
出版時(shí)間:2000-8-1  出版社:外研社  作者:Gillian Brown,George Yule  頁(yè)數(shù):293  譯者:羅選民 (導(dǎo)讀)  


Disourse analysis' is a term which has come to have different
interpretations for scholars working in different disciplines. For
a sociolinguist. it is concerned mainly with the structure of
social interactionmanifested in conversation; for a psycholinguist,
it is primarily concerned with the nature of comprehension of short
written texts; for the computational linguist, it is concerned with
producing operational models of text-understanding within highly
limited contexts. In this textbook, the authors provide an
extensive overview of the many and diverse approaches to the study
of discourse, but base their own approach centrally on the
discipline which, to varying degrees, is common to them all -
linguistics. Using a methodology which has much in common with
descriptive linguistics, they offer a lucid and wide-ranging
account of how forms of language are used in
Their principal concern is to examine how any
language produced by man, whether spoken or written, is used to
communicate for a purpose in a context. The discussion is carefully
illustrated throughout by a wide variety of discourse
types(conversations recorded in different social situations,
extracts from newspapers, notices, contemporary fiction, graffiti,
etc.). The techniques of analysis are described and exemplified in
sufficient detail for the student to be able to apply them to any
language in context that he or she encounters.
A familiarity with elementary linguistics
is assumed, but the range of issues discussed in conjunction with
the variety of exemplifcation presented will made this a valuable
and stimulating textbook not only for students of linguistics, but
for any reader who ishes to investigate the principles underlying
the use of language i natural contexts to communicate and
understand intended meaning.


Preface by Halliday
Transcription conventions
1 Introduction:Iinguistic forms and functions
1.1 The functions of language
1.2 Spoken and written language
1.3 On'data'
2 The role of context in interpretation
2.1 Pragmatics and discourse context
2.2 The context of situation
2.3 The principles of local interretation and of
3 Topic and the representation of discourse content
3.1 Discourse fragments and the notion topic
3.2 Sentential topic
3.3 Discoures topic
3.4 Relevance and speaking topically
3.5 Speaker's topic
3.6 Paragraphs
3.7 Discourse topic and the representation of discoures
3.8 Problems wity the proposition based representation of
discourse content
3.9 Memory for text-content:story-grammars
4 Staging and the representation of discourse structure
5 Information stucture
6 The nature of referene in text and in discourse
7 Coherence in the interpretation of discourse
Subjct index
Author index





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