
出版時間:2000-8  出版社:外研社  作者:哈默  頁數(shù):203  


  近年來,國際交往日益頻繁,國際貿(mào)易急速發(fā)展,出現(xiàn)了一種前所未有的現(xiàn)象:學(xué)外語、教外語、用外語的人多了;研究語言學(xué)和應(yīng)用語言學(xué)的人多了;開設(shè)這方面專業(yè)的高校也多了,語言學(xué)碩士生和博士生也多了。就是不以此為專業(yè),學(xué)習(xí)語言學(xué)和應(yīng)用語言學(xué)的也不乏其人。為了給從事這個專業(yè)的師生提供便利,同時又幫助一般外語教師、涉外工作者以及漢語研究者開闊思路,擴(kuò)大視野,提高效率,我們獻(xiàn)上這套內(nèi)容嶄新而豐富的叢書——英文版《當(dāng)代國外語言學(xué)與應(yīng)用語言學(xué)文庫》。  文庫首批推出54部外國英文原著,它覆蓋了語言學(xué)與應(yīng)用語言學(xué)26個分支學(xué)科。這批書是我們與各地有關(guān)專家教授反復(fù)研究之后精選出來的。出版這樣大規(guī)模的語言學(xué)與應(yīng)用語言學(xué)叢書,這在我國語言學(xué)界和外語教學(xué)界是破天荒第一次。  我們這樣做,抱著什么希望呢?總的說來,是遵循教育部關(guān)于加強一級學(xué)科教育的指示,在世紀(jì)之交,推出一套書來給中國的外語教育領(lǐng)航,同時也給一般外語工作者和漢語研究者提供信息,拓寬思路?! ∥覀兿M@個文庫能成為進(jìn)一步帶動外語教學(xué)改革和科研的發(fā)動機;我們希望它能成為運載當(dāng)代外國語言學(xué)理論、語言研究方法和語言教學(xué)方法來到中國的特快列車;我們希望,有了這套書,語言學(xué)與應(yīng)用語言學(xué)專業(yè)師生就能順利地進(jìn)行工作;我們希望,通過讀這套書,青年外語教師和外語、漢語研究者能迅速把能力提高,把隊伍不斷擴(kuò)大。


An introduction to the practice of English language teaching How to Teach English is for teachers at an early stage in their careers and for teachers preparing for examinations such as The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults or The Certificate in TESOL. This book gives clear examples and explanations of current teaching practice which teachers can put into immediate use. How to Teach English offers: ideas on what makes a good teacher and what makes a good learner descriptions and examples of language teaching methods. and a new model of good leaching practice-the 'ESA'model an essential introduction to grammar teaching sequences for grammar, vocabulary, and the individual language skills ideas on the exploitation of textbooks and the planning of lessons a 'What if?' review of common problems in the classroom a Task File of photocopiable training tasks appendices on equipment, further reading and phonetic symbols Jeremy Harmer is the author of the highly acclaimed and ever popular The Practice of English Language Teaching.


  哈默,Jeremy Harmer is the author of the highly acclaimed and ever popular The Practice of English Language Teaching.


Preface by HallidayAcknowledgementsIntrodction1 How to be a good teacher   What makes a good teacher?   How should teachers talk to stueents?   How should teachers give instructions   Who should talk in class?   What are the best kinds of lesson?   How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?   Conclusions   Looking ahead2 How to be a good learner   Why is it difficult to describe a good learner?   How imprrtant is the students'motivation?   Who is responsible for learning?   What is reponsible for learning?   What's special about teaching adults?   How shoule we teach the sifferent levels?   Conclusions   Looking ahead3 How to manage teaching and learnign   How should teachers use their physical presence in class?   How Should teachers use their voices in class?   How SHould teachers mark the stages of a lesson?   What different student groupings can teachers use?   How can teachers evaluate the success or failure of their Lessons?   Conclusions   Looking ahead4 How to descridb learnign and teaching5 How to describe language6 How to teach laguage7 How to teach teading8 How to teach writing9 How to teach speaking10 How to teach listeningConclusionsLooking ahead


  Beginners: success is easy to see at this level, and easy for the teacher toarrange. But then so is failure! Some adult beginners find that languagelearning is more stressful than they expected and reluctantly give up.However, if things are going well, teaching beginners can be incrediblystimulating - and great fun. It may be restricting for the teacher, but thepleasure of being able to see your part in your students success isinvigorating.Intermediate students: success is not so easy to perceive here.Intermediate students have already achieved a lot. Gone are the days whenthey could observe their progress almost daily. Sometimes, it may seem tothem, they dont improve that much or that fast anymore. We often callthis the plateau effect, and the teacher has to make strenuous attempts toshow students what they still need to learn without being discouraging.One of the ways of doing this is to make the tasks we give them morechallenging and to get them to analyse language more thoroughly. Weneed to help them to set clear goals for themselves so that they havesomething to measure their achievement by.Advanced students: they already know a lot of English. There is still thedanger of the plateau effect (even if the plateau itself is higher up) so wehave to create a classroom culture where learning is not seen as learning alanguage httle-bit-by-little-bit. At the advanced level, we need to be ableto show students what still has to be done and we need to provide goodclear evidence of progress. We can do this through a concentration not somuch on grammatical accuracy, but on style and perceptions ofappropriacy, connotation and inference, helping students to use languagewith more subtlety. It is at this level, especially, that we have to encouragestudents to take more and more responsibility for their own learning.Although many activities can clearly be used at more than one level(designing newspaper front pages, writing radio commercials etc.), thereare some which are obviously more appropriate for beginners, for example,pronunciation practice of/o/, simple introduction dialogues, while thereare others which are more appropriate for advanced students, such asdiscursive essay writing or formal debating. One obvious difference in the way we teach different levels is language.Beginners need to be exposed to fairly simple language which they canunderstand. In their language work, they may get pleasure (and goodlearning) from concentrating on straightforward questions like Whatsyour name?, Whats your telephone number?, Hello, Goodbye etc.Intermediate students know all this language already and so we will notask them to concentrate on it. The level of language also affects the teachers behaviour. At beginnerlevels, the need for us to rough-tune our speech is very great: we canexaggerate our voice tone and gesture to help us to get our meaning across.But at higher levels, such extreme behaviour is not so important. Indeed,it will probably come across to the students as patronising.




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  •   it is a good book for teachers
  •   評論“怎樣教英語(新版)(語言學(xué)文庫)”
  •   學(xué)術(shù),專業(yè)。對語言學(xué)學(xué)生和教師都挺有益的。
  •   看了這本書收獲很大!不僅學(xué)習(xí)了教英語的方法,而且學(xué)到了地道的英語。
  •   對于要進(jìn)入英語教育的行業(yè)的人來說是一本必看的書,對于教英語有很大的幫助。
  •   這本書的作者顯然不了解中國學(xué)生目前學(xué)英語的實際狀況。書的內(nèi)容挺好,可惜,唉,一聯(lián)想到我手下那些學(xué)生,我感覺心情很沉重。對他們來講,當(dāng)前更重要的不是具體英語語言本身的知識能學(xué)到多少的問題,而是怎么打動他們能多少改變一下自己當(dāng)前那種懈怠的人生態(tài)度的問題。
  •   同樣是英語預(yù)備教師或是在職教師的必備之物,書本全英,但是讀起來沒太大障礙,這本有塑封,包裝完好,內(nèi)容詳實,外應(yīng)文庫出的這一套書都不錯,準(zhǔn)備讀研期間慢慢買來咀嚼
  •   英語寫作原版影印系列叢書—學(xué)術(shù)論文寫作手冊
  •   老師推薦購買的,對英語教學(xué)有幫助
  •   專業(yè)英語教學(xué)書籍,用心看,對于教學(xué)很有幫助!
  •   很好的專業(yè)書籍,對英語老師很有用
  •   文章通俗易懂,沒有特別難的詞匯,講解了很多當(dāng)一名英語教師應(yīng)當(dāng)知道和注意的東西,很值得一看,不愧為經(jīng)典
  •   還是原汁原味的英語好.地道,且通俗易懂!!!
  •   不錯!辦公室團(tuán)購了!對英語老師很實用!
  •   呃,收到這本書忘掉評論了……
  •   室友考研復(fù)試用的,她說面試?yán)蠋焼柕膯栴}都在這本書里,她成功通過復(fù)試了
  •   當(dāng)老師的都應(yīng)該看看這樣的好書,不錯
  •   不錯的原版書,好好學(xué)習(xí)一下,鼓勵我
  •   留學(xué)時看的電子版的,現(xiàn)在買來實體書再次研讀,價格合理,就是運輸途中折得厲害,不過問題不大
  •   好很好,非常好
  •   可以,還不錯……
  •   方法蠻多的,能學(xué)到的也蠻多
  •   h非常好,好好
  •   也是全英文的,還沒看完,覺得還是有幫助的。
  •   早就想買,趁這次機會完成心愿
  •   很好的教師成長教材,值得推薦。
  •   不錯,薄薄的,讀著方便
  •   一直用當(dāng)當(dāng) 推薦
  •   他說不錯,很喜歡。
  •   書比想象中的薄了很多 挺高興 哈哈(雖然和價格不是很匹配) 快遞也很快 不錯
  •   以為是中文的沒想到是英文的書,不過還好
  •   原滋原味的外文書。
  •   內(nèi)容有待閱讀,但看了大概框架,希望會有用
  •   淺顯易懂,例子豐富
  •   學(xué)校復(fù)試的指定書目,比想象中的大點,內(nèi)容多點。挺新的,墨香使我想起小時候讀書的情形
  •   趨勢不錯
  •   希望對考研有所幫助
  •   包裝很好~~
  •   就是字體有些小
  •   對教學(xué)很有幫助,但實踐起來肯定還要多花時間多變通
  •   跟學(xué)校發(fā)的書一樣
  •   內(nèi)容很有用!
  •   還沒開始看。??粗€行。
  •   和原版內(nèi)容一樣,加入中文導(dǎo)讀,其中的內(nèi)容對教學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)很有幫助。
  •   內(nèi)容沒什么可說的,就是字有點??!
  •   書很薄,但是很有幫助
  •   是英文的,很好
  •   比在學(xué)校買,便宜了十幾塊錢,不錯,在這送貨上門的服務(wù)我很喜歡,就是最好能在送貨時提前打電話確認(rèn)下就更好了。
  •   上課用書!不錯!
  •   適合做研究的教師看 簡介了些研究方法
  •   書還值得一讀啊
  •   老師讓買的教材 不錯的
  •   剛拿到,期待中。
  •   必買的,小貴
  •   東西不錯,送貨太慢。
  •   已經(jīng)讀完了 內(nèi)容不錯 就是字有點小 不影響大局 送書很及時
  •   很實用的一本教材,我很喜歡!
  •   全英的書,不過前面有章節(jié)簡介,很好,對于要當(dāng)外語教師的人來說,值得去讀,去思考!
  •   下午看了一點不錯
  •   幫同事買的,我們一起看,對教學(xué)很有幫助,贊一個
  •   書的內(nèi)容非常不錯,很值得去讀一讀,對教學(xué)有很大的幫助。
  •   很不錯的書,很喜歡,也很實用
  •   書還有外包的,很新!快遞非常給力!太滿意了!
  •   正版好書 曾經(jīng)買過一本了 這個03的版本比較新 所以又買來收藏
  •   正版書,很好,滿意,價格也合理,贊!
  •   很好的一本書,要認(rèn)真看一看。
  •   干凈整潔,無缺損,不錯。
  •   書還沒細(xì)看,就是字太小。
  •   對此類知識的學(xué)習(xí)有很大的幫助
  •   不錯 幫同學(xué)買的 大家都還說不錯
  •   很好的書,準(zhǔn)備慢慢看
  •   全英文,還不錯,和教學(xué)法有點像,挺實用的,就是字有點小
  •   這本書對于學(xué)習(xí)英語及進(jìn)行英語教學(xué)工作者應(yīng)該是一本值得一看的書吧
  •   對提高英語教學(xué)技能很有幫助
  •   內(nèi)容還沒看,暫不評價。是否正品也不知道。但是字真的很小,看起來很費力!不曉得有沒有五號字的一半大!
  •   本來是作為考研用的 先在看來沒有什么用了
  •   書有塑封,還沒拆開看,但是外研社的書貌似都還不錯。
  •   專業(yè)類,充電用,還沒看呢
  •   全英文的,十分有幫助!
  •   送貨還是依舊的快
  •   怎樣教英語
  •   正版,質(zhì)量好 速度快 非常滿意
  •   注意,學(xué)術(shù)性書籍
  •   how to teach English
  •   老師推薦用書哦

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