
出版時間:2002-1  出版社:外語教研  作者:哈迪 著,胡明 注  頁數(shù):101  


這套讀物根據(jù)難易程度分為5級:Starter Level,BeginnerLevel,ElementaryLevel,Intermediate Level和Upper Level。讀物內(nèi)容包括獨立成篇的小說及其作品,均選自原版小說、改寫的名著或科普讀物,涉及中小學(xué)生都感興趣或熱中的題材。讀物根據(jù)不同等級在詞匯、語法、語言難度上加以注釋,使同學(xué)們能以不同的語言水平閱讀英文作品。每一本讀物都配有自測練習(xí),用以引導(dǎo)和輔助同學(xué)們閱讀,也可由教師用來組織、指導(dǎo)學(xué)生進行系統(tǒng)的閱讀活動。
Thomas Hardy was born on 2nd June 1840,at Higher Bockhampton.This small vilage is near Dorchester,in dorset-a county in the south of England.Hardy's parents were poor,working people.
Thomas went to a school in Dorchester and he studied Latin,French and German as well as Literature,science and art .At the age of 16,he began studying architecutre.When he was 22,he went to London and worked for and architect.He returned to Dorset in 1867,and in the same year he began to write his first novel.At this time ,Hardy fell in love with Trphena Sparks .Their romance continued during the summer of 1869 until ,in 1870,Hardy went to work in the coujty of Cornwall.There,he met Emma Gifford ,the danghter of a rich lawyer.
Hardy's first novel,Desperate Remedies,was published in 1871.Between 1871and 1895 he wrote 15 other novels,some short stories adn poems. In 1874 ,Hardy married Emma Gifford ,and he stopped working as an architect.He and Emma went to live near Dorchester in 1887. Hardy designed thdeir large house himself.He called it max
Hardy became rich and famous and many important visitors came to meet him at Max Gate.But his marriage to Emma was not happy.When she died in 1912,the writer was very upset and from that time he wrote no more novels. Instead,he wrote poetry.Many of his poems were sad.


這是一套優(yōu)秀的分級英語讀物我們想對老師們說我們想對同學(xué)們說Notes A Before Reading 1 Little Hintock in Winter2 Grace Comes Home3 A New Friend4 The Party5 The Writing on the Wall6 'Pity is not Love'7 Midsummer's Eve8 Marriage9 Two Friends Meets Again10 Mrs Charmond11 Bad News12 The Cottage in the Woods13 Afterwards   Points for Understanding   C After Reading   Answer Key   新標(biāo)準中小學(xué)分級英語讀物




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