出版時間:1993-02 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社 作者:夏玉和,金利民(編) 頁數(shù):488
《英語高級口語》共有28課,內(nèi)容包括對各種問題的辯論,諸如青年人的思想情緒、廣告的優(yōu)劣、尋找對象的方式、婦女的地位、住房改造、對“大鍋飯”的態(tài)度、對老板的態(tài)度、工作的意義、獨生子女的教育等等。 隨書附贈磁帶。
前言寫給教師們的話Oral Functions BankLesson 1 Does Television Play a Positive or Negative Role in the Modern Society?Lesson 2 Are Pets Good for Mankind?Lesson 3 Should the Brain Drain be Stopped by Restrictions?Lesson 4 Does Criticism Do More Harm Than Good to People?Lesson 5 Is It Good for Students to Have Part-time Jobs?Lesson 6 Is Euthanasia Humane?Lesson 7 Do Examinations Do More Harm Than Good?Lesson 8 Should We Diet in Order to Keep Fit?Lesson 9 Is It a Good Idea to Control Population Growth in the World?Lesson 10 Should Students Only Learn from Books?Lesson 11 Does Parental Permissiveness Affect Childrens Development?Lesson 12 Is It Necessary to Develop Tourism?Lesson 13 Work to I.ive or Live to Work?Lesson 14 Does the Younger Generation Know Best?Lesson 15 Should Smoking be Prohibited?Lesson 16 Is Money the Most Important Thing in Life?Lesson 17 Is Romantic Love the Most Important Condition for Marriage?Lesson 18 Should Women be Treated the Same as Men?Lesson 19 Is It Good to Live in a Large Modern City?Lesson 20 Is Housing Reform Necessary?Lesson 21 Should People be Promoted According to Ability?Lesson 22 Should Capital Punishment Be a Major Deterrent to Crime?Lesson 23 Is It Necessary to Keep the "Iron Rice Bowl"?Lesson 24 Does Fashion Contribute Anything to Society?Lesson 25 Do Advertisements Play a Positive or Negative Role in Our Society?Lesson 26 Does Divorce Represent Social Progress?Lesson 27 Is the Prospect of Growing Old a Bleak One?Lesson 28 Are Cars Doing More Harm Than Good?
It all started when Winifred was working at a care.Sheused to throw out stale bread and buns,and developed such anihterest in the wild birds which accepted her offerings that shestarted taking food along to those in City Square as well. On one occasion,an old lady sitting in the square remarked that the birds could do with a more nutritious diet.SoWinifred began buying corn for them. "In the end.1 was carrying SO much weight and trampings0 far that my feet and arms really ached,”she said.“I triedusing wheeled shoppers,but with the weight of all that cornthey were breaking within weeks!So I splashed out andbought this tricycle." Winifred has come across other wild-life on her travels,too."I,stop to feed families of hedgehogs which I found at the side of the railway near the park,"she said. Despite her love of birds,she’d never want to keep onebecause she can’t bear seeing them caged. Disaster struck recently when a car reversed into her parked trike,damaging its wheels.But two local business men,hearing of her activities,decided kindly to help by repla-cing the wheels for her. So now the"Bird Woman of Leeds"is back in action a-gain,doing the j ob she loves best——caring for the host offeathered friends who have come to rely qn her.