures within the context7 of the culture8.  2 Not only must you learn the vocabulary, but you must learn which words to choose in which situations. English speakers use a lot of euphemisms9 —— polite, less direct words for things or ideas that may cause embarrassment. Sometimes words with the same meanings produce different feelings in the listeners, so you must choose words carefully depending upon the situation.  3 Every culture has specific rules for polite behavior and certain words for special situations. Different cultures also have customary ways to act and to look at and touch people. What are considered polite manners in one culture might be terribly rude in another. One of the difficulties of learning a foreign language is learning what is considered polite and rude in the culture of that language. The dictionary doesn't tell you this.   ......



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