
出版時間:2000-8  出版社:牛津大學出版社,外語教學與研究出版社  作者:J.Charles Alderson,Caroline Clapham,Dianne Wall  頁數:315  


  An understanding of the principles of test construction has become increasingly important for many people involved in language teaching. This book, by three leading professionals.clearly describes and illustrates up-to-date principles of test design, construction and evaluation. Each chapter deals with one stage of the test construction process; drawing up specifications writing test items, test papers and moderation trialing draft tests training test markers and administrators monitoring examiner reliability reporting results validation writing reports on tests feedback, research and improving/developing tests In the final chapter, current practice in the examining of English as a foreign language(EFL) Language Test Construction and Evaluation will be invaluable for anyone who wishes to understand how language tests are , and should be ,constructed.


Preface by Halliday王宗炎序導讀1 Origins and overview2 Test specifications3 Item writing and moderation4 Pretesting and analysis5 The training of examiners and administrators6 Monitoring examiner reliability7 Reporting scores and setting pass marks8 Validation9 Post-test reports10 Developing and improving tests11 Standards in language testing:the state of the artAppendicesGolssaryAbbreviations and acronymsBibliograbhyIndex文庫索引




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