
出版時間:1996-9  出版社:外語教研  作者:北京教育科學(xué)研究院 編  頁數(shù):164  


  《高中英語寫作——書面表達》是為適應(yīng)北京市高中英語選修課程的需要而編寫的一套英語寫作基礎(chǔ)教材。通過系統(tǒng)的寫作技能訓(xùn)練,培養(yǎng)高中學(xué)生的英語寫作意識和寫作習(xí)慣,引導(dǎo)他們逐步掌握一些最基本的寫作技能和寫作方法,提高書面表達能力?! 榧訌姳窘滩牡尼槍π院蛯嵱眯?,我們在編寫時一方面認真研究了國家教育部制訂的《普通高中英語課程標準》及高考英語學(xué)科的考試說明,另一方面綜合考慮了目前高中英語教學(xué)的實際?!  陡咧杏⒄Z寫作——書面表達》的編寫具有以下幾大特色:  一、遵循功能教法的主要原則,吸收結(jié)構(gòu)教法的可用因素,采用話題和功能相結(jié)合的訓(xùn)練手段,既注重書面語言的準確與規(guī)范,又注重思想表達的連貫與得體,使學(xué)生能夠接受系統(tǒng)訓(xùn)練和提高書面交際能力。  二、以英語原文為主要素材。力求取材廣泛實際,與學(xué)生水平相當,與學(xué)生水平相當,內(nèi)容貼近日常生活,形式適合高中學(xué)生的心理特點。在體現(xiàn)科學(xué)、系統(tǒng)訓(xùn)練的同時,注意將思想性、知識性和趣味性滲透其中?! ∪?、在內(nèi)容編排上遵循由淺入深、循序漸進的原則,并以彈性的層次安排,兼顧不同水平學(xué)生的要求,因而既適用于普通高中,也適用于職業(yè)高中、中專、中技等各類學(xué)校?! ∷摹⒁晕捏w教學(xué)為單元,以螺旋型安排為進階體例,在具體訓(xùn)練上安排了一系列便于操作的寫作練習(xí)。其目的是使學(xué)生在學(xué)完每一部分內(nèi)容后都能初步掌握一種文體的寫作方法?! ∥?、共兩冊,每冊按文體分成四部分:敘事文、描述文、應(yīng)用文和說明文,書后配有詞匯表。另外,每冊書還各配有《輔導(dǎo)用書》一冊,內(nèi)容包括教學(xué)目的、教學(xué)參考與練習(xí)答案,既可為教師提供教學(xué)指導(dǎo),又可為學(xué)生提供自學(xué)輔導(dǎo)?!  陡咧杏⒄Z寫作——書面表達》第二冊由首都師范大學(xué)英語系穆林華、北京語言大學(xué)外語學(xué)院英語系陸薇二位副教授編寫,其中穆林華老師負責編寫第一、二部分,陸薇老師負責編寫第三、四部分。首都師范大學(xué)英語系楊傳緯教授對全書進行了審訂。另外,此次教材修訂,陸薇老師負責第二冊全書的修訂工作,美國耶魯大學(xué)Jenny zhng參與了部分范文的編寫及部分稿件的審閱工作,首都師范大學(xué)英語系孫明華同學(xué)參與了教材部分插圖的電腦制作。北京教育科學(xué)研究院苑玉臺老師負責本套教材的組織編寫和修訂工作,審閱了書稿并提出了許多寶貴意見。




Module One Narrative WritingUnit OnePart One Get Started:Never Trust a StrangerPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus:writing with experiencesB.Sentence focus: building up the sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit TwoPart One Gel Started: A Trip to the MountainsPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: thinking before writingB.Sentence focus: building up the sentence with phrasesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit ThreePart One Get Started: No RegretsPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: finding ideas for writingB.Sentence focus: varying the simple sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit FourPart One Get Started: Dont Take Me Away!Part Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: selecting ideas for writingB. Sentence focus: the negative sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit FivePart One Get Started: John LennonPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: writing an outlineB.Sentence focus, joining words with the conjunctionPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit SixPart One Get Started: A Long Time AgoPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: preparing for writingB.Sentence focus: avoiding the sentence fragmentPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit seven Students Workshop(Ⅰ)Module Two Descriptive WritingUnit EightPart One Get Started: Our MonitorPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus, finding ideas for writingB.Sentence focus, joining sentences with the conjunctiorPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit NinePart One Get Started:An Interesting PhotoPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: writing the outlineB. Sentence focus: avoiding the comma-spliced sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit TenPart One Get Started: The Jack-o-lanternPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: writing the outlineB. Sentence focus,avoiding the run-on sentencePart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit ElevenPart One Get Started, Making Fried ChickenPart Two Learn to WriteA.Composition focus: writing the firstdraftB.Sentence focus: forming "when" clausesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit TwelvePart One Get Started: Doing Push-upsPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: writing the first draftB. Sentence focus: forming "why" clausesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HOmeUnit ThirteenPart One Get Started. The Lincoln MemorialPart Two Learn to WriteA. Composition focus: revising the first draftB. Sentence focus: forming "who-which-that" clausesPart Three Expressions to LearnPart Four Write in ClassPart Five Write at HomeUnit FourteenStudents Workshop (Ⅱ)Module Three Practical WritingUnit FifteenUnit SixteenUnit SeventeenUnit EighteenUnit NineteenUnit TwentyModule Four Expository WritingUNit Twenty-oneUNit Twenty-twoUNit Twenty-threeUNit Twenty-fourUNit Twenty-fiveUNit Twenty-sixUNit Twenty-sevenVocabulary



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