
出版時間:1994-10  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:朱維芳 張曉黎  頁數(shù):295  


  《強化英語聽說教程(3)》是強化英語聽說教程系列中的一本。這套系列教程是應社會上廣大英語愛好者急于提高英語聽說水平的需要而編寫的。經(jīng)過幾年的北京外國語大學強化英語聽說短訓班上的試用,受到學員們的歡迎和青睞?,F(xiàn)正式出版,奉獻給廣大英語學習者?! 〈颂紫盗薪坛坦菜膬?,分為一、二、三、四級:學完前二冊聽說能力可超過非英語專業(yè)四級水平,學完后二冊,聽說能力可達六級水平,或相當于英語專業(yè)大專水平。如此分級是考慮到本國語學習者(Chinese English Learners)中,不少人的英語語言知識(語法、詞匯),往往超過他們的英語語言運用技能(聽、說、讀、寫),因此缺乏交際能力。分析其原因有以下幾點:  1.我國英語教學偏重語言知識(usage)的傳授,而忽略語言技能(use)的培養(yǎng)?! ?.廣大英語學習者缺少英語語言環(huán)境,很少聽到英語作為母語的外國人(English native speskers)講話。因此他們在運用英語時對"活的"英語沒有反應,所學的英語是些"死"的知識?! 〈颂捉滩牡木帉?,正是為了克服上述缺點,強化聽說技能的訓練,培養(yǎng)交際能力。它既適合于廣大已有一定水平的英語學習者的選擇,又充分考慮到初學者起步入門學習?! ∫延幸欢ㄓ⒄Z水平者可選擇略低于自己語言知識水平的聽說教程起步,從選擇教材上"退一步",以求達到實際提高聽說技能"進兩步",克服欲速不達的弊端。例如,如果自己屬英語初級水平(與本教程第二冊對應的水平),可選擇前初級水平(與本教程第一冊水平)的聽說教程,以此類推。這樣做可以克服不敢說英語的心理障礙,增強自信心和收獲感,一步一個臺階加強練習,逐步將所學過的"死"知識轉(zhuǎn)化為"活"的英語運用能力。  從零起步的初學者使用這套教材,開頭即從聽說入手,培養(yǎng)運用英語的意識,大膽實踐,將語言知識與語言技能科學結合,起步即入正門,不復"聾啞"英語的舊轍?! 〈颂捉滩牟粌H可供短訓班使用,亦可供廣大中學生、大學生、自學英語者使用?! ”窘滩挠腥缦绿攸c:  1.突出英語語音語調(diào),句子重音和語速節(jié)奏的學習與訓練。教材第一部分是為解決這一問題而設計的聽說對話練習。錄音磁帶全部由外國學者、專家錄制,"原汁原味",學習者通過反復模仿與練習,可以學到地道的英語,克服和減少學習第二種語言中帶有較多的母語味的弊端。  2.強調(diào)語言運用能力的培養(yǎng)。教材第二部分為交際英語,學習者將通過聽懂外國人日常生活場景對話,而模仿相同場景與自己伙伴對話,這樣大量地通過聽來吸收語言,再通過主動地運用,完成由輸入到輸出這個掌握語言的循環(huán)過程。這樣會將"死"的英語知識轉(zhuǎn)化為"活"的語言運用能力?! ?.強調(diào)多種目的聽說訓練(1istening for different purposes)以便學習者適應不同目的、不同形式的英語。在這部分中我們編排有英語的故事、系列短劇、廣播劇、報告、講座以及英語聽力測試題等等?! ?.本系列教材每冊分16或18單元,每單元配有30分鐘錄音磁帶,本書共18單元配有9盤錄音帶。錄音材料新穎,題材廣泛,覆蓋面廣,訓練方法式樣,具有很強的實用性和趣味性。每本書自成體系,又相互關聯(lián),循序漸進,既可單獨選用,又可配套使用。  本教程編寫試用過程中承蒙校、系領導的指導和英語二系黎明、徐曉勤等教師們的通力協(xié)作,得以成書,在此一并感謝?! 【幷?/pre>


  《強化英語聽說教程(3)》是強化英語聽說教程系列中的一本。這套系列教程是應社會上廣大英語愛好者急于提高英語聽說水平的需要而編寫的。經(jīng)過幾年的北京外國語大學強化英語聽說短訓班上的試用,受到學員們的歡迎和青睞?,F(xiàn)正式出版,奉獻給廣大英語學習者?! 〈颂紫盗薪坛坦菜膬裕譃橐弧⒍?、三、四級;學完前二冊聽說能力可超過非英語專業(yè)四級水平,學完后二冊,聽說能力可達六級水平,或相當于英語專業(yè)大專水平。如此分級是考慮到本國英語學習者(Chinese English Learners)中,不少人的英語語言知識(語法、詞匯),往往超過他們的英語語言運用技能(聽、說、讀、寫),因此缺乏交際能力。分析其原因有以下幾點:  1.我國英語教學偏重語言知識(usage)的傳授,而忽略語言技能(use)的培養(yǎng)?! ?.我國廣大英語學習者缺少英語語言環(huán)境,很少聽到英語作為母語的外國人(English native speakers)講話。因此他們在運用英語時對“活的”英語沒有反應,所學的英語是些“死”的知識。  此套教材的編寫,正是為了克服上述缺點,強化聽說技能的訓練,培養(yǎng)交際能力。它既適合于廣大已有一定水平的英語學習者的選擇,又充分考慮到初學者起步入門學習?! ∫延幸欢ㄓ⒄Z水平者可選擇略低于自己語言知識水平的聽說教程起步,從選擇教材上“退一步”,以求達到實際提高聽說技能“進兩步”,克服欲速不達的弊端。例如,如果自己屬英語初級水平(與本教程第二冊對應的水平),可選擇前初級水平(與本教程第一冊水平)的聽說教程,以此類推。這樣做可以克服不敢說英語的心理障礙,增強自信心和收獲感,一步一個臺階加強練習,逐步將所學過的“死”知識轉(zhuǎn)化為“活”的英語運用能力。  從零起點的初學者使用這套教材,開頭即從聽說入手,培養(yǎng)運用英語的意識,大膽實踐,將語言知識與語言技能科學結合,起步即入正門,不復“聾啞”英語的舊轍。  此套教材不僅可供短訓班使用,亦可供廣大中學生、大學生、自學英語者使用?! ”咎捉滩挠腥缦绿攸c:  1.突出英語語音語調(diào),句子重音和語速節(jié)奏的學習與訓練。教材第一部分是為解決這一問題而設計的聽說練習。錄音磁帶全部由外國學者、專家錄制,“原汁原味”,學習者通過反復模仿與練習,可以學到地道的英語,克服和減少學習第二種語言中帶有較多的母語味的弊端。  2.強調(diào)語言運用能力的培養(yǎng)。教材第二部分為交際英語,學習者將通過聽懂外國人日常生活場景對話,而模仿相同場景與自己伙伴對話,這樣大量地通過聽來吸收語言,再通過主動地運用,完成由輸入到輸出這個掌握語言的循環(huán)過程。這樣會將“死”的英語知識轉(zhuǎn)化為“活”的語言運用能力。  3.強調(diào)多種目的聽說訓練(listening for different purposes)以便學習者適應不同目的、不同形式的英語。在這部分中我們編排有英語的故事、系列短劇、廣播、報告、講座以及英語聽力測試題等等。  4.本系列教材每冊分16或18單元,每單元配有30分鐘錄音磁帶,本書共18單元配有9盤錄音帶。錄音材料新穎,題材廣泛,覆蓋面廣,訓練方法多樣,具有很強的實用性和趣味性。每本書自成體系,又相互關聯(lián),循序漸進,既可單獨選用,又可配套使用。




Unit OnePart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit TwoPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit ThreePart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit FourPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit FivePart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit SixPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit SevenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit EightPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit NinePart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit TenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit ElevenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit TwelvePart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit ThirteenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit FourteenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit FifteenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit SixteenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit SeventeenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongUnit EighteenPart One:Active IntonationPart Two:Language UsePart Three:An English SongTapescripts and keys


  Part One: Active intonation  In this part, you Il listen to remarks which sound polite and friendly. Listen carefully and try to use  the intonation correctly.  Drill 1: Listen and repeat.  Drill 2: The man is polite and friendly. Listen and repeat what he says.  Drill 3: In this conversation, the wife who is in the living room talks to her husband who is in the kitchen. He is !always polite and friendly. Listen and repeat what he says.  Drill 4: Now youll hear a news broadcast. The man is polite and friendly. Listen andrepeat what he says.  Drill 5: Test drill. Listen and answer the questions.  Part Two: Language use  Exercise 1: Talking About Experiences  Task 1: Listen to the song. You will hear it twice. The second time, try to remember the words that have been left out.  Task 2: Listen to some people talking about past experiences. For each experience put a√ if they have had it, and a×if they have not.  In groups of three or four, make a list of ten or more questions that you can ask about someones life,interests, work, etc. Example:  Where did you live when you were a child?  Can you talk about two happy times in your life?  Have you ever studied music?  Exercise 2: Gossip  Task 1: Listen to Jean teUing Sally about Pats divorce.Then answer the following questions.  1) What is the connection between the three women?  2) Why was Sally surprised at the news of the divorce?  3) Why did Pat have children?  4) Why did she give up work?  5) Was she happy at home?  6) What was the amazing thing Jean talks about?  7) When does Peter see his children?  Exercise 3: Who Are Talking  Task 1: Listen to the following people talking about different things. Then try to tell who he/she is.  1)2)  3)  4)  5)  6)  7)  8)  9)    Part One: Active Intonation  In this part youll listen to remarks which sound serious. Listen to the conversations and try to speak in a serious way.  Drill 1: Listen and repeat.  Drill 2: This conversation is between two teachers. The man speaks very seriously as if he has made his mind up. Listen and repeat what he says.  Drill 3: Now youll be asked questions about what you like. Always reply in a serious way as if youvemade up your mind. The answer on the tape may be different from yours, but the intonation will be the one you should use. Listen to one example:  Man: Would you like sherry or whisky?  Woman: I prefer sherry.  Now you answer the questions.  Drill 4: A husband and the wife is discussing buying a new car. The husband sounds very serious as if hes considered the situation thoroughly. Listen and repeat what he says.  Drill 5: Test Drill. Listen.  Now answer the questions.  Drill 6: Revision Drill. A woman is discussing her son with a neighbour. He tries to be very reassuring all the time. Listen and repeat what he says.  Part Two: Language Use  Exercise 1  Task 1: Read the information about Fred Smith. Then listen to the recording of a conversation be-tween Fred and a girl at a party. What did he say that was not true? Example:  Fred said that he lived in Paris and California.  He told the girl that he had been to Venice.  Fred Smith  Full name: Frederick George Smith  Age:25  Address: 17 Victoria Terrace, Highbury, London N5.  Profession: Van driver.  Interests:photography,model aeroplanes.  Education: Finsbury Park Comprehensive School.  Qualifications:none  Father: Albert Eric Smith, 52, shop assistant.  Mother: Florence Anne Smith, nee Henderson, 48, housewife.  Here are some of the things that Fred said in theconversation. Do you think they are true? Use one of the expressions in the box below.  It must be true.  Its probably true.  It could be true.  It might be true.  Its probably not true.It cant be true.  1)My friends call me Fred.  2)I photograph famous people.  3)I travel all over the world.  4)Ive been photographing the President for Time magazine.  5)Famous people are all the same.  6)I find you interesting.  7)I want to photograph you.  8)I love poetry.    Part One:Active intonation  In this part,you’ll listen to the intonation which sounds polite and friendly.You’ll listen  to some con-versations and learn to use the above intonation to ask people to repeat what they’ve said.  Drill 1:Listen and repeat.  interesting/wonderful/lovely/Paris/beautiful/  terrible/Christmas/England/London/thirty/  excellent/Africa/marvellous/  Drill 2:In this conversation between two friends,the man is polite and friendly.Listen and repeat  What he says.  Drill 3:Now you’ll hear some questions.Answer them as if you were polite and friendly.After  you’ve replied,you’ll hear the right answer.  Drill 4:In this conversation about business,the woman is polite and friendly.Listen and  repeat whay she says?! art One:Active intonation  In this part youll listen to polite and friendly remarks.Listen and repeat the intonation and try to speak in a polite and friendly way.  Driss 1:Listen and repeat.  Driss 2:Listen to the examples:  —How much are 12 and 9?  —Twenty-one  —How much are six and twenty-seven?  —Thirty-three


  此套教材的編寫,是為了強化聽說技能的訓練,培養(yǎng)交際能力。它既適合于 廣大已有一定水平的英語學習者的選擇,又充分考慮到初學者起步入門學習。已有一定英語水平者可選擇略低于自己語言知識水平的聽說教程起步,從選擇教材上“退一步”,以求達到實際提高聽說技能“進兩步”,克服欲速不達的弊端。例如,如果自己屬英語初級水平,可選擇前初級水平的聽說教程,以此類推。這樣做可以克服不敢說英語的心理障礙,增強自信心和收獲感,一步一個臺階加強練習,逐步將所學過的“死”知識轉(zhuǎn)化為“活”的英語運用能力。從零起點的初學者使用這套教材,開頭即從聽說入手,培養(yǎng)運用英語的意識,大膽實踐,將語言知識與語言技能科學結合,起步即入正門,不復“聾啞”英語的舊轍。此套教材不僅可供短訓班使用,亦可供廣大中學生、大學生、自學英語者使用。



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