出版時間:1997-10-1 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社/朗文出版亞洲有限公司 作者:何其莘,亞歷山大 頁數(shù):401
General introduction How to use this bookDemonstration lesson for ‘guided conversation’ 總體介紹 本教材使用說明“教師引導(dǎo)下的對話”演示課 iiiviixixiixviKey to Pre-unit Test 1 Lesson 1 A private conversation – Word order in simple statements Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? – The present, simple and continuous Lesson 3 Please send me a card –The simple past Lesson 4 An exciting trip – The present perfect simple Lesson 5 No wrong numbers – The simple past and the present perfect Lesson 6 Percy Buttons – The indefinite and definite articles Lesson 7 Too Late – The past continuous Lesson 8 The best and the worst – The comparison of adjectives Lesson 9 A cold welcome – Prepositions of time Lesson 10 Not for jazz – The passive Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another – Review of tenses Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck – The simple future Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys – The future Continuous Lesson 14 Do you speak English? – The past perfect Lesson 15 Good news – Indirect statements Lesson 16 A polite request – Type 1 conditional statements Lesson 17 Always young – Must and Have to Lesson 18 He often does this! – Have (possession/ordinary verb) Lesson 19 Sold out – Can and May Lesson 20 One man in a boat – The gerund after prepositions Lesson 21 Mad or not? –The passive (auxiliary/modal verbs) Lesson 22 A glass envelope – Verbs followed by prepositions: Of, From, In and On Lesson 23 A new house – Review of tenses, modal, and auxiliary verbs Lesson 24 It could be worse – Special difficulties: Review Key to Pre-unit Test 2 100Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? – Word order in compound statements Lesson 26 The best art critics – The present, simple and continuous: Stative Verbs Lesson 27 A wet night – The simple past Lesson 28 No parking – The present perfect simple (Since and For) Lesson 29 Taxi! – The simple past and the present perfect simple Lesson 30 Football or polo? – The indefinite and definite articles Lesson 31 Success story – The past continuous and ‘Used to’ Lesson 32 Shopping made easy – The comparison of adjectives Lesson 33 Out of darkness – Prepositions indicating direction Lesson 34 Quick work – The passive Lesson 35 Stop thief! – Review of tenses Lesson 36 Across the Channel – The simple future and ‘Going to’ Lesson 37 The Olympics Games – The future perfect simple Lesson 38 Everything except the weather – The past perfect simple Lesson 39 Am I all right? – Indirect questions Lesson 40 Food and talk – Type 2 conditional statements Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? – Must, Have to and Need Lesson 42 Not very musical – Have (ordinary verb) Lesson 43 Over the South Pole – Can and Be able to Lesson 44 Through the forest – The gerund and the infinitive Lesson 45 A clear conscience – The passive Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable – Verbs followed by prepositions: To, At, For, and With Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost – Review of tenses, Modal and auxiliary verbs Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? – Special difficulties: Review…
現(xiàn)在教師重放錄音或重讀課文,每句話后停頓,以檢查學(xué)生是否理解。這是課堂教學(xué)中非常重要的一個環(huán)節(jié),因為在介紹課文結(jié)束時,學(xué)生應(yīng)該徹底理解課文。教師不要直接講解,而應(yīng)盡量從學(xué)生那里獲取信息(可以把這種方法看作是“用螺絲起子拔瓶塞的行動計劃”)。講解全部要用英文,但不要把直接教學(xué)法弄到一種荒唐的絕對程度。在可能情況下,使用手勢和模擬動作。如果班上的一些學(xué)生仍無法理解,教師應(yīng)該請班上學(xué)得最好的學(xué)生給出一個單詞或詞組的譯文,以照顧尚未理解詞義的學(xué)生。請記住,如果你不把一個難點譯成中文,班上的其他人會這樣做的。但是,翻譯始終應(yīng)被看成是最后一著。Topics for discussion 1 Can you name some famous sailors, and describe what they did? 2 What do you think is the best way to cross the Atlantic? 3 Why do you think people choose to cross the Atlantic single-handed (alone)?Topics for discussion 1 Describe a concert you have been to, or heard about. 2 What do you think youll be doing this time next year? 3 Do you prefer pop or classical songs/singers? Why?Key to Summary writing The Greenwood Boys are pop singers. They will be coming here tomorrow. Most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. They will give five performances. The police will be trying to keep order as usual. (42 words)Key structures: The future continuous a Shall and will are used with be + verb-ing to form the future continuous tense. A parallel can be drawn between the present and future continuous forms to show the progressive aspect of the -lng form: I am writing letters now (in progress at the moment). I shall be writing letters all day tomorrow (in progress tomorrow). b The main use of the future continuous is to express a future without intention. In Ill come to your house tomorrow, the verb expresses a deliberate intention (or promise) to come, but Ill be coming to your house tomorrow expresses no intention (simple prediction). We can add to these sentences to make the distinction clearer: i Ill come to your house tomorrow, so we can discuss the matter. ii Ill be coming to your house tomorrow, so we can discuss the matter. In i, I had not thought of coming to your house before, but I want to discuss this matter; therefore I will come. In ii, I was going to come to your house in any case for reasons not connected with this matter. Since I am coming, we can discuss the matter. Note also the negative forms: He wont come (= he refuses to come). He wont be coming (= a statement of fact; perhaps hes ill, or away).Pattern drill 1 What will you be doing this time next year? Asking about a fact, not about intention. Compare: I am writing a short story now (at this present time). I shall be writing a novel this time next year. 2 Its raining again. - I hope it wont still be raining tomorrow. Parallel use of the present and future continuous. Still emphasizes continuity. 3 I shall go to the station tomorrow. The simple future expresses intention. Ill be seeing you then. Ill be going there too. The future continuous states the fact: Ill be there, so Ill be seeing you. Note that the response: I shall go there too here would alter the sense to: I shall go because I want to (see you). 4 Well probably be writing them all day. A statement of fact. All day emphasizes the duration of the action. Im afraid so. Note this use of so, replacing the phrase that is what (Im afraid of). Compare: I believe so, I think so, I hope so, etc.Key to Snmmary writingMr. Harmsworth wanted to see me. I felt very nervous about this. I went into his office. He said that business was bad. The firm could not pay such large salaries. Twenty people had left already. He did not ask me to leave as well. He offered me an extra £1,000 a year.(53 words)Key structures: Indirect statements a The verbs say and tell often introduce reported speech. Tell must always be followed by an indirect object.The conjunction that is optional, and is nearly always omitted in spokenEnglish. He tells me/says (that)hes busy. b Sequence of tenses: at this early level only the basic principles need be taught. These are:i When the introductory verb is in the present, there is no tense change in the reported statement.ii When the introductory verb is in the past, the following changes are necessary: simple present becomes simple past; present perfect becomes past perfect; simple past becomes past perfect.However, in spoken English the simple past is often left unchanged, provided this does not cause confusion about the relative times of the actions (see KS 14 in this book).Modals: shall/will become would; can becomes could; may becomes might. would, should, ought, might, could do not normally change. must does not normally change unless the obligation is fulfilled by the time the speech is reported; in this case it becomes had to. c Time references and pronoun changes must be made according to the statement:(direct speech) Mr. Worth: I can see you tomorrow, Miss Casey.(reported speech) Mr. Worth told Miss Casey (that) he could see her the next day.Pattern drill 1 No change in tense in the statement because says is present tense. Note the elisions: doctors (s = is) and Mr. Greens (s = has). 2 Said is in the past tense, so tenses in the statements must change. 3 Says/think are present so no change in the tense of broke. In S2 response, I and Mary should be stressed for contrast. 4 Present perfect becomes past perfect after said. Note the elisions: Theres been (= There has been) and Thered been (= There had been). These elided forms should always be used in spoken English.Asking questions:Ask me if... T:Ask me if my daughter is called Jand. S:Is your daughter called Jane? T:What...? S:What is your daughter called? 1 my daughters called Jand.(What) 2 she had a surprise last year.(When) 3 she received a letter from Holland.(What)(Where...from) 4 it was from a girl of her own age.(Who) 5 we were travelling across the Channel last year.(When)(Where) 6 Jane put a note into a bottle.(Where) 7 shed written her name and address on it.(What)(Who) 8 she threw it into the sea.(Where) 9 she forgot about it.(What) 10 she received a letter ten months later.(When)……
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