出版時間:2002-8 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社 作者:邸愛英 編 頁數(shù):319
《綜合英語教程》第五冊根據(jù)國家教育部新編《高等學校英語專業(yè)英語教學大綱》的要求而編寫,適用于已掌握英語基礎知識的高年級學生?! ”緝詴酝貙捜宋暮涂萍嫉闹R面為指導思想,課文的選材和練習的配置注重培養(yǎng)獲取知識的能力,獨立思考的能力,較強的思辨能力和創(chuàng)新能力。課文內(nèi)容涉及語言、文化、哲學、教育、經(jīng)濟、心理學、醫(yī)學、環(huán)境、交際方法、思維方式、科學研究方法等方面。課文均選自英語國家原文出版物,個別地方有刪改?! 〉谖鍍哉n文由與主題相關的引導段落、主課文和擴展閱讀三部分組成,各部分后面都配有閱讀理解的問題。課文難句釋義(Paraphrasing)、翻譯(Translation)等練習的目的是檢驗學生對課文的理解,鞏固和提高學生的語言理解能力。名人觀點集萃(Viewpoints and Insights)集中介紹各界人士對課文主題的觀點,以拓寬學生的視野,打開學生的思路。每個單元都配有修辭練習(Rhetoric Studies),涉及在課文中出現(xiàn)的修辭現(xiàn)象,以提高學生對英語修辭的認識和對語言的鑒賞力??谡Z和寫作練習(Speaking and writing As-sighnments)包括兩至三個由易到難的任務,學生圍繞課文內(nèi)容展開綜合性練習,循序漸進;學生充分吸收輸入的語言(閱讀課文)之后,最終落實到輸出能力(說、寫)的訓練上?! 〉谖鍍跃帉懶〗M由電子科技大學外國語學院的四位教師組成,具體分工如下:邸愛英老師參與擬定編寫原則,負責編寫樣課,承擔第一、第二、第五、第九、第十一和第十二等六個單元課文的選文及練習的編寫工作;張楊老師負責第三、第四、第七和第十等四個單元課文的選文、練習的編寫以及電子文本的合成工作;劉立輝老師負責第六和第八兩個單元課文的選文、練習的編寫工作;馮斗教授擬定編寫原則,負責與其他分冊的協(xié)調(diào),并對全冊做了審校?! ∮捎诰幷咚接邢蓿瑫腥秉c錯誤在所難免,敬請使用者提出批評建議。
《綜合大學英語5》是一套供高等院校英語專業(yè)本科學生使用的精讀教材,共分8冊。其巾1-4冊供基礎階段使用,5-8冊供高年級階段使用。本系列教程的主要特色:基礎階段(1-4冊)系統(tǒng)傳授語言基礎知識,注重對學生進行全面嚴格的基本技能訓練著重增強學生運用語言的能力,培養(yǎng)良好的學習習慣和學習方法;擴大學生的知識面。增強對文化差異的敏感性?! 「吣昙夒A段(5-8冊)繼續(xù)加強基本功的訓練,進一步擴大知識面,提高人文知識的修養(yǎng)強化學生的語言綜合技能,鞏固和提高語言交際能力。
Unit One Mass MediaUnit Two Gender RolesUnit Three CloningUnit Four The Making of HistoryUnit Five Understanding Life & PeopleUnit Six Fiction ReadingUnit Seven The Murder of Julius CaesarUnit Eight Money and SocietyUnit Nine What Is Style?Unit Ten The Universe Unit Eleven ThinkingUnit Twelve The Rage to KnowGlossary
Current events, as depicted by the news media, bombarded our consciousness with one catastrophe after another, reinforcing a "victim" mentality. Reporters and newscasters endlessly parade, for our literary or visual consumption, the bodies of those killed, maimed or noticeably diminished by war, disease, violent crime, economic recession, poor parenting, drug or alcohol addiction, sexual abuse, food poisoning, train wrecks, air crashes, automobile collision, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and the like. Although we remain attentive, we numb ourselves, trying to put some distance between us and the brutality of those onslaughts. In the evening, we wonder how we made it through the day in one piece or, worse yet, how we will survive the unseen catastrophes of tomorrow. We could decide, fiat out, to stop watching and listening to the news.., and to stop reading it, too. We have made an addiction out of being“informed”, as if knowledge of disasters could somehow contribute to our sense of well-being and serenity. Our lives will never be enriched by the gloomy pronouncements of unhappy people, fearing and judging all that they see. They follow fire engines racing toward billowing black clouds of smoke and ignore the smiling youngster helping an elderly woman carry her grocery bags. One dramatic traffic accident on a major highway sends reporters scurrying, while the stories of four hundred thousand other vehicles that made it home safely go unnoticed. Newscasters replay over and over again a fatal plane crash captured on videotape but rarely depict the tenderness of a mother nurturing her new-born infant. Simple acts of love, safe arrivals, peaceful exchanges between neighboring countries and people helping each other are noteworthy events. The media bias toward sensationalism and violence presents a selective, distorted and, in the final analysis, inaccurate portrait of the state of affairs on this planet. No balance here. We feed our minds such bleak imagery, then feel lost, depressed and impotent without ever acknowledging fully the devastating impact these presentations have on our world view and our state of mind.