出版時(shí)間:2004-1 出版社:外研社 作者:曹文 蔡靜 唐錦蘭 黎明 鄭麗練 頁數(shù):153
To increase your reading speed, the first thing is that you need to practice your deco dings kill. There are some exercises specially designed to practice your ability to recognize words and phrases quickly. You can find it in all speed reading books. Secondly, practice on some thing easy and interesting first. Many students who want to improve their effectivereading speed may feel discouraged when they find once they read a passage faster, the irreading comprehension is low. Here their problems might be that the reading material itself is too difficult. It is pointed out if there are five or six new words on each page, then the materials are not suitable for speed training. Thirdly, you need to use effective reading strategies we discussed in Activity One. Skimming, scanning, and recognizing text structures are particularly helpful t speed reading. Fourthly, check your progress through pacing. You may have noticed that nearly all "speed reading" courses have a pacing element-some timing device which lets the readers know how many words a minute they are reading. Fifthly, try some "lightning speed" exercises. Read a text as fast as you possibly can. Dont bother about whe ther you understand or not. Then go back and read them at what you feel to be your"normal" w.p.m.?。╳ord per minute) rate, the rate at which you can comforta blyunderstand. After a "lightning speed", your "normal speed" has increased——perhaps by as much as 50-100 w. p.m. Lastly, read English every day. Spend at least 15 minutes or halfan hour each day on reading. Also it is a good idea to have a general interest book in your pocket.
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