
出版時間:1998-1  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:Betty Schrampfer Azar  頁數(shù):374  譯者:宋云峰  


《西蒙高級英語語法》(Understanding and Using English Grammar)本版在原英文第一版上做了一些修改。這些修改旨在使圖表的結(jié)構(gòu)更清楚,并使練習(xí)有所改進。在很大程度上,修改以教師和學(xué)生們熱心提供的好建議為依據(jù)。本版里新增加了幾個簡短的語法單元。本版里還收入了關(guān)于美國英語與英國英語結(jié)構(gòu)差異的附加注釋。     此書中的課文旨在幫助英語為第二語言或外國語的學(xué)生開發(fā)語言技能。在注重語法講解的同時,本書還側(cè)重于以多種方式全面地提高學(xué)生的語言能力。     和第一版一樣,本版的圖表由例句和說明組成,以便學(xué)生能容易地理解。語法術(shù)語盡量限制在最小范圍之內(nèi)。    有些練習(xí)側(cè)重于在聽力技能、口頭復(fù)述、寫作技巧或閱讀理解方面的訓(xùn)練。有些練習(xí)則直接針對語法形式進行訓(xùn)練。這些練習(xí)之后是其它更復(fù)雜和更具挑戰(zhàn)性的練習(xí),以使學(xué)生形成對所學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)創(chuàng)造性、獨立性的使用能力。練習(xí)上下文反映了與學(xué)生關(guān)心的事、日常生活以及生活體驗有關(guān)的現(xiàn)實的、典型的用法。各項練習(xí)有不同的設(shè)計,以促使學(xué)生多談自己以及他們的活動,促使他們擴大詞匯、博學(xué)多聞,養(yǎng)成跨文化比較的習(xí)慣,積極思考,激發(fā)他們就不同的題目進行簡短的討論。    本版中附錄1(增補語法單元)有所擴展,現(xiàn)已包括練習(xí)。關(guān)于詞性的知識以及疑問句和否定句這樣的基本結(jié)構(gòu)也收錄在附錄中,以便學(xué)生在使用時查用。與課文中其它語法單元一樣,附錄1的材料是為了鞏固前面學(xué)過的內(nèi)容,并以此為基礎(chǔ)發(fā)展語言使用能力。    《西蒙高級英語語法》(Understanding and Using English Grammar)是為高級水平學(xué)生設(shè)計的。它是三本系列語法叢書的一本?!段髅芍屑売⒄Z語法》(Fundamentals of English Grammar)是為中級水平學(xué)生設(shè)計的,而《西蒙初級英語語法》(Basic English Grammar)則是為初級水平學(xué)生設(shè)計的。


前言 Acknowledgments 第一章 動詞時態(tài)   ( Verb Tenses) 1-1 一般時態(tài)   (The Simple Tenses) 1-2 進行時態(tài)   (The Progressive Tenses) 1-3 完成時態(tài)   ( The Perfect Tenses) 1-4 完成進行時態(tài)   (The Perfect Progressive Tenses) l-5 動詞時態(tài)簡表   ( Summary Chart of Verb Tenses) 1-6 -ING和-ED形式的拼法   ( Spelling of-ING and -ED Forms) 1-7 一般現(xiàn)在時   (Simple Present) 1-8 現(xiàn)在進行時   (Present Progressive) 1-9 無進行時態(tài)的動詞   (Nonprogressive Verbs) 1-10 現(xiàn)在進行時與ALWAYS連用   ( Using the Present Prigrssive with ALWAYS) 1-11 規(guī)則動詞與不規(guī)則動詞   (Rngular and Irregular Verbs) 1-12 一般過去時   (Simple Past) 1-13 過去進行時   (Past Progressive) 1-14 進行時態(tài)中地點狀語的用法   (Using Expressions of Place with Progressive Tenses) 1-15 現(xiàn)在完成時   (Present Perfect) 1-16 現(xiàn)在完成進行時   ( Present Perfect Progressive) 1-17 過去完成時   (Past Perfect) 1-18 過去完成進行時   (Past Perfect Progressive) 1-19 一般將來時/BE GOING TO   (Simple Future/BE GOING TO) 1-20 WILL與 BE GOING TO   ( WILL vs BE GOING TO) 1-21 時間狀語從句中將來時態(tài)的表達   (Expressing the Future in Time Ciauses) 1-22 現(xiàn)在進行時和一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來   (Using the Present Progressive and the Simple Present to Expres Future Time) 1-23 將來進行時   (Future Progressive) 1-24 將來完成時   (Future Perfect) 1-25 將來完成進行時   (Future Perfect Progressive) 第二章 情態(tài)動詞與類似表達 (Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expressions) 2-1 概述 ( Introduction) 2-2 "I"作主語的禮貌請求 ( Polite Requests with " I" as the Subject 2-3 "YOU"作主語的禮貌請求 (Polite Requests with"YOU" as the Subject) 2--4 WOULD YOU MIND用作禮貌請求 (Polite Requests with WOULD YOU MIND) 2--5 祈使句用作禮貌請求 (Using the Imperative Sentences to Make Polite Requests) 2--6 表示必須:MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO ( Expressing Necessity: MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO) 2-7 不必要和禁止: HAVE TO和 MUST的否定形式 ( Lack of Necessity and Prohibition: HAVE TO and MUST in the Negative) 2--8 忠告:SHOULD,OUGHT TO,HAD BETTER (Advisability:SHOULD,OUGHT TO,HAD BETTER) 2-9 SHOULD的過去式 (The Past Form of SHOULD) 2-10 期望:BE SUPPOSED TO與BE TO (Expectations:BE SUPPOSED TO與 BE TO) 2--11 提議: LET'S, WHY DON'T, SHALLI/ WE (Making Suggestions:LET'S,WHY DON'T,SHALL I/WE) 2--12 提議:COULD (Making Suggestions: COULD) 2--13 表示肯定的程度:現(xiàn)在時 ( Expressing Degrees of Certainty: Present Time) 2-14 肯定的程度:一般現(xiàn)在時的否定 (Degrees Of Certainty:Present Time Negative) 2--15 肯定的程度:過去時 ( Degrees of Certainty: Past Time) 2-16 肯定的程度:將來時 ( Degrees of Certainty: Future Time) 2-17 情態(tài)動詞的進行式 ( Progressive Forms of Modals) 2-18 USED TO(過去的習(xí)慣)與BE USED TO的用法 (Using USED TO[Habitual Past] and BE USED TO) 2-19 WOULD表示過去重復(fù)性的動作 (Using WOULD to Express a Repeated Action In the Past) 2-20 表示傾向: WOULD RATHER (Expressiving Preference: WOULD RATHER) 2--21 CAN與BE ABLE TO的用法 ( Using CAN and BE ABLE TO) 2--22 過去的能力:COULD (Past Ability: COULD) 2-23 情態(tài)動詞與類似表達簡表 ( Summary Chart of Modals and Similar Expressions) 第三章 被動語態(tài) ( The Passive) 3--1 被動語態(tài)的構(gòu)成 (Forming the Passive) 3--2 被動語態(tài)的用法 ( Using the Passive) 3-3 間接賓語用作被動語態(tài)的主語 ( Indirect Objects as Passive Subjects) 3--4 情態(tài)動詞與類似表達的被動語態(tài) ( The Passive Form of Modals and Similar Expressions) 3--5 靜態(tài)被動語態(tài)形式 (Stative Passive) 3--6 GET與被動語態(tài) (The Passive with GET) 3-7 分詞形式的形容詞 (Participial Adjectives) 第四章 動名詞與不定式 Gerunds and Infinitives) 4--1 動名詞:概述 ( Gerunds: Introduction) 4-2 動名詞用作介詞的賓語 (Using Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions) 4--3 帶動名詞的常用動詞 (Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds) 4--4 GO十動名詞 (GO+Gerunds) 4-5 帶不定式的常用動詞 ( Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives) 4--6 既可帶不定式又可帶動名詞的常用動詞 (Common Verbs Followed by either Infinitives or Gerunds) 4-7 帶動名詞的動詞參照表 (Reference List of Verbs FOllowed by Gerunds) 4-8 帶不定式的動詞參照表 (Reference List of Verbs Followed by Infinitives) 4-9 動名詞用作主語; IT十不定式的用法 ( Using Gerunds as Subjects;Using IT+ Infinitive) 4-10 表達目的的不定式: IN ORDER TO ( Infinitive of Purpose: IN ORDER TO) 4--11 帶不定式的形容詞 (Adjectives Followed by Infinitives) 4--12 不定式與TOO,ENOUGH連用 (Using lnfinitives with TOO and ENOUGH) 4-13 不定式與動名詞的被動語態(tài)形式和過去式 (Passive and Past Forms of Infinitives and Gerunds) 4--14 NEED后接動名詞或不定式被動語態(tài)形式的用法 ( Using Gerunds and Passive Infinitives Following NEED) 4--15 所有格修飾動名詞 (Using a Possessive to Modify a Gerund) 4--16 感官動詞的用法 (Using Verbs of Perception) 4-17 LET與HELP后接動詞原形的用法 ( Using the Simple Form after LET and HELP) 4--18 使役動詞的用法:MAKE,HAVE,GET (Using Causative Verbs:MAKE, HAVE, GET) 4-19 特殊短語后接動詞-ING形式的用法 (Special Expressions Followed by the -ING Form of a Verb) 第五章 單數(shù)與復(fù)數(shù) Singular and Plural) 5--1 -S/-ES詞尾 (Final -S/-ES) 5--2 名詞復(fù)數(shù)的不規(guī)則形式 (Irregular Plural Nouns) 5--3 名詞所有格 (Possessive Nouns) 5--4 名詞用作修飾語 (Using Nouns as Modifiers) 5--5 可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞 ( Count and Noncount Nouns) 5-6 不可數(shù)名詞 (Noncount Nouns) 5-7 部分常見的不可數(shù)名詞 ( Some Common Noncount Nouns) 5--8 數(shù)量的表達 (Expressions Of Quantity) 5--9 A FEW與FEW;A LITTLE與LITTLE的用法 ( Using A FEW and FEW; A LITTLE and LITTLE) 5--10 表達數(shù)量的短語中OF的用法 (Using OF in Expressions of Quantlty) 5-11 單數(shù)的數(shù)量表達:ONE,EACH,EVERY (Singular Expressions of Quantity: ONE, EACH, EVERY) 5-12 基本的主謂一致 (Basic Subject-Verb Agreement) 5--13 使用數(shù)量表達時的主謂一致 (Subject-Verb Agreement:Using Expressions of Quantity) 5--14 使用 THERE+ BE時的主謂一致 ( Subject-Verb Agreement: Using THERE+ BE) 5-15 某些特殊用法的主謂一致 (Subject-Verb Agreement:Some Irregularities) 5-16 人稱代詞與名詞前后一致 ( Personal Pronouns:Agreement with Nouns) 5--17 人稱代詞與不定代詞前后一致 ( Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns) 5--18 人稱代詞與集合名詞前后一致 ( Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Collective Nouns) 5-19 反身代詞的用法 (Using Reflecxive Pronouns) 5--20 YOU與ONE用作泛指代詞 (Using YOU and ONE as Impersonal Pronouns) 5-21 OTHER的形式 ( Forms of OTHER) 第六章 定語從句 (Adjective Clauses) 6--1 定語從句:概述 (Adjective Clauses) 6-2 主格代詞的用法:WHO,WHICH,THAT (Using subject Pronouns:WHO,WHICH,THAT) 6--3 賓格代詞的用法:WHO (M),WHICh,THAT (Using object Pronous:WHO[M],WHICH,THAT) 6-4 WHOSE的用法 (Using WHOSE) 6--5 WHERE的用法 ( Using WHERE) 6--6 WHEN的用法 (Using WHEN) 6-7 定語從句修飾代詞的用法 (Using Adjective Clauses to Modify Pronouns) 6-8 定語從句的標點 (Punctuation of Adjective Clauses) 6-9 定語從句中數(shù)量的表達方法 ( Using Expressions of Quantity In Adjective Clauses) 6-10 名詞十 OF WHICH的用法 (U8illg NOUN+ OF WHICH) 6--11 WHICH修飾整個句子的用法 (Using WHICH to Modify a whole Sentence) 6-12 將定語從句縮略為形容詞短語:概述 (Reduction of Adjective Clauses to Adjective Phrases: Introduction) 6--13 將定語從句變?yōu)樾稳菰~從句 (Changing an Adjective Clause to an Adjective Phrase) 第七章 名詞性從句 (Noun Clauses) 7--1 名詞性從句:概述 (Noun Clauses:Introduction) 7--2 以疑問句開頭的名詞性從句 (Noun Clauses Which Begin with a Question Word) 7-3 以WHETHER或IF開頭的名詞性從句 ( Noun Clauses Which Begin with WHETHER or IF ) 7-4 疑問詞后接不定式 ( Question Words Followed by Infinitives) 7--5 以THAT開頭的名詞性從句 (Noun Clauses which Begin with THAT) 7-6 直接引語 ( Quoted Speech) 7-7 間接引語和名詞性從句中正式的時態(tài)呼應(yīng) (Roported Speech and the Formal Sequence of Tenses in Noun Clauses) 7-8 名詞性從句中虛擬式的用法 (Using the Subjective in Noun Clauses) 7-9 帶-EVER的詞的用法 ( Using -EVER Word) 第八章 表達概念之間的關(guān)系--第一部分 (Showing Relationships between Ideas-PartI) 8-1 并列結(jié)構(gòu) (Parallel Structure) 8--2 成對連詞的用法:BOTH…AND;NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO; EITHER… OR; NEITHER… NOR (Using Paired Conjunctions: BOTH… AND; NOT ONLY… BUT ALSO; EITHETR… OR; NEITHER… NOR) 8-3 用連詞連接獨立句 ( Combining Independent Clauses with Comunctions) 8-4 狀語從句:概述 (Adverb Clauses:Introduction) 8-5 用狀語從句表示時間關(guān)系 ( Using Adverb Clauses to Show Time Relationships) 8--6 用狀語從句表示因果關(guān)系 (Using Adverb Clauses to Show Cause and Effect Relationships) 8--7 用介詞表示因果關(guān)系:BECAUSE OF與DUE TO ( Using Preposition to Show Cause and Effect:BECAUSE OF and DUE TO) 8-8 用轉(zhuǎn)折副詞表示因果關(guān)系:THEREFORE與CONSEQUENTLY (Using Transitions to show Cause and Effect:THEREFORE and CONSEQUENTLY) 8--9 句型與標點小結(jié) ( Summary of Patterns and Punctuation) 8--10 表示因果關(guān)系的其他方式:SUCH…THAT與SO…THAT (Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect:SUCH …THAT and SO… THAT) 8--11 表示目的:SO THAT的用法 (Expressing Purpose:Using SO THAT) 8-12 將狀語從句簡化為修飾性短語:概述 ( Reduction of Adverb Clauses to Modifying Phrases: Introduction) 8--13 將時間狀語從句變?yōu)樾揎椥远陶Z (Changing Time Clauses to Modifying Phrases) 8-14 在修飾性短語中表示"同時"關(guān)系 (Expressing the Idea of"During the same Time" in Modifying Phrases) 8-15 在修飾性短語中表示因果關(guān)系 (Expressing Cause and Effect Relatioships in Modifying Phrases) 8-16 修飾性短語中UPON+-ING的用法 ( Using UPON+ -ING in Modifying Phrases) 第九章 表示概念之間的關(guān)系--第一部分 (Showing Relationships between ideas-Part II) 9-1 表示意料之外的結(jié)果:EVEN THOUGH的用法 (EXpressing Unexpected Result:Using EVEN THOUGH) 9--2 表示對立(意料之外的結(jié)果) (Showing Opposition:Unexpected Result) 9--3 表示直接對立 (Showing Direct Opposition) 9--4 狀語從句表示條件:"IF從句" ( Expressing Conditions in Adverb Clauses:" IF Clauses") 9-5 條件狀語從句: WHETHER OR NOT和 EVEN IF的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition: WHETHER OR NOT and EVEN IF) 9-6 條件狀語從句:IN CASE/THAT)與 IN THE EVENT/THAT)的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition:Using IN CASE [THAT]and IN THE EVENT[THAT] 9-7 條件狀語從句:UNLESS的用法 (Adverb Clause of Condition:Using UNLESS) 9-8 條件狀語從句: ONLY IF與 PROVIDING/PROVIDE THAT的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using ONLY IF and PROVIDING/ ROVIDE THAT) 9-9 表示條件:OTHERWISE與OR (ELSE)的用法 (Expressing Conditions:Using OTHERWISE and OR [ELSE]) 9-10 關(guān)系詞小結(jié):因果、對立、條件 ( Summary of Relationship Words: Cause and Effect, Opposition,Condition) 9-11 舉例 (Giving Examples) 9--12 延續(xù)同一概念 (Continuing the Same Idea) 第十章 條件句 (Conditional Sentences) 10--1 條件句中動詞基本形式與用法小結(jié) ( Summary of Basic Verb Form Usage in Conditional Sentences) 10-2 現(xiàn)在或?qū)淼恼鎸崡l件 (True in the Present or Future) 10--3 現(xiàn)在和將來的非真實條件(與事實相反) (Untrue in the Present and Future:Contrary to Fact) 10-4 過去的非真實條件(與事實相反) (Untrue in the Past:Contrary to Fact) 10-5 進行時動詞形式的用法 (Using Progressive Verb Forms) 10-6 條件句中"混合時間"的用法 (Using"Mixed Time" in Conditional Sentences) 10-7 COULD,MIGHT與SHOULD的用法 ( Using COULD, MIGHT and SHOULD) 10-8 IF的省略 ( Omitting IF) 10-9 暗含的條件 (Implied Conditions) 10-10 WISH后面的動詞形式 ( Verb Forms Following WISH) 10-11 用WOULD表達有關(guān)將來的愿望 (Using WOULD to Make Wishes about the Future) 10-12 AS IF/AS THOUGH的用法 (Using AS IF/AS THOUGH) 附錄1 增補語法單元 ( Supplementary Grammar Units) A單元:基本語法術(shù)語 ( Basic Grammar Terminology) A-1 主語、動詞與賓語 (Subjects,Verbs,and Objects) A-2 介詞與介詞短語 (Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases) A-3 形容詞 (Adjectives) A-4 副詞 (Adverbs) A-5 動詞BE ( The Verb BE) A-6 系動詞 (Linking Verbs) A-7人稱代詞 (Personal Pronouns) A-8 縮略式 (Contractions) B單元:疑問句 ( Questions) B-1 一般疑問句與特殊疑問句的形式 ( Forms of YES/NO and Information Questions) B-2 疑問詞 (Question Words) B-3 否定疑問句 (Negative Questions) B-4 反意疑問句 ( Tag Questions) C單元:否定句 (Negatives) C-1 NOT與其他否定詞的用法 ( Using NOT and Other Negative Words) C-2 避免"重復(fù)兩次否定" (Avoding "Double Negatives") C-3 以否定詞開頭的句子 (Beginning a Sentence with a Negative word) D單元:冠詞 (Articles) D-1 冠詞的基本用法 (Basic Article Usage) D-2 冠詞用法的基本原則 ( General Guidelines for Article Usage) 附錄2 介詞組合 (Preposition Combinations) 含形容詞和動詞的介詞組合 (Preposition Combinations with Adjectives and Verbs) 短語動詞(由兩個詞或三個詞組成的多詞動詞) (Phrasal Verbs:Two-Word and Three-Word Verbs) 附錄3 寫作錯誤的批改原則 (Guide for Correcting Writing Errors) 英文索引 (Index in English)     文章節(jié)選         狀語從句表示條件:"IF從句" 9-4 狀語從句表示條件:"IF從句"  ( EXpressing Conditions in Adverb Clauses:" IF Clauses")  (a)If it rains,the streets get wet. if 從句"(也叫做條件狀語從句)提出可能的條件。主句則表達結(jié)果。 (a)句中:可能的條件=it rains   結(jié)果=the streets get wet  (b)If it rains tomorrow,I will take my umbrella.  即使"if 從句"中的動詞指將來的事件或情況也要用現(xiàn)在時,而不是將來時,如(b)句所示。 引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句的詞或短語:  if in case (that) only if  whether or not in the event(that) providing(that)  even if unless provided(that)  "if從句"中動詞的用法參見第十章。 練習(xí) 11:使用 if根據(jù)所給的情況造句。 1. It may be cold tomorrow. - If it's cold tomorrow, I'm going to stay home. - If it's cold tomorrow, let 's go skating. - If it's cold tomorrow, you should wear your wool sweater. - We can't go on a picnic if it's cold tomorrow. 2. Maybe it will be hot tomorrow. 3. Robert will probably study for the test. 4. Maybe you will have some free time tomorrow. 5. The teacher may be absent tomorrow. 6. Maybe you won't do your homework tonight. 7. Maybe you will lock yourself out of your apartment. 8. Maybe the sun will be shining when you get up tomorrow morning.


  本書目錄:第一章 動詞時態(tài);第二章 情態(tài)動詞與類似表達;第三章 被動語態(tài);第四章 動名詞與不定式;第五章 單數(shù)與復(fù)數(shù)等




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