
出版時間:2000  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:John Clark,Colin Yallop  


  Informative, interesting and well written... an excellent general reference for students and scholars at a variety of levels Language, reviewing the first edition Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject. this book offers a thorough introduction to phonetics and phonology. It is unusually comprehensive, including detailed attention to articulatory and acoustic phonetics as well as to the foundations of phonolgical analysis. The second edition of this highly successful textbook incorporates several improvements: a completely new chapter on speech perception has been added: the material on anatomy and physiology has been rearranged and much of the detail placed later in the book to made it less demanding on readers; further coverage has been given to the sounds of the worlds languages; and the entire text has been edited to bring it up to date. 		  作者簡介:  John Clark is Chief Executive Officer of the University of Western Sydney, Hawskbury. He was previously Director of the Speech. Hearing and Language Centre at Macquarie University. Sydney. Colin Yallop is Associate Professor in Linguistics at Macquarie and is Director of the Universtys Dictionary Research Centre.


John Clark is Chief Executive Officer of the University of Western Sydney, Hawskbury. He was previously Director of the Speech. Hearing and Language Centre at Macquarie University. Sydney. Colin Yallop is Associate Professor in Linguistics at Macquarie and is Director of the Universty's Dictionary Research Centre.


王宗炎序?qū)ёxFiguresTablesPreface to the Second EditionList of Abbreviations1 Introduction1.1 Phonetics and phonology1.2 Theory and analysis1.3 Relationships with other fields1.4 Outline of this bookExercises2 Segmental Articulation2.1 Introduction2.2 A functional overview of the speech production process2.3 The organs of speech2.4 Describing speech sounds2.5 Airstream mechanisms2.6 Modes of phonation2.7 Vocalic sounds2.8 Duration and glide in vocalic articulations2.9 Consonantal sounds2.10 Vocal tract Place2.11 Tongue position2.12 Manner of articulation2.13 Stricture2.14 Force2.15 Length2.16 Voice onsetExercises3 Units of Speech4 The Phonemic Organization of Speech5 The Generative Approach to Phonology6 The Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Production7 The Acoustics of Speech Production8 Speech Perception9 Prosody10 Feature Systems11 The Progress of PhonologyAppendix 1:Phonetic SymbolsAppendix 2:FeaturesReferencesIndex文庫索引




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