
出版時間:2004-3  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:赫德利  頁數(shù):498  


當(dāng)前,我國外語教育領(lǐng)域正在進(jìn)行著全面而深入的改革。改革的內(nèi)容涉及到外語教育的方針政策、基本理念、基本原則、教育文化、教育實施、教育評價等各個方面,也關(guān)系到新世紀(jì)億萬學(xué)生的成長和可持續(xù)發(fā)展。隨著課改新理念、語言新方針和教育新策略的確定及課改的逐步推開,教師培訓(xùn)工作的重要性和關(guān)鍵作用變得越來越突出。從某種意義上說,課改能否最終獲得成功,取決于廣大教師對課改的認(rèn)識、取決于他們的語言理論水平和實際工作能力。   對英語教師來說,新一輪的課改提出了許多新的理念和原則:強(qiáng)調(diào)學(xué)習(xí)者的個性發(fā)展的“以人為本”的教育思想;強(qiáng)調(diào)語言學(xué)習(xí)與人的可持續(xù)發(fā)展的關(guān)系;強(qiáng)調(diào)語言目標(biāo)的新內(nèi)涵:知識、技能、策略、文化和情感等;強(qiáng)調(diào)語境教學(xué)與綜合全面評價理論的引進(jìn)。所有這些具有豐富內(nèi)涵的理念,都需要廣大教師學(xué)習(xí)和了解。


導(dǎo)讀PrefaceAcknowledgments1 On Knowing a Language  Introduction  Defining Language Proficiency  Proficiency and Language Acquisition Theory  Some Research Findings about Oral Proficiency  Issues in Language Proficiency Assessment: Caveats, Clarifications, and New Directions  Defining the Content of Instruction: The Standards for Foreign Language Learning  Summary: On Knowing a Language  Activities for Review and Discussion  References2 On Learning a language  Introduction  Exploring Theories of Language Learning  The Role of Individual Learner Factors in Second-Language Learning  Relating Theory to Practice: Some Considerations  Summary: On Learning a Language  Activities for Review and Discussion  References3 On Teaching a Language  Orienting Instruction toward Proficiency  The Proficiency Orientation of Existing Methodologies: A Preliminary Appraisal  Three "Traditional" Methods  Reactions to Audiolingualism: Two Mentalist Perspectives  A Functional Approach: Communicative Language Teaching  Modern Adaptations of the Direct Method  Humanistic Approaches to Language Teaching  Summary: On Teaching a Language  Activities for Review and Discussion  References4 The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning  The Importance of Context and Background Knowledge in the Comprehension Process: Some Theoretical Considerations  Research on the Role of Context in Comprehension  The Role of Computers in Providing Richer Contexts for Language Learning  Integrating Language and Content: Immersion and Content-Based Instruction  Summary: The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning  Activities for Review and Discussion  References5 A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading  A Rationale for Teaching Listening and Reading  Similarities in Listening and Reading  Differences between Spoken and Written Discourse  Integrating Listening, Reading, and the Productive Skills: The Vision of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning  Teaching Listening Comprehension  Sample Formats for Listening Comprehension  Teaching Reading Comprehension  Sample Formats for Reading Comprehension  Summary: A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading  Activities for Review and Discussion  References6 Developing Oral Proficiency7 Becoming Proficient in Writing8 Teaching for CuItural Understanding9 Classroom Testingpilogue Planning Instruction for the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom


  There has been a good deal of interest among scholars interested in interlanguagein documenting the reactions of native speakers to the language use of non-natives in an effort to understand what constitutes successful and unsuccessfulcommunication.Although linguistic considerations have been central to many ofthe studies.affective reactions to learners themselves have also been subject to in-qulry.  One important variable to be considered in assessing the results of a given re-search effort is the nature of the interlanguage sample used to elicit reactions.Thespeech samples and/or writing samples provided to native-speaker judges essen-tially define interlanguage operationally for that study.In the studies examinedhere,the samples have ranged from artificially created sentence pairs,presentedout of context,to audiovisual tapes of connected discourse,obtained in naturalis.tic interview situations.Given that the samples varv considerably,the studies arenot directly comparable(Ludwig 1982),and results cannot be as clearly inter-preted.therefore.as one might like.  The studies reviewed in this chapter are a sampling of the research that hasbeen done to assess native.speaker reactions to learner language in the past 25years.Ludwig(1982)provides a useful review and synthesis of 12 such studies.some of which are summarized briefly in Table 6.1(P.264).A number of more re-cent studies are also included in the present overview.Readers should consultLudwig(1982),as well as the original reports of the studies cited here,for addi-tional information and analysis of the data.  In general.much of the research on native-speaker reactions indicates thatmany of the grammatical errors made by non.native speakers do not seriously in-terfere with the comprehensibility of their speech,although there are some typesof errors(such as some vocabulary problems,verb forms,and tense usage)thatcan confuse native speakers and lead to a communication breakdown.It may alsobe the case that there are cultural differences in error tolerance(see,for example,Ngame 1 992,comparing native speaker reactions in French and Swahili),as wellas differences in reaction to error between teachers of language and native speak-ers who are not teachers fErvin 1977;cited in Ludwig 1982;Galloway 1980;






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