
出版時間:2000-10  出版社:牛津大學(xué)出版社  作者:Joanna Thornborrow  頁數(shù):269  


How can linguisties help you enjoy literature?    What do writers do with language?     This student-friendly textbook uses the principles of linguistic analysis to investigate the use of language in literary (and non-literary)texts. Patterns in Language communicates how linguistic knowledge can enhance and enrich the analysis of texts.    The authors borrow from traditional stylistics but focus primarily on the recuring linguistic patterns used by writers. Using a wide variety of imaginative and stimulating textual examples, the authors encompass both classic and contemporary lierature, drama and poetry (including James Joyce and Alice Walker. Shakespeare: Dennis Potter and Tom Stoppard; Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath)as well as popular fiction and adverts. User-friendly features include: Clear explanations of the phonetic, syntactie, semantic and discoursal properties of language. Numerous tasks, a checklist for analysis and suggestions for further reading in each chapter. An answer key and a glossary of terms.     Patterns in language assumes little or no prior knowledge of linguistic theory or literature.It is therefore ideal for students of English language, linguistics, and English literature, as well as for non-native speakers of English studying English as a foreign language.


Joanna Thornborrow teaches English Languge and Linguistics at Roehampton Institute London. Shan Wareing, also at Roehampton Instiute, is Assistant Director of Educational Development.


王宗炎序?qū)ёxAcknowledgements1  Introduction  1.1  About you……  1.2  What is stylistics?  1.3  Some debates about the methods and purpose of stylistics  1.4  The background to the study of language and literature  1.5  The purpose of this book  1.6  The structure of this book2  Sound and metre in poetry  2.1  Introduction  2.2  Sound patterning  2.3  Stress and metrical patterning  2.4  Conventional forms of metre and sound   2.5  The poetic functions of sound and metre  2.6  Analysis of poetry:checklist Suggestions for further reading3  Grammar and literary style4  Meaning5  Stylistic applications to drama6  From classic realism to modernism7  Style in popular texts8  Theory and style:next stepsSuggested answers to activitiesGlossaryReferencesBibliographyIndex文庫索引




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  •   這本書用詞真好,文字恰到好處,初讀易懂,解決了學(xué)習(xí)理解上的困難;不像以往的一些英文語言學(xué)類書籍,有些文字艱深難懂,很讓人費解。所以說真是買對了!易懂且有效的文字就是好~
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  •   這是老師讓買的教材,質(zhì)量看來不錯哦。
  •   這本書寫得很簡單,很容易看懂,本科生用挺好的,研究生用很快就看完了,說了一些很基本的東西,不過對文體學(xué)所做的事還是做了入門介紹。
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  •   此次訂單很快,很滿意!但是之前的訂單,發(fā)貨時間太長。耽誤用戶的使用。

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