
出版時間:2002-8  出版社:外研社  作者:林賽  頁數(shù):76  


《新交流英語》(Up Close)分為循序漸進(jìn)的四個級別,針對初級到中高級英語水平學(xué)習(xí)者。教材內(nèi)容簡潔精煉,每個單元和階段的目的性強。此教材為配合學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語,制訂了一整套不同階段的從英語語言用法、語法到詞匯的教學(xué)大綱。\n《新交流英語》(Up Close)綜合英語四項基本技能——聽、說、讀、寫為一體,并結(jié)合語法的實際運用技能,在循序漸進(jìn)中使學(xué)生充分掌握英語的各項技能。


Unit Quiz Guidelines
Level 3 Unit Quizzes
Level 4 Unit Quizzes
Unit Quizzes Answer Key
Mid-term and Final Exam Guidelines
Level 3 Mid-term Exam
Level 4 Mid-term Exam
Level 3 Final Exam
Level 4 Final Exam
Mid-term and Final Exam Answer Key
Mid-term and Final Exam Tapescript
Oral Assessment Guidelines
Writing Assessment Guidelines
Advice for Teachers
Advice for Learners
Learner Self-assessment Checklist


  Mid-term and final Exam Guidelines  The Midterm and Final Exams have been designed to monitor learner progress atkey points through the course. The Mid-term Exam covers content found in the firstsix units of each student book. The Final Exam covers all twelve units.Structure and Format of the ExamsIn addition to assessing language structures, goals, and vocabulary, each Midter mand Final Exam also assesses learners listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking, and writing skills. All components except the speaking assessment can be administered in a group setring. All components are in multiple choice format, except for the speaking and writing assessments. Answers to the multiple choice questions can be found in the answerkeys. Each Midterm and Final Exam is arranged according to the following sections:  A. Sentence Completion  Learners are required to select the correct word or words to complete a sentence.This type of question focuses on the learners knowledge of the main grammaticalstructures featured in the corresponding units of the student book. There are tenquestions in the Sentence Completion section.  B. Question Response Learners select the best response to a question or statement. These items assess how well learners have acquired key functional language. There are ten questions in the Question-Response section.  C. Vocabulary  Students select the word or phrase that does not belong with the other three. Thisquestion type focuses on learners knowledge of vocabulary introduced in the corre-sponding units of the student book. There are ten questions in the Vocabularysection.


  《新交流英語》分四個級別,包括  Student Book學(xué)生用書(彩色)  Audiocassettes錄音帶  Workbook練習(xí)冊  Assessment Package評估測試題  Teachers Edition教師用書(彩色)  Web Support網(wǎng)絡(luò)支持  學(xué)生用書三、四級還配有VCD。



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