
出版時間:2001-10  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:徐憲光  頁數(shù):471  






第一部分 商務(wù)溝通的基本理論  第一章	溝通在商務(wù)活動中的作用   第一節(jié)	商務(wù)溝通的定義   第二節(jié)	組織及其結(jié)構(gòu)   第三節(jié)	商務(wù)溝通的動態(tài)性及其多渠道特征   第四節(jié)	內(nèi)部溝通   第五節(jié)	外部溝通   第六節(jié)	企業(yè)文化與內(nèi)部溝通   第七節(jié)	正式溝通與非正式溝通   第八節(jié)	本章小結(jié)  第二章	溝通理論的基本概念   第一節(jié)	言語溝通   第二節(jié)	非言語溝通   第三節(jié)	溝通要素分析   第四節(jié)	本章小結(jié)第二部分 商務(wù)活動中的口頭溝通  第三章	為更好溝通而聽   第一節(jié)	聽的作用及其具體運用   第二節(jié)	聽力不佳及其影響   第三節(jié)	聽力不良原因分析   第四節(jié)	怎樣聽效果更好   第五節(jié)	如何聽講效果更佳   第六節(jié)	本章小結(jié)  第四章	公共場合如何講話出色   第一節(jié)	講話出色的重要性   第二節(jié)	目的分析   第三節(jié)	聽眾分析   第四節(jié)	怎樣寫出好提綱   第五節(jié)	講話如何展開   第六節(jié)	自信心——講話人成功的關(guān)鍵所在   第七節(jié)	講話方式   第八節(jié)	本章小結(jié)  第五章	組織與參加會議的技巧第三部分 書面、跨文化及其他溝通  第六章	跨文化商務(wù)溝通  第七章	技術(shù)促進溝通  第八章	寫作出色——商務(wù)溝通中的必備技能


  商務(wù)溝通(BC)的定義  商務(wù)溝通方面有很多的著述,但人們卻很難從中找到有關(guān)商務(wù)溝通的定義。然而,由于商務(wù)溝通有其特定的應(yīng)用范圍,而該范圍與其他的溝通確實有著某種程度的不同(盡管它們的確有相同之處),因此,我們把它定義為:  商務(wù)溝通是一種動態(tài)的、多渠道過程,它包括特定組織內(nèi)部和外部的溝通。  該定義僅供參考。盡管如此,該定義包含了商務(wù)溝通中的一些基本要素,譬如動態(tài)性和多渠道過程、內(nèi)部和外部的溝通以及組織等。為能更好地理解商務(wù)溝通,本章將對商務(wù)溝通所涉及的一些基本但卻重要的概念作簡短的介紹?! ≡S多公司談得最多的話題之一是“顧客忠誠”,但員工的忠誠問題則很少被人提及。事實上,忽略“員工忠誠”問題對一個組織的士氣有著強烈的負面效應(yīng),這一影響有著日漸擴展的趨勢。為避免這一問題的產(chǎn)生,向員工講明他們所感興趣或關(guān)心的事實,將是一種行之有效的做法?! ?.1.1 EXPRESSING ALL KINDS OF IDEAS  The uniqueness of verbal communication is in that it can best express all  ideas we want to express. For example, as a manager market department, if you have an idea about the market development, you can talk it over with your assistant(s) to see how he/they feel(s) about it. Besides, you can also hold a meeting to discuss it;or you can send a questionnaire to those people con-cemed to get a feedback.  Sometimes the idea we have is too technical to be stated, so then we should try to make it simpler so as to make it easier for our audience to com-prehend. Sometimes the idea we have may be too challenging, then we should do our best to make it acceptable to our doubting colleagues or subordinates (or maybe to our bosses as well--who knows! ). No matter how hard the ex- planation is or how tough the situation may be, we can find one way or another to reach the goal through verbal communication. Only then shall we feel grateful to the power of verbal communication, and only then shall we truly recognize the importance of having verbal communication in an effective way.  2.1.2   KEEPING & DISSEMINATING INFORMATION  Suppose you want to do a better job for the idea you have in mind. Before you go to anyone to share your idea with, you had better store your idea into the computer. With the help of the computer, you can modify and develop the immature idea into a mature one. In this way, you will feel more confident when talking with other people about the idea.  If the person you want to contact is not in the office, you can try to reach  him through the telephone or fax (if he has a facsimile at home), or leave a message if he has a voice mail. If you have a document or something you want  someone to read, you can send him an e-mail with the file attached to it (if its  a printed one, you can scan it on to a file document then make it a file). In-  vestigations have shown that e-mailing is one of the most effective and eco-nomic ways for business communication, which may account for the scene that  many business persons bring along lap-top computers wherever they go. One of the magic powers of using a computer is that it makes us feel as if there were no such things as geographical barriers--we are always in connection,especially now with the help of Internet.  Sometimes, we want to keep something on file. The traditional way is to copy it down or type it out. But now NO. With the help of computers, we can store whatever we like in the computer. We can retrieve the stored file when we need it. If we are to participate in a seminar or to make a presentation, what we should do is to copy the file on a floppy disk as many seminars and conferences are computer-equipped.  2.1.3   MORE CLARIFIED & EFFICIENT THAN OTHER WAYS  Some people may argue that besides verbal communication, human beings may have other ways for communication. For example, they can use gestures or some established ways like beating drums (as in Africa) or blowing horus (as in Asia) to send messages. It is true that such ways do work in a given area or given time, but none of them can be compared to the verbal way which is used the world over.  Suppose you read from the newspaper that the bank merging proposal between the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Bank was vetoed by Mr. Martin, the financial minister of Canada. If you want to share the news with your friends outside Canada, the best way out is to let them know it through verbal communication. Only by the use of words will it be possible for you to explain what is what in a clear way. That is the reason why people depend so much on verbal communication, especially when there are some potential misunder-standing or conflicts.  MINICASE  Some Chinese students studying at a business school in Canada were once asked by their professor to study a case written by an American and then make a presentation.  The case was about a JV project in a coastal city in China.As the writer described the dinners entertained by the Chinese and the indirect ways of the Chinese at the negotiation table,some western students in the class got the feeling that the Chinese only liked rich food and were not sincere.for doing business. The Chinese students got the feedback from the casual talks with their Western classmates. They knew clearly that there were some prejudicial perception in that American businessmans report, as he did not understand the Chinese way of treating friends, not to mention his lack of understanding the Chinese culture. Therefore, the  Chinese students decided that they should talk a little bit about the Chinese culture in their case analysis, and they did a very good preparation.  In their presentation the following week,those Chinese students explained the Chinese guest-treating culture to the class with a quotation from Confucius—the ancient Chinese educator:" What a pleasant thing it is to have friends coming from afar." They went on explaining that the Chinese cared more about hospitality than about money spent on guests. While they were talking, they noticed that some Western students nodded  their heads and they even heard some "wows" from among them in low voice. After the brief introduction on the Chinese hospitality, they shifted onto another topic—the Chinese way of negotiating with Westerners. Their presentation turned out to be a great success:not only did they win a big applause and excitement from the whole class, but more importantly, it cleared the misperception against the Chinese from the Western students perspective.  In the case above, the misunderstanding about the Chinese way of entertaining guests and for negotiations is very typical in cross-cultural ontacts. However, misunderstandings or misperceptions cannot be corrected unless the people concerned talk them over in a verbal way. Of course, a real understanding of a nations culture involves other factors.But verbal communication certainly functions as the prerequisite for a real understanding between each other, especially for those people with different cultural backgrounds.  In most cases, verbal communication works faster and more efficiently than other ways, and this is especially true when people are far away from each other. For example, an international telephone call takes a few seconds to get connected (one could hardly feel the lag in time), people at both ends would feel that they were making a local call, not an international call. Moreover, when you want to send a message to dozens of even hundreds of people, the most efficient way is to send it by e-mail (as we mentioned ear-lier) by selecting the item group list. E-mailing will take a couple of seconds(or a little longer)to reach the targeted receivers. Believe it or not, commu-nicating in a verbal way has made our communication easier, more conve-nient, and more effective.  4. 4. 1   TOPIC SELECTION  A topic acts as the theme of a speech. Therefore, it should be dealt with in a serious way. There are a number of ways for choosing a right topic: we may choose one according to our personal interest--we choose it because we like it; it may come out of a ready subject or public concern; it may come out of something else.  However, it would be more preferable if we could give two or three topic, for comparison.For example, if we want to talk about the significance of professional training for business people today, we may think of topics like " The Modern Businessperson & Professional Training", "The Importance of Professional raining for Modem Business people", and "How to Become a Qualified Modem Businessperson". In this way, it would leave more room for us to choose the appropriate topic for the speech. As to which topic to be se-lected, it depends on the material paration and the composition of the audience.  Nevertheless, whatever topic(s) we may choose, we should take twopoints into consideration, i.e. delimitation and justification about the topic:  ·Delimitation  Delimitation refers to "the setting of boundaries" for the coming speech.  For example, a topic like "Marketing in China" may refer to a general ntro-duction of marketing as a whole in China, or it may refer to a regional mar-keting practice in China, or it may just refer to some marketing activities carried out in China. The speaker should tell his listeners what is included and what is excluded when he actually makes the speech, which will be helpful for the listeners to focus their attention on the speech and have a better listening afterwards.  · Justification  Justification means you should be ready to answer questions from your audience on the topic. Suppose the topic you have chosen is "Watch Out for Y2K Bug". You should be prepared to answer questions like "Y2K Bug is something related to computer technology. What has that to do with my company?" or "Why should I be concerned about the millennium problem?" Of course, questions like these may not actually occur. However, a little ef-fort is better than none. This is especially tree when you are speaking to a group of people about whom you have little knowledge, or when the audience is composed of professionals. Therefore, unless you are willing to take a chance for your speech, it would be better for you to prepare some backup information on the guesstimates of your own.  ……


  1995年我以翻譯身份隨同財政部大學(xué)校長考察團先后訪問了美國和加拿大近10所知名大學(xué)的商學(xué)院。給我留下深刻印象的,不是這些大學(xué)尤美的校園環(huán)境,而是其商學(xué)院中種類繁多的MBA項目——MBA,EM-BA(高級工商管理碩士),HMBA(衛(wèi)生管理碩士),AMBA(航空工商管理碩士)等。當時留存我心里的一個問題是:工商管理何以在西方受到如此重視?這個問題始終未能得到滿意的答案。直到1998年我以訪問教授的身份到加拿大渥太華大學(xué)工商管理學(xué)院作一年研修時,我才真正找到了答案,這就是:系統(tǒng)的工商管理課程的學(xué)習所培養(yǎng)的是管理方面的專門人才;現(xiàn)代企業(yè)所期盼的并不僅僅是技術(shù),他們還迫切需要管理方面的專才,因為惟有科學(xué)的管理才能使企業(yè)出效益,才能在激烈的市場競爭和風云變幻的市場需求中,求得企業(yè)的生存和發(fā)展?! ∑髽I(yè)呼喚管理人才,而管理的精髓則在于有效的溝通。無論是企業(yè)約內(nèi)部管理還是其外部的聯(lián)系,無論是部門的經(jīng)理、公司的財務(wù)總監(jiān)還是集團的總裁,有效溝通應(yīng)是任職的必要條件之一。之所以這樣說,是因為從企業(yè)運作的角度看,企業(yè)的每一個成員都是企業(yè)信息鏈上的一環(huán)——環(huán)環(huán)相連。從企業(yè)的內(nèi)部運作來看,企業(yè)信息鏈上的任何一環(huán)出現(xiàn)問題,都必將影響到信息的準確傳遞及企業(yè)的正常運作;從企業(yè)對外聯(lián)系的角度看,企業(yè)與外界能否做到信息上的雙向溝通并達到本企業(yè)所預(yù)期的溝通目的,完全取決于企業(yè)管理層處理信息的能力。華爾街雜志社所出版的一期《國家商務(wù)錄用周刊》(National Business Employment職者必須嫻熟掌握口頭和書面溝通技能”?!案Q一斑而知全貌”,我們由此不難看出溝通在企業(yè)管理中所占的分量?! ≡谖抑鞒值闹忻缆?lián)合培養(yǎng)MBA“商務(wù)溝通技術(shù)”(Business Commu-nications&Technology)課程的教學(xué)以及我所參與的有關(guān)企業(yè)活動、涉外交往及研修活動中,我常常感到:在經(jīng)濟活動日趨全球化的今天,中國的商務(wù)人士迫切需要加強商務(wù)溝通理論的學(xué)習,迫切需要接受商務(wù)溝通方面的專門教育。惟有這樣, 中國的商務(wù)人士才能夠更好地迎接中國入世后所面臨的種種機遇和挑戰(zhàn),才能夠真正稱得上是一個“國際人”,而不僅僅是一個中國人。正是在這樣的背景下,我萌發(fā)了一個念頭:撰寫一部借鑒西方商務(wù)溝通理論而又符合中國具體國情的商務(wù)溝通專著?! ≈袊F(xiàn)有的國情是:一方面,商務(wù)人士急需接觸和了解商務(wù)溝通的理論;另一方面,他們當中大多數(shù)人的英文水平尚未達到能流利閱讀原版商務(wù)溝通專著和教材的程度。西方雖有不少關(guān)于商務(wù)溝通的專著和教材,但它們無一例外地都是從西方的文化背景、西方的價值觀出發(fā),與我國的國情和民族文化有著很大的區(qū)別——這是中國的商務(wù)溝通理論研究者及感興趣者不得不認真思考的問題。所以我們要做的,不是對風行西方的商務(wù)溝通理論采取“拿來主義”,而是根據(jù)中國的國情對這一理論加以取舍和改造,使它真正能夠為我們所用?! ≌菑淖呦蚴澜绲囊朁c出發(fā),我決定書稿先用英文寫成,而后再將其譯成中文——即寫一部雙語書。這樣處理會給讀者留下較大的選擇空間:讀者自己決定選讀英文版或中文版內(nèi)容,或者是對比閱讀。在語體方面,借鑒國外同類書的做法,我采用了談話語體,從而使商務(wù)溝通  理論更易于為讀者所理解和接受。該項目動筆于1998年,即我在加拿大渥太華大學(xué)工商管理學(xué)院研修期間;但其寫成之時已是2001年2月——前后歷時四載。這本書居然跨越了兩個世紀!因此對我來說,它有著獨特的紀念意義?!  ?/pre>




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用戶評論 (總計8條)


  •   這本書是我在圖書館第一次看見的,我一看里面的句子很好,于是我就想去復(fù)印一本,可是一想還是買一本比較好。他名叫“商務(wù)溝通”,具有多重作用。很值得我去學(xué)習。
  •   商務(wù)溝通,重要啊
  •   質(zhì)量不錯,內(nèi)容還沒看。不過是教材,內(nèi)容比較有權(quán)威性。
  •   這個挺好,就是貴了
  •   學(xué)校讓買的上課用的書。
  •   書還不錯,有助于學(xué)習
  •   其實學(xué)校要求買得 不得不買啊
  •   不值.讓我想睡

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