
出版時間:2000-8-1  出版社:外研社  作者:Ralph Fasold  頁數(shù):347  


Acompanion to the author's Sociolinguistics of society. this textbook examines the influence of social interaction in language use and discusses a variety of facts about language from the commonplace to the exotic.     Questions not normally asked about everyday phenomena are raised and little known facts about language use in social contexts are explored. For example. how does one decide when it is appropriate to address someone by their first name? Why do West Indians in service occupations sometimes seem rude to their customers? Why do men in western societies use more local dialect forms and lower atatus speech forms than do women? Can it be that the often despised languages called pidgin offer important clues to the inborn human capacity for language? These are just a few of the fascinating questions explored in this lively and informative textbook.


Ralph Fasold is Professor of Linguistics at georgetown University, Washington DC. He is Advisory editor to the Blackwell series Language in sociery.


王宗炎序?qū)ёxEditor's PrefaceIntroduction1  Address Forms2  The Ethnography of Communication3  Discourse4  Language and Sex5  Linguistic Pragmatics:Conversational Implicature6  More on Linguistic Pragmatics7  Pidgin and Creole Languages8  Linguistic Variation9  Some Aplications of the Sociolinguistics of Language      BibliographyIndex文庫索引




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  •   語言學研究生上課的課本,相對于老師的課程,這本書內(nèi)容少了點,不過寫課程論文就靠它了,要好好研讀。
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