
出版時間:2001-5  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:外語教學與研究出版社  譯者:鄒曉明  






書摘     When I woke up next morning, and tried to get up, I could  not move. I was lying on my back and my whole body, my  arms and legs were strongly fastened to the ground. Even my  hair, which was long and thick, was tied to the ground. Thesun began to grow hot, and I was very uncomfortable. Soon I  felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to  my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human  being, only fifteen centimetres tall. He had a bow and arrowin his hands, and there were forty more of these little men following him. I was so surprised that I gave a great shout. They  all jumped back, very frightened, and some hurt themselves  by falling off my body. Meanwhile, I was struggling to unfasten myself, but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of  the ropes, I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand, and  more arrows on my face and body. This was very painful, and  made me cry aloud. I lay quietly, to see what would happen  next.    When Dunstan Cass left the cottage, Silas Marner was  only a hundred metres away. He was walking home  from the village, where he had gone to buy what he needed for  his next day' s work. His legs were tired, but he felt almosthappy. He was looking forward to supper-time, when he would  bring out his gold. Tonight he had an extra reason to hurry  home. He was going to eat hot meat, which was unusual for him. And it would cost him nothing, because someone had given him a piece of meat as a present. He had left it cooking over  the fire. The door key was needed to hold it safely in place, but  Silas was not at all worried about leaving his gold in the cottage with the door unlocked. He could not imagine that a thief  would find his way through the mist, rain and darkness to the little cottage by the quarry.    鄧斯坦·凱斯離開的時候,西拉斯僅僅在100米之外,他從村里買了第二天干活用的東西,正往家里走。西拉斯的腿很累,但他心里很高興。他期待著晚飯時間的到來,那時他又可以拿出金子來了。今晚他匆匆回家還有個特別的理由,他今天要吃一塊熱熱的烤肉,平時他很少吃肉。不過他并沒有花錢,因為這塊肉是別人送給他的禮物。他出來時已經把它烤在了火上,肉是用大門鑰匙串起來的,西拉斯一點兒也不擔心不鎖門而把金幣留在小屋里,他不信會有賊能在這樣的大霧、大雨里摸黑找到他在采石場邊上的小草屋。    Later that same afternoon Mr Utterson found his way to  Doctor Jekyll' s house. Jekyll' s servant, Poole, let him  in at once and took him through the kitchen and across the  back garden to the laboratory behind the house. It was thefirst time that Mr Utterson had seen his friend's laboratory,  and he looked around curiously.   The old servant led Mr Utterson through the laboratory and  up some stairs to the doctor's private study above. This was a  large room with tall, glass-fronted cupboards, a large mirror  and a big, businesslike table. A good fire burned in the fireplace and beside it sat Doctor Jekyll, looking white and ill. In  a thin, tired voice he welcomed his friend.    'Have you heard the news?'said Mr Utterson after the old servant had left.     當天下午很晚了,厄特森先生才抽出空去杰基爾博士家。博士的仆人普爾馬上把他讓進去,穿過廚房和后花園來到屋后面的實驗室,這是厄特森先生第一次到朋友的實驗室來,他好奇地看來看去。    老仆人帶他經過實驗室,上樓來到博士的私人書房。屋子很大,周圍都是鑲著玻璃的柜子,還有一面大鏡子和一張井然有序的大辦公桌。壁爐里火燒得很旺,火邊坐著杰基爾博士,面色蒼白,十分痛苦的樣子。他聲音微弱、無精打采地和朋友打了招呼。    “你也聽說這事了?”老仆人剛一退下,厄特森先生就問。     The troubles in France continued. The citizens of France  had fought to win power, and now they used it. Castles were burned, laws were changed, and the rich and powerful nobles died--their heads cut off by that terrible new machine of death, the Guillotine. In Paris the King was put inprison, and in 1792 the people of France sent him to the Guillotine as well. The French Revolution was now three years  old, but there were more years of terror to come.    Not all the rich nobles had died. Some had escaped to England; some had even sent or brought their money to London  before the Revolution began. And Tellson's Bank, which the  French emigrants used, had become a meeting-place where  they could hear and talk about the latest news from France.    One wet August day Mr Lorry sat at his desk in the bank, talking to Charles Darnay. The years since Charles's marriage  had seen the arrival of a daughter, little Lucie, who was now  nine years old. Dr Manette had continued in good health, and  at the centre of that warm family circle was always Lucie--aloving daughter, wife, mother, and a kind-hearted friend.  Even Sydney Carton, though his old, bad ways were unchanged, was a family friend--and very much a favourite with  little Lucie.    法國的風暴在繼續(xù)著。法國的公民們曾為爭得權力而戰(zhàn)斗,現在他們可以使用權力了。城堡被燒掉,法律被改換,那些有錢有勢的貴族死了:他們的腦袋被那可怕的新死亡機器——斷頭臺給砍掉了。在巴黎,國王被投進了監(jiān)獄。1792年,法國人民把他也送上了斷頭臺。法國大革命到現在已3年了,但是恐怖還要持續(xù)更長的歲月。        并非所有的有錢貴族都已死了,他們有一些逃到了英國;有一些在大革命開始之前就已把他們的錢財帶到或寄到了倫敦。臺爾森銀行為法國移民所利用,現在它已經成了他們聚集在一起打聽和談論從法國來的最新消息的場所。       8月里一個潮濕的日子,勞里先生坐在他銀行里的辦公桌旁和查爾斯·代爾那交談。查爾斯婚后已有了一個女兒小路茜來到世上。現在她已經9歲了。馬內特醫(yī)生的身體一直很健康。這個溫馨的家庭的中心始終是路茜——一個讓人喜歡的女兒、妻子、母親和善良的朋友。甚至西得尼·卡登,雖然他原先那些不好的生活方式并未改變,也是這個家庭的朋友——而且是小路茜最喜愛的人。   A neighbour of the Gordons', Mr Blomefield, had a large  family of boys and girls who often came to play with  Miss Jessie and Miss Flora. One of the girls was the same age  as Miss Jessie, two of the boys were older,and there were several little ones. Whenever they came, the children loved to ride  Merrylegs.   One afternoon when they were visiting,James brought Merrylegs in and said,' Now, behave yourself. '    'What did you do, Merrylegs?' I asked him.    'Those young people didn't seem to know when I was  tired, 'he said, 'so I just threw them off backwards. It was the  only thing they could understand. '    'You threw the children off!' I said. 'Oh, no! Did you  throw Miss Flora or Miss Jessie?'    高頓夫婦的鄰居,布勞姆菲爾德先生,有一個大家庭。他有許多孩子,他們經常來和潔茜小姐、弗勞拉小姐玩兒。一個女孩和潔茜小姐同齡,兩個男孩大一點兒,另外還有幾個小小孩兒。每次他們一來,就喜歡騎樂腿兒。    一天下午他們來串門的時候,詹姆斯牽回樂腿兒并對他說:“來,給我放規(guī)矩點?!?      “你干什么了,樂腿兒?”我問他。    “那些小孩似乎不知道我會累,”他說,“所以我就把他們向后面甩下去。他們只能明白這個?!?   “你把孩子們甩下去了!”我說,“啊,不會吧!你也把潔茜小姐和弗勞拉小姐甩下去了?”     ……








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用戶評論 (總計52條)


  •   書蟲系列一直是我的最愛,雖然是縮寫本,但是文字極好,簡單,卻十分生動!還記得在一個午后,看《風語河岸柳》,本想看一會兒就睡覺,結果真正是愛不釋手,一直看完,忍不住又看了第二遍!要陸續(xù)集齊所有書蟲系列!
  •   這是最快的一次收貨記錄,上午九點多下訂單,下午七點就收到了,書蟲是本來就很喜歡的書,以前買過是二手書,這次買的和以前買的正好沒有重復,還想買其他幾冊
  •   老版書蟲淘到的內容一樣價格卻非常便宜,當當的書確實比其它網站便宜一些
  •   不錯書蟲
  •   給兒子買的,覺得現在讀太難了,準備再給他買簡單的先看吧
  •   總體上來說書的質量還是挺可以的,就是包裝上貌似有些陳舊,不知道是怎么一回事。 還有就是,我買了四級上下冊,結果還有重復的書,這個我就更不明白是怎么一回事了…………
  •   我不懂英語,可以對照著給女兒看,已經買了好多本,這次性價比最高。
  •   風靡全球的英文版讀物,對英語學習極有幫助。
  •   當當的物流實在是讓人頭疼,二十多天才收到,而在**同時下的單,第二天就收到了,無法比較,真是商大欺客呀!
  •   這個物流有點奇怪啊,明明顯示到了,在配送了,后面又加多兩天運輸中。。。。手機還收到當當的信息,提示我退貨已經在處理什么的,暈暈的。
  •   很不錯 把很多青少年困擾給寫出來了 贊
  •   商品不錯,以后還會買的
  •   貨不對板,書的目錄介紹與收到的書不一樣
  •   很適合學生看,閱讀不再是難題啦~
  •   快遞真的很快,第二天就到了,書的質量也不錯。
  •   速度很快...不過感覺被扔過
  •   質量不錯,包裝也很好。
  •   要是可以單本便宜買的話就好了
  •   幫同事買的的。當當網的書很全,想要買的教材都買到了。很給力
  •   好書,希望能遇到別的好讀者
  •   打算買了回來空閑時看看的。書挺好的,價格也合理
  •   我喜歡這本書,在閱讀英語的同時,也可以看看中文,對我的英語有一定的幫助
  •   書是不錯 可惜網站沒表示清楚
  •   不錯的雙語書籍
  •   剛到貨,還沒有來得及看。
  •   很喜歡,價格實惠。
  •   挺好的,字體清晰,翻譯挺好,印刷也好,一個字:好!
  •   一直看這些東東,挺好的!
  •   對學習英語,提高英語興趣,很好看。
  •   給老妹買的,中學生缺乏英語閱讀材料,這個挺不錯。
  •   這幾本書都是老板推薦的,感覺非常好,很實用,不過當當有很多級都沒有,希望盡快進貨!
  •   接連兩了兩套了,感覺很不錯,推薦
  •   不錯 只是紙質似乎不如以前的版本了 仍然好評
  •   一面是中文另一面是英文,而且可以同時看到。贊一個!
  •   這個系列的書中學時候就斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的看過一些。最近逛當當,就收藏了。沒想到是適合初中學生的,權當補充閱讀吧,看完后送家里的小孩也不錯。
  •   的確是英漢對照,而且書后還有對應的習題
  •   個人認為這樣的書籍很值得看,既能學習英語又能有讀物
  •   以為有cd,發(fā)現只有紙質版
  •   還可以,幸好里面的書沒事。。。
  •   好書,英語語文雙提高
  •   紙張質量可以,適合平時提高英語能力
  •   還好,裝訂一般,有掉頁
  •   翻譯好是好,可惜選材多是悲劇,難以引人入勝
  •   才到貨,限時買的,很合適
  •   因為前面都說第四級是適合高中用的。本以為這也是適合高中學生用的,結果發(fā)過過卻是初三的,不適用了
  •   孩子挺愛讀的
  •   網上看到的介紹是說四級下適合高一高二的學生,但是書拿到手之后看到書上明明寫著是適合初三的學生。郁悶。
  •   就是想象中的書大小跟實際的有些偏差,快遞給力
  •   買的是一套 盒子里的 書不堪入目
  •   果然是名書,不錯,收益不少
  •   里面6本書薄厚不一,外面的紙盒子,感覺是放久了,邊邊角角都磨損了
  •   內容沒有那么吸引人,建議還是買些自己喜歡的小說,最好看過中文版的或電影

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