
出版時間:2004-5  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:古爾靈  頁數(shù):414  




Preface 1.Getting Started:The Precritical Response   Ⅰ.Setting   Ⅱ.Plot   Ⅲ.Character  Ⅳ.Structure  Ⅴ.Style  Ⅵ.Atmosphere  Ⅶ.Theme2.Traditional Approaches  Ⅰ.Nature and Scope of the Traditional Approaches    A.textual Scholarship:A Prerequistite to Criticism   B.Types of Traditional Approaches  Ⅱ.The Traditional Approaches in Practice   A.traditional Approaches to Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress"   B.Traditional Approaches to Hamlet   C.Traditional Approaches to Adventures of Huckleberry Finn   D.Traditional Approaches to "Yong Goodman Brown"   E.Traditional Approaches to "Everyday Use:for your grandmama"3.The Formalistic Approach  Ⅰ.Reading a Poem:An Introduction to the formalistic Approach  Ⅱ.The Process of Formalistic Analysis:Making the Close Reader  Ⅲ.A Brief History of Foumalistic Criticism  Ⅳ.Constants of the Formalistic Approach:Some Key Concepts ,Terms,and Devices  Ⅴ.The Formalistic Approach in Practice  Ⅵ.Limitations of the Formalistic Approach4.The Psychological Approach:Freud5.Mythological and Archetypal Approaches6.Feminist Approaches7.Cultural Studies 8.Additional ApproachesAppendises Index


  The framework of the plot is, then, a journey -a journey from north to south, a journey from relative innocence to hor-rifying knowledge. Huck tends to see people for what they are, but he does not suspect the depths of evil and the per- vasiveness of sheer meanness, of man's inhumanity to man, until he has completed his journey. The relative harmlessness of Miss Watson's lack of compassion and her devotion to the letter rather than the spirit of religious law or of Tom's incur-able romanticism does not become really sinister until Huck reenters the see nungly good world at the Phelps farm, a world that is really the same as the "good" world of St. Petersburg-a connection that is stressed by the kinship of Aunt Sally and Aunt Polly. Into that world the values of Tom Sawyer are once more injected, but Huck discovers that he has endured too much on his journey down the river to become Tom's foil again.  Only the great, flowing river defines the lineaments of other-wise elusive freedom; that mighty force of nature opposes and offers the only possible escape from the blighting tyranny of towns and farm communicates. The Mississippi is the novel's major symbol. It is the one place where a person does not need to lie to him self or to others. Its ceaseless flow mocks the static, stultifying society on its banks. There are lyrical passages in which Huck communicates, even with all his colloquial limita-tions, his feelings about the river, its symbolic functions, as in the image-packed description that follows the horrors of the Grangerford-Shepherdson carnage (ch. 19). In that memorable passage Huck extols the freedom and contemplation that the river encourages. In contrast to the oppressive places on land, the raft and the river promise release: "We said there warn't no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft."  Like the river, Huck's narrative flows spontaneously and ever onward. Around each bend lies a possible new adventure; in the eddies, a lyrical interlude. But the river always carries Huck and Jim out of each adventure toward another uncertain try for freedom. That freedom is never really achieved is a major irony, but the book's structure parallels the river's flow. The separate adventures become infinite variations upon (repetitive forms of) the quest for freedom. That the final thwarting of freedom is perpetrated by the forces of St. Peters-burg, of course, is no fault of the river or its promise of free-dom; it simply seems that membership in humanity generates what we have elsewhere called the crcular pattern of flight and captivity.  ……




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用戶評論 (總計49條)


  •   這本書將西方的基本文學(xué)批評方法作了介紹,還有許多值得回味的觀點。細讀下來,頗為受用。只是在讀了該書之后,如果有自己喜歡的批評流派,可以找更多相關(guān)書籍進行研讀。簡單易懂,對于我們這些初學(xué)者而言,很容易上手。
  •   真的是一本經(jīng)典的文學(xué)批評書,翻譯學(xué)以及文學(xué)翻譯方向的人士可以學(xué)習(xí),很好的
  •   這本書作為文藝學(xué)比較詩學(xué)方向的學(xué)習(xí)文學(xué)批評的入門書籍還是很不錯的。希望大家像我一樣喜歡它!
  •   書本是按照文學(xué)批評的幾個大方面來講的,主要通過幾部作品來具體體現(xiàn),這本書有中文版,可以配著看
  •   很不錯,就是有點難,我還沒有看完,但是關(guān)于文學(xué)批評的內(nèi)容幾乎都涉及到了。老師也極力推薦我們?nèi)タ?。要想學(xué)好文學(xué)批評的話,這本書倒是必備的。
  •   幾種基本的批評方法及其操作都有。
  •   很好 適合文學(xué)方向的學(xué)生或?qū)W者
  •   對文學(xué)感興趣的人,這本書值得一看!
  •   很適合做文學(xué)研究
  •   對于入門來說不錯
  •   文藝理論的入門書
  •   這本書的特點是系統(tǒng)并且有例子,可以給入門者以很好的參考。
  •   很不錯的一本書,內(nèi)容很具體,不過是英文版的需要細細研讀。
  •   名家經(jīng)典之作,值得細讀
  •   有理論有實例,很適合初學(xué)者。
  •   不過,不知道為啥,好像還沒中文本,可能引進的人覺得里面的英文比較簡單吧。。
  •   這本書,一定是對其中所寫的五篇文章熟悉,看這本書會收獲不少,英文功底要好才看的懂,不然就像是看天書了
  •   書的質(zhì)量很好,正是我需要的那本書.發(fā)貨挺快的.
  •   寫的真的很好!
  •   一切都非常好,速度快,24小時就到了,質(zhì)量相當好!
  •   給朋友買的,不錯,就是快遞員可能是覺得天太熱了,老是晚上送貨。
  •   perfect and profound
  •   Veygood,itisveyusefulfoliteatueeseach~~
  •   學(xué)專業(yè)英語必備
  •   書是正品,且客服態(tài)度很好。
  •   內(nèi)容很好 但是運輸過程中背面有些磨損 其他還行
  •   糾結(jié)了好久才買的,老師上課用的,老師也極力推薦
  •   書是幫同學(xué)買的,他表示很滿意,質(zhì)量很好,是正版。發(fā)貨速度和預(yù)期的差不多,快遞員服務(wù)態(tài)度很好。頂一個??!
  •   上課用的 全班一起定的 9本 還沒看 估計不錯
  •   書就是想要的,質(zhì)優(yōu)價廉
  •   貨到的很快!書的質(zhì)量不錯!
  •   適合英語專業(yè)的童鞋
  •   質(zhì)量很好,書很有用
  •   老師要求買的教材 還不錯 不過上完課就沒再看了
  •   里邊有很多實例,對于初學(xué)文學(xué)評論的人很有幫助
  •   幫同學(xué)買的。她很喜歡文學(xué)方面的東西。
  •   據(jù)說是搞英語文學(xué)的必備書目,但還未著手去閱讀
  •   還可以,尤其是精神分析中榮格部分彌補了有些書,只是相比塞爾登,稍顯深刻、條理。
  •   勸誡各位想買的買家慎重吧~~別費這個錢~~很多都可以在網(wǎng)上找到的~~當然有學(xué)術(shù)需要,用于研究或是想買來收藏的除外~~
  •   個人覺得這本書編撰的很認真。只是由于是適合于美國大學(xué)本科生的,所以,對于我還是有一定難度的。但是只要下功夫認真研讀,是會受到啟發(fā)的。
  •   到貨快,非常不錯的一本書
  •   書味太重了。
  •   我又以為是中文版的,原來是英文版的
  •   有條理,很專業(yè)
  •   書的質(zhì)量不錯,各方面的滿意。適合專業(yè)人員閱讀
  •   算是讀研時專業(yè)必敗用書,里面有不少詳細例子
  •   國外本科大學(xué)生的讀物,語言難易適中,非常值得一讀
  •   雖然是老師推薦的書,但內(nèi)容較深,適合英語較強的讀者。其他方面,設(shè)計合理,有理論有應(yīng)用,如果加強英語閱讀能力后來閱讀,應(yīng)該是讓人受益匪淺的一本好書。
  •   這本書是在我們課程的RE*****LIST上面是老師要求買的書還不錯內(nèi)容就是難了點

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
