出版時(shí)間:2000-8 出版社:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:Andrew Radford 頁(yè)數(shù):443
This book is a self-contained introduction to language and
linguistics. suitable for use as a textbook and for self-study.
Written by a team of distinguished linguists, it offers a unified
approach to language from several perspectives. A language is a
complex structure represented in the minds of its speakers, and
this book provides the tools necessary for understanding this
structure, It explains basic concepts and recent theoretical ideas
in the major aresa of linguistics (phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax and semantics), as well as the applications of
these to the study of child laguage acquisition, psycholinguistics,
language disorders and sociolinguistics. The book is divided into
three parts: sounds, words and sentences. In each of these parts,
the foundational concepts are introduced along with their
applications in the above fields. giving this book a clear and
unique structure. Each section is accompanied by extensive
exercises and guidance on further reading. The authors all teach at
the department of Language and Linguistics at the University of
Essex, Andrew Radford is the author of four best-selling textbooks:
Transformational Syntax(1981),Transformational
Grammar(1988),Syntax(1997)and Syntactic Theory and the Structure of
English (1997), all published by Cambridge Uniersity Press. Martin
Atkinson is the author of Explanations in Child Language
Acquisition(1982), Children's Syntax(1992)and Foundations of
General Linguistics(With D.Kilby and 1. Roca, 1988).David Britain
has published articles in Language in Society and Language
Variation and Change. Harald Clahsen has written a number of books
and articles on child language acquisition, developmental language
disorders and the acquisition of German as a second language.
Andrew Spencer is the author of Morphological Theory(1991)and
Phonology (4996)and has contributed to the Handbook of Morphology
and the Handbook of Linguistics. This intoduction, by some of
today's most distinguished linguists, should rapidly become the
market leader. lnstead of offering the usual catalogue of
unconnected topics, the authors of this intoduction cover each of
the major areas of language-sounds, words and sentences-from
several viewpoints at once, giving a unified account of the field
with unparalleled clarity and elegance. Each section is
complemented by exercises which are at once challenging,
illuninating and entertaining.' Neil Smith. University College
Further reading and references
Part 1 Sounds
1 Introduction
2 Sounds and suprasegmentals
3 Sound variation
4 Sound change
5 Phonemes,syllables and phonological Processes
5 Child Phonology
7 Processing sounds
Further reading and references
Part 2 Words
8 Introduction
9 Word classes
10 Building words
11 Morphology across languages
12 Word meaning
13 Children and words
14 Lexical Processing and the mental lexicon
15 Lexical disorders
16 Lexical variation and change
Further reading and references
Part 3 Sentences
17 Introduction
18 Basic Terminology
19 Sentence structure
20 Empty categories
21 Movement
22 Syntactic variation
23 Logical form
24 Children's sentence
25 Sentence processing
26 Syntactic disorders
Further reading and references