
出版時間:2003年1月1日  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:夏政  


  《綜合大學英語》(Comprehensive College English)是為高校英語專業(yè)編寫的一套精讀課系列教材,共分8冊,分別用于英語專業(yè)一至四年級的八個學期。  本教程編寫的原則和指導思想是我國新修訂的《高等學校英語專業(yè)英語教學大綱》,在教材的總體設計與編寫體例上力求按階段(即:基礎階段1-4冊;高年級階段5-8冊)實現新大綱規(guī)定的加強學生語言基本功和綜合交際能力的目的要求。基礎階段1-4冊教材系統(tǒng)傳授語言基礎知識,繼承以往精讀課教材的優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),對學生進行全面的、嚴格的基本技能訓練。在注意增強學生實際運用語言能力的同時,注意培養(yǎng)學生良好的學習習慣和學習方法,培養(yǎng)他們的邏輯思維能力和獨立工作能力,豐富他們的文化知識,增強對文化差異的敏感性,為高年級的學習打下較扎實的基礎。高年級階段的5-8冊則繼續(xù)強化基本功訓練,進一步擴大知識面,把重點放在培養(yǎng)學生的語言綜合技能、提高人文知識修養(yǎng)與語言交際能力上,使學生逐步成長為能適應新世紀要求的合格的外語專門人才。但愿通過我們大家不斷的共同努力,這套系列教程能在這方面作出一點應有的貢獻?! ”窘坛逃伤拇ù髮W、四川師范大學、電子科技大學、西南交通大學、西南財經大學和華西醫(yī)科大學等校的外語院系通力合作,歷時四年編成初稿,其中第1冊、第2冊、第3冊和第5冊的初稿本曾先后在四川大學、四川師范大學、華西醫(yī)科大學和電子科技大學的英語專業(yè)本科班進行過多次試用,受到師生們的廣泛好評。盡管如此,由于編者能力有限,這套系列教程可能還存在不少缺點和謬誤,懇請專家和各位師友、同學不吝指正?! ≡诒窘坛痰木帉戇^程中,自始至終都得到外研社的領導、責任編輯以及外研社西南信息中心各位師友的大力幫助和悉心指導,值此正式出版印行之際,謹向他們表示衷心的感謝。




Unit OneText A: Notes on the Twentieth CenturyText B: The Long PeaceUnit TwoText A: Beyond the Information RevolutionText B: The Age of Social TransformationUnit ThreeText A: How the World WorksText B: Building Wealth: The New Rules for Individuals, Companies, and NationsUnit FourText A: Who Owns Intelligence?Text B: How Do You Feel?Unit FiveText A: A Free Mans WorshipText B: “The Process of Distillation: Getting to the Essence of Things”Unit SixText A: Educating DemocracyText B: How Not to Teach Values: A Critical Look at Character EducationUnit SevenText ka A Slight Sound at EveningText B: The Nowhere ManUnit EightText A: PeopleText B: BloodstainsUnit NineText A: Waking the Dead: The Biography Boom in AmericaText B: A Life of LearningUnit TenText A: Chalk and CheeseText B: Is Britain European?Unit ElevenText A: The War Against BoysText B: Men——Tomorrows Second SexUnit TwelveText A: The New Generation GapText B: Whats Behind the Growing Generation Gap?Glossary


  During this century the art of medicine has progressed at a fast clip. famous British surgeon Joseph Lister announced around 1900 a “foreseeable end” to human disease. Unfortunately, he was wrong, and hosts of viruses have taken anew lease on life (our life), helped along in their travels by our own frantic flying all over the globe. Wilhelm Roentgens x-rays, which won the first Nobel Prize in physics, in 1901, got us off to a splendid start; the gap between the old and the new medicine can be measured by contemporary comments that it might become possible to photograph the human soul. It didnt, but by 1950 x-rays had saved the lives of some 30 million children, according to the estimate of a later Nobel-winning physicist, Arthur Compton. Sulfa drugs came around 1940, followed by penicillin and other antibiotics and the present armory of electronic and chemical tools to fight afflictions that earlier could be mitigated but not cured. The increase in life expectancy tells itmfrom forty=nine years in 1900 to seventy- five years or more in the late 1990s. The effect on individual, adults is less startling, because the drop in infant mortality in the West is the primary cause of the increase. (It has dropped from one in ten to less than one in a hundred during the first year of life.) But a man of forty -,viii live about five years longer now than he would have in 1950, and he is healthier all along. The state of health of an eighty-year-old man now is comparable to the state of health of a seventy-year-old man twenty years ago.



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