出版時間:2000-7-1 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社,劍橋大學出版社 作者:Diana Pye,Simon Greenall 頁數(shù):125
在國內(nèi)令人眼花繚亂的英語教材市場上,閱讀教材一向是重量級的產(chǎn)品,其原因是顯而易見的:英語教師和學習者都傾向于把閱讀能力看作是英語水平的主要標志。閱讀教材的繁榮使這類教材的編寫思想和方法競相出籠,為廣大英語學習者在比較和選擇更為有效的學習路徑上提供了頗具參考價值的指導,而對于教材編寫者來說,競爭意味著必須吸取他人經(jīng)驗,同時又要有所開拓乃至突破,方可拾級而上,達到新的水準。劍橋大學出版社推出的"劍橋流利英語"系列中的這套閱讀教材(共四冊)便是如此。它所突出的編寫指導思想是激發(fā)學習者的閱讀動力(Learners motivation)。 需要說明的是,這里所說的閱讀動力并非等同于閱讀興趣。在母語環(huán)境中,閱讀是出于多種多樣的原因(其中興趣也許是一個重要原因,它很大程度上基于母語便利條件下的閱讀經(jīng)驗),也就是說,人們的閱讀動力是自發(fā)的,而且具有很強的現(xiàn)實性。而對于外語閱讀而盲,尤其是對于以學習為目的的外語閱讀而言,情形顯然大為不同,閱讀經(jīng)常是一種在教師指導下的課堂活動,學習者往往是直接地或間接地被告知閱讀內(nèi)容以及閱讀技巧。這套教材所針對的問題是如何在人為的課堂氛圍下激發(fā)外語學習者在母語閱讀過程中所具有的自發(fā)動力以及使他們得到原來所得到的閱讀樂趣。為實現(xiàn)這一目標,編者在選材、閱讀任務(wù)及編寫形式上都作了精心考慮,特色卓然?! ∫跃实倪x材來持續(xù)吸引閱讀者的興趣是外語教材編寫者的共識和重要手段。這套教材所選的閱讀語篇(the text)體現(xiàn)了以下一些特點: 1.全部選用現(xiàn)實語言環(huán)境中的全真材料(authentic materials),避免那種專為外語學習 者編寫的進階式規(guī)范讀物,目的是要讓學習者盡早接觸到原汁原味的鮮活語言?! ?.內(nèi)容廣泛涉及社會、文化和生活等多方面:但另一方面,所選材料對于非英語文化背 景的讀者具有不同程度上的挑戰(zhàn)性,能夠促發(fā)讀者思考,調(diào)動讀者的閱讀參與意識, 從而真正地激發(fā)了他們的閱讀動力,同時也使他們得到閱讀樂趣,而不僅僅是對另一 種語言的字面意義上的"破譯"的滿足?! ?.語篇形式活潑多樣,有報刊文章、評論、短篇故事、民間傳說、歌謠、小詩、廣告、 游記、問卷、語錄、日記等,使讀者能夠體驗到不同體裁的英語靈活而變化多端的特 色?! ”M管以語篇內(nèi)容來激發(fā)閱讀動力是基本目標,但指望一套選材本身來吸引所有讀者是不切實際的,因此另一個因素--閱讀任務(wù)--對于激發(fā)閱讀動力就顯得非常重要。這套教材在閱讀任務(wù)設(shè)計上有兩個用意:首先是用以持續(xù)激發(fā)讀者的閱讀動力,其次是培養(yǎng)讀者獲得外語閱讀的一些技能。在第一點上,任務(wù)設(shè)計注重就材料內(nèi)容提出具有誘導啟發(fā)性的問題,這些問題往往為閱讀材料提供了一個更為寬泛的思維語境,有利于讀者從更多角度對閱讀材料作出反應(yīng)。在培養(yǎng)閱讀技能方面,這套教材設(shè)計了一系列不同類型的練習,簡述如下: 1.歸納大意:幫助學習者尋找段落大意并且避免生詞的干擾。培養(yǎng)這項技能的典型題型 是"匹配練習"(matching exercise),比如,使標題與插圖、文章與標題匹配。有時題中還附有額外的一句話或一幅圖,讓讀者想得更多一點?! ?.理解文章結(jié)構(gòu):有時候不容易搞清楚文章里哪些是重要內(nèi)容以及它們的位置,文章結(jié) 構(gòu)練習幫助讀者明白文章里包含的內(nèi)容以及句子之間是如何被合乎邏輯地聯(lián)接起來的 。 3.深入推想:引導讀者深入字面去理解,把握文章的內(nèi)涵和基調(diào)?! ?.內(nèi)容預測:閱讀文章之前鼓勵讀者根據(jù)文章主題或標題來預測內(nèi)容。預測是否正確并 不重要,此項練習旨在激發(fā)讀者的閱讀期待,活躍思維。 5.查閱具體信息:有時候我們閱讀并不是為了了解文章大意,而是為了找到一個具體問 題的答案。教材中的有些練習是專為訓練讀者盡快獲取信息的能力而設(shè)計的?! ?.銜接意思:這項練習主要是幫助讀者通過上下文注意溝通意思的銜接詞語?! ?.文本評價:為了透徹理解文章,讀者可能需要評價作者的觀點并理解寫作原因,還需 要分清文章的論點和論據(jù)。這項練習有利于提高評論能力。 8.對文章作出反應(yīng):為激發(fā)讀者的興趣有必要使他們對文章作出主觀方面的反應(yīng),比如 針對文章中的幽默、文風、詩韻等等。讀者對其他文體比如說明性文章的反應(yīng)表現(xiàn)在 他們能夠按照說明執(zhí)行任務(wù)方面。這項練習也可以培養(yǎng)讀者補充相關(guān)信息的能力?! 〈送?,這套教材的任務(wù)設(shè)計還將閱讀與口語及寫作訓練自然地結(jié)合起來,使讀者得以在獲得"輸入"(input)的基礎(chǔ)上逐漸鍛煉"輸出"(output)能力,從而提高英語綜合技能。
改編前言Thanks內(nèi)容綱要1 你有冒險精神嗎?2 天氣知多少3 遷居異國4 自己的房間5 童年的夢想6 瓊斯先生7 野外避險8 學校9 2010年10 字面錯誤11 畫畫與右半腦12 我一生中的美好時光13 流浪漢與農(nóng)夫14 恐懼……參考答案
I was born in Drummin,County Mayo, in the west of Ireland. I had five brothers, four sisters and two adopted sisters.I left school at the age of fourteen.I wanted to stay on at school as my ambition was to become a school teacher, but my parents could not afford to send me to college at that time. I went to work in a shoe factory for a year. After that I became a nanny as I wanted to work with children. I lived in with the family and worked from 8am to 8pm—for $2 a week. At the age of seventeen I felt that there were no opportunities for me to earn a decent living and that I had to come to England. Dad gave me the boat fare and $10 to keep me going until I found a job. I came to Slough, Buckinghamshire, as that was where most of the people from my part of the country went to. I arrived in Slough and immediately began to look around for a place to stay. I eventually found a room in Windsor. The next day I went looking for work, and found a job in a factory malting Mars bars. I had a lot to get used to in this strange country . There were big houses, trains, traffic lights and lots of people from all over the world. I never knew the English hated us (the Irish). I did not hate them! I could not understand the hostility I received. I was not prepared for it. For example, I had to listen to people telling me how thick and stupid the Irish were. I was always told, and was made to feel, that I was different. I felt isolated and seriously thought about going back. In fact I did go home. And stayed there for a month. But I was disappointed to find that I was a stranger there. People treated me very differently because I had been to England. I returned to Slough for a period and then moved to London in the late 1960s. What does it feel like to be approaching the wrong end of middle age? For the moment at least, the differences between the young diplomat of 30 years ago and the ageing writer of today are more psychological than physical. Naturally, I can hardly ignore the inevitable change in my outward appearance. My hair has gone—well, silver, the whites of my eyes occasionally look more like yolks; and I’ve got heavier round the middle. But all this is merely on the surface; inside, I’m not really conscious of feeling very much older than I did in my younger days. Mentally, however, it’s another story. It is no longer a surprise to come into a room and to find that I’m the oldest person in it, but I notice the fact all the same. It’s a long time since I stopped worrying about policemen being younger than me; when, on the other hand, I find gen- erals, archbishops and High Court judges in the same happy situation, I tend to grow thoughtful... Now for the compensations. And there are plenty of them, and by no means the least is a new found independence. Until now, responsi- bilities seem to have increased year by year; now, thankfully, they begin to diminish, and are replaced by new opportunities. These are positive compensations; there are also negative ones which can be appreciated just as much. Immense pleasure can be got from Putting Things Behind One. My own recent decision—taken with im- mense relief—has been to give up all efforts to understand modem music. There is more than enough music from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries to keep me happy for the rest of my life. Now, at last, I can face the fact that I just don’t like 20th century music. Finally, it’s goodbye to hypochondria. When I was young I constantly worried about my health and imagined I had all sorts of terrible diseases. Now those days are over. I love every moment of my life and want it to go on for as long as possible until I become senile or a burden to my family and friends, at which point I would like it to stop at once. I can honestly say that I have had and am still having a wonderful time. It was very late when the old beggarman came to the rich farmyard. He had travelled far that day, he was tired and hungry. He said to himself, ‘I must find somewhere to sleep,’ because it was snowing. ‘I will go up here, maybe the farmer will help me. He could probably give me somewhere to lie down.’ So the old beggarman walked up to the farmhouse and he knocked on the door.