
出版時間:2004-6  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:美國國家地理學(xué)會  頁數(shù):72  




Lesson Notes 課程教案  China 中國  Egypt 埃及  Greece 希臘  Mexico 墨西哥  Rome 羅馬Teacher Resources 教學(xué)資源  Series Overview 系列概述  Lesson Overview 課程概述  Overview of Titles and Skills 教學(xué)目標  Literacy Internet Resources 因特網(wǎng)上的資源  Assessment Overview 測試概述  Using Portfolios and Retelling 閱讀記錄與復(fù)述評估  Using Graphic Organizers 運用圖表  Index 索引


  How andent China similar to and different from China today? This book compares the cultures of these two civilizations. Comparisons of communities, inventions, and the arts help students understand how communities change over time and how past cultures influence modern cultures. China is a place of great scale, from the varied landforms to the great projects created by the people. Huge mountains, vast deserts, and extensive waterways help shape one of the largest countries in the world. In ancient times, specialized techniques and inventions made the Chinese productive farmers. But the differences between the wealthy and poor were well defined, from housing to clothing. Today, the Chinese people carry on traditions of the oldest ongoing culture in the world.  Landforms protected ancient China from invaders and isolated it from other nations. It was not until 126 B.C. that the Chinese learned of the existence of other civilizations. From 221 B.C. to A.D. 1912, China was unified under a single great empire. This book focuses on the period between 221 b.c. and A.D. 220, which includes the first two imperial dynasties of the Qin and the Han. During the Qin Dynasty (221 to 206 B.c.), the Great Wall was begun and the terra cotta army was buried at Xian. During the Han Dynasty (202 b.c. to A.D. 220), China expanded its borders. Buddhism became widespread. Paper was invented, and trading along the Silk Road began. Today, China, as the third largest country in the world, mingles ancient cultural traditions with modern conventions.






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