
出版時(shí)間:2002-4-1  出版社:劍橋大學(xué)出版社,外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:布倫南,王海濤  頁(yè)數(shù):147  譯者:王海濤  


  親愛(ài)的老師們、同學(xué)們,由外語(yǔ)中教學(xué)與研究出版社和英國(guó)劍橋大學(xué)出版社聯(lián)合出版的這套《外研社·劍橋英語(yǔ)分級(jí)讀物》終于與國(guó)內(nèi)讀者見(jiàn)面了。它集原創(chuàng)性、針對(duì)性、時(shí)代性和多樣性于一體,是一套理想的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)讀物?! ”咎鬃x物是我國(guó)目前引進(jìn)的第一套專為非英語(yǔ)國(guó)家讀者撰寫(xiě)的英語(yǔ)故事性讀物,作者全部是經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的英語(yǔ)教學(xué)專家。讀物依據(jù)難易程度共分六級(jí),每級(jí)四本,每本獨(dú)立成篇。題材涉及廣泛,包括喜劇、歷險(xiǎn)記、偵探小與、浪漫愛(ài)情故事和短篇故事等。內(nèi)容涉及東西方多種地域和文化,情節(jié)扣人心弦,極富吸引力。讀者在提高自身英語(yǔ)水平的同時(shí),還會(huì)享受到閱讀的巨大樂(lè)趣?! ”咎鬃x物分為英漢對(duì)照版和英文注釋版兩種版本,以適應(yīng)不同讀者的不同需要。其中,英文注釋版附有練習(xí)及配套音帶,為不同程度的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者在閱讀中提供了及時(shí)而必要的幫助。 如果你們喜歡這套讀物,請(qǐng)把它推薦給你們的朋友。




  I have to say that at this point I was feeling very confused. Five minutes ago my boss didnt want to be seen with me. Now he was saying hewas crazy about md What could be making him behave like this? Then, all at once, I realised: it was the fruitcake special! Intrigue might smell great, but it didnt make a girl attractive to men. But my fruitcake perfume did.  I feel my heart growing with love for you, Anna, said Mr Amos. He was looking at my body through the black dress.  我得說(shuō)他的話讓我莫名其妙。5分鐘前老板還不想被人看到和我在一起,這會(huì)兒他卻說(shuō)什么愛(ài)我愛(ài)得發(fā)狂了。是什么東西讓他如此神魂顛倒呢?我馬上意識(shí)到:是水果蛋糕特味香水發(fā)揮的神力!誘人的氣味也許與眾不同,但還不足以增添女孩于對(duì)男人的吸引力。我的水果蛋糕香水卻做得到?!  拔腋杏X(jué)到了我心中對(duì)你的綿綿愛(ài)意,安娜?!卑⒛瓜壬f(shuō)。他的目光穿透我的黑套裙審視著我的身體?! e still havent played the tape to Aunt Molly. We cant decide what we should do.  We have discovered another person in Aunt Molly and we love her, mo. Shes a new Aunt Molly who has rediscovered life. Yetwe also love and miss the sweet, kind lady who raised the twins. The old Aunt Molly.  The truth is, we dont know which Aunt Molly is now the real one. What would happen if we played her the tape? Would a part of her die once again, as it had seemed to do when Linde Dalton died? Would it be fight for us to take this new life away from her? Then, again, perhaps nothing would happen and she would remain as she is - full of the love of life.  And which Aunt Molly has the most right to be here - the old or the new?  Who is the real Aunt Molly?  She and Horace are going off to Greece next week. That will give us all time to think things over. Then we will decide.  The old or the new?  Well, what would you do?  還沒(méi)有給莫利舅母放過(guò)那盤(pán)磁帶。我們拿不定主意該怎么辦?! ∥覀?cè)谀四干砩习l(fā)現(xiàn)了另一個(gè)人,并且也愛(ài)著她。她是重新找到生活意義的全新的莫利舅母。然而,我們也深?lèi)?ài)并懷念那個(gè)撫養(yǎng)著雙胞胎兄弟,溫柔、善良的女士。那個(gè)過(guò)去的莫利舅母?! ∈聦?shí)是,我們現(xiàn)在也搞不清哪個(gè)莫利舅母是真的。給她播放磁帶會(huì)發(fā)生什么事情?她的一部分會(huì)再次死去嗎,就像多爾頓舅舅去世時(shí)那樣?把這新生活從她手中奪走合適嗎?不過(guò),說(shuō)不定什么也不會(huì)發(fā)生,她還會(huì)保持現(xiàn)在的樣子——生活中充滿了愛(ài)?! 〉降啄膫€(gè)莫利舅母更適合留下呢——以前那個(gè)還是現(xiàn)在這個(gè)?  誰(shuí)是真正的莫利舅母呢?  她和霍勒斯下周就要出發(fā)去希臘了。那會(huì)給我們大家時(shí)間反復(fù)思考,然后再作出決定?! ∨f的還是新的?  那么,你會(huì)怎么做?  My Aunt Molly is the kindest, sweetest person on earth.,She may not be the deverest woman in the world, but I love her a lot. However, a strange thing happened to Aunt Molly and now we dont know what to do.  It all started when her husband, Uncle Dalton, died. Well, I called him Unde Dalton but she always called him Dally. He was my mothers only brother.AuntMolly really loved him, we all knew that.  Life had been quite difficult for Aunt Molly when she was a child. She was poor and her parents had died early on. She was left to look after herself. She had never learned to read properly and left school at an early age. But she was  always cheerful and honest and never complained about the hard work she did to earn her IMng. She worked as a deaner wherever there was work to do. She liked cleaning because she didnt have to make any difficult decisions. Aunt Molly didnt like making decisions. Perhaps she wasnt used to it. I dont know. But everybody liked her and she was never out of work.  She met Uncle Dalton when she was working as a deaner at the bus station. He was a bus driver and it was when he had just finished for the day that he first saw her deaning the station office. He fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. It was the same for Aunt Molly. As soon as their eyes met it was love for both of them. He soon grew to love her gentleness and she loved his kind heart and willingness to make decisions.  They got married two weeks later.  A year after that she gave birth to twin boys. They were my cousins and their names were Winston and Clement. I was born in the same year two months later. I was called Rufus. I still am. Anyway, Linde Dalton got a better job at the bus station soon afterwards, and they bought a housenear us.  莫利舅母還是個(gè)孩子的時(shí)候,生活非常艱難。她很窮,父母很早就去世了。她被丟下自己照顧自己。她很早就離開(kāi)了學(xué)校,從沒(méi)好好學(xué)過(guò)讀書(shū)認(rèn)字。但她總是快活、誠(chéng)實(shí),為謀生干活再辛苦也從不抱怨。不論是什么地方,只要有活干,她就去當(dāng)清潔工。她喜歡干清潔工作,因?yàn)槟菦](méi)必要做傷腦筋的決定。莫利舅母不喜歡拿主意。也許她是不習(xí)慣。我也說(shuō)不清楚。但所有的人都喜歡她,她從來(lái)不愁沒(méi)活干?! ∷窃诠财?chē)站作清潔工時(shí)遇到多爾頓舅舅的。他是個(gè)公共汽車(chē)司機(jī)。第一次看到她打掃車(chē)站辦公室的時(shí)候他剛剛完成了一天的工作。他一看見(jiàn)她就墜入了愛(ài)河。莫利舅母也是如此。他們的目光相遇的那一瞬間兩人立刻就心心相印了。她的溫柔讓他愛(ài)得無(wú)法自拔,而他那顆善良的心和遇事善斷的個(gè)性也征服了她?! ∷麄儍蓚€(gè)星期后就結(jié)了婚?! 〗Y(jié)婚一年后她生下一對(duì)孿生兄弟。他們是我的表兄,名字叫溫斯頓和克萊門(mén)特。我是同年兩個(gè)月以后出生的。我叫魯弗斯,現(xiàn)在還是這個(gè)名字。后來(lái),多爾頓舅舅很快在公共汽車(chē)站謀得了一個(gè)更好的工作,他們?cè)谖覀兗腋浇I(mǎi)了一所房子?! hester was feeling more tired than us,,:i after a hard day at the office. He had joined the company only two years before. He had come straight from university then, but now he was a junior manager in one of the biggest companies in Singapore. It was an important position to have and meant lots of extra work.  He could understand the jealousy that some of the other workers might feel against the new boy, as they still called him. He had risen quickly in the company. Many of them. however, had been there for years doing the same jobs.he could understand how bad feeling towards him might lie  hidden behind their smiles.  But it didnt make life any easier.  He needed people whose advice he could trust when he had to make difficult decisions. He had to be sure that the bad feelings of the other workers didnt get in the way of the impotent business decisions he had to make. He knew he would never become a manager unless he could be sure of people.  Then there was Dorothy.  Chester was fairly sure of his own good looks. He was dark and slim and dressed smartly, but with an eye to fashion. He was a confident speaker and believed himself to be a sociable and effective junior manager.  But when it came to Dorothy his judgement disappeared. Dorothy was a bright girl who had just joined the company, straight from university. He was attracted at once by her intelligent eyes, her shy, pretty face and her soft, round figure.  Ah, Doroth)4  Take today, for example. He had been given some new figures to check and he had asked Dorothy to read some of the derails to him while he took notes. It was not until she had left that he realised that he had not written notes at all. Instead he had written Dorothys name several times. He was too embarrassed to ask Dorothy for the details again, so he had to look them up in the office of old Mr Shaw.  Mr Shaw was known for always being in a bad mood and he was no different this time. He didnt like having to stay late to check figures for some junior manager. He didnt like it at all.  在辦公室忙碌了一天后,切斯特感覺(jué)比平時(shí)更疲勞。他是兩年前才加盟這個(gè)公司的。那時(shí)他剛從大學(xué)畢業(yè),但現(xiàn)在他已是新加坡一家最大的公司中的初級(jí)經(jīng)理了。這是一個(gè)重要的職務(wù),意味著要做許多額外的工作。  他能理解其他一些員工對(duì)他這個(gè)“剛出道的毛小子”的嫉妒心理,他們?nèi)缃襁€這么叫他。他在公司里一路青云直上。而他們中的許多人多年來(lái)一直做著同樣的工作?! ∷睦锩靼姿麄兾⑿Φ谋澈笠苍S隱藏著對(duì)他的嫉恨?! 〉@卻妨礙了他的生活。  在他必須作出艱難決策的時(shí)候,他需要有值得信賴的人為他出謀劃策。他務(wù)必確保其他的員工的不良情緒不會(huì)干擾他必須作出的重大業(yè)務(wù)決定。他知道,如果不能保證大家與他同心同德,他就永遠(yuǎn)當(dāng)不上經(jīng)理?! ∵€有多蘿西?! ∏兴固厣钪约合嗝膊环?。他皮膚黝黑,身材修長(zhǎng),衣著講究、入時(shí)。他講話時(shí)信心十足,深信自己是個(gè)善于交際、辦事效率高的初級(jí)經(jīng)理。  但面對(duì)多蘿西的時(shí)候他的這些判斷全都消失得無(wú)影無(wú)蹤。多蘿西是個(gè)剛從大學(xué)畢業(yè)就進(jìn)入公司的聰明姑娘。她那聰慧的雙眼、羞澀的舉止、美麗的容貌和她那柔軟、豐盈的身材立刻就把他吸引住了?! “?,多蘿西!  就拿今天來(lái)說(shuō)吧。由于要核實(shí)一些新的數(shù)據(jù),他請(qǐng)多蘿西念出細(xì)節(jié),自己做筆記。直到她離開(kāi)時(shí)他才發(fā)現(xiàn)自己根本什么都沒(méi)記下。相反,他把多蘿西的名字寫(xiě)了許多遍。他不好意思再去向多蘿西打聽(tīng)那些細(xì)節(jié),所以只好自己去老肖先生的辦公室查閱?! ⌒は壬男郧楸┰晔浅隽嗣?,這次也不例外。他不愿意因?yàn)槌跫?jí)經(jīng)理核對(duì)數(shù)據(jù)而延誤下班。這種事他煩透了?!  ?/pre>





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