
出版時(shí)間:1994-06  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:朱炳和 主編  頁數(shù):405  字?jǐn)?shù):546000  


《自學(xué)手冊》分以下三個(gè)部分: 習(xí)題答案(ANSWERS TO EXERCISES); 自測試題(SELF-HELP TEST PAPERS)及答案; 聽寫段落(PASSAGES FOR DICTATION); 習(xí)題答案 包括了新編許國璋英語第一、二冊書中的全部練習(xí)及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案。習(xí)題部分完全按照原書的格式排印。答案部分以黑斜字體排印,清楚易查。沒有課本的讀者可單獨(dú)使用本手冊做練習(xí),方便實(shí)用。需要說明的是,一部分習(xí)題,特別是中譯英翻譯練習(xí),正確答案可能不止一個(gè),由于篇幅所限,也考慮到讀者目前的實(shí)際水平,我們僅提供一個(gè)我們認(rèn)為較好的答案,供老師和讀者參考。 自測試題 《自學(xué)手冊》共有自測試卷32篇,每課一篇。共收入語法詞匯練習(xí)約1500題;完形填空練習(xí)32篇;閱讀理解練習(xí)32篇。每篇自測試卷包括以下幾項(xiàng)內(nèi)容: A.SPELLING CHECK B.COMPLETE SENTENCES C.SELECT THE BEST CHOICE FOR EACH SENTENCE D.FILL IN WITH THE BEST CHOICE E.READING COMPREHENSION A、B兩項(xiàng)是依據(jù)課文內(nèi)容設(shè)計(jì)的,以測試課文中詞匯掌握情況為目的。由于每課出現(xiàn)的生詞數(shù)量有限,在A、B兩項(xiàng)的題目中有詞匯重復(fù)出現(xiàn)的情況,要求做卷人實(shí)事求是,不得在做完SPELLING CHECK之后又進(jìn)行更改。 C項(xiàng)是包含語法句型和詞匯練習(xí)的多項(xiàng)選擇題。每卷35道題,全書按難易程度編排,由初級逐步過度到中級。 D項(xiàng)是填空練習(xí),主要是短文和對話,而不是單句。本項(xiàng)側(cè)重對短文內(nèi)容的理解,也包含一定的語法和詞匯知識的測試。 E項(xiàng)是閱讀理解練習(xí)。本書所收入的32篇短文題材內(nèi)容各異,按難易程度編排。測試題主要針對短文內(nèi)容的理解,也包括對短文中個(gè)別詞句的理解。 自測試題標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案附在書末,讀者可自行查對。 聽寫段落 本書共收入聽寫段落52篇,多數(shù)是編者在多年的實(shí)際教學(xué)中收集和使用的。內(nèi)容廣泛,難易適中。本書收入聽寫段落,主要供教師課堂選擇使用。自學(xué)讀者可用作輔助讀物。在聽寫段落部分之前,編者根據(jù)自身的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn)寫了《怎樣聽寫》一文,供教師們參考。




Lesson 1    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 1Lesson 2    Answers to Exercises   Self-Help Test Paper 2 Lesson 3   ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 3Lesson 4    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 4Lesson 5    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 5Lesson 6    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 6Lesson 7    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 7Lesson 8    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 8Lesson 9    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 9Lesson 10    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 10Lesson 11   ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 11Lesson 12    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 12Lesson 13    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 13Lesson 14    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 14Lesson 15    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 15Lesson 16    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 16Lesson 17    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 17Lesson 18    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 18Lesson 19    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 19Lesson 20    ExAnswers to ercises   Self-Help Test Paper 20  ……


  Translate into English,using a preposition+gerund.  1.她很喜歡(keen on)收集各國的郵票。  She is keen on collecting stamps of various countries.  人們贊揚(yáng)他從冰河中救出了落水兒童。  He was praised for rescuing the child from the frozen river.  他因說話粗野(say something rude)而受到父母的批評?! e was criticised by his parents for saying something rude.  學(xué)生們從聽講座中受益(benefit from)不少?! he students have benefited a great deal from attending the lectures.  毒販子(drug-dealers)一到機(jī)場就被逮捕了?! n arriving at the airport,the drug-dealers were arrested.  珍妮一出車站就受到老朋友們的迎接?! n stepping out of the station,Jenny was met by her old friends.    Fill in, using the present continuous tense as a future form.  (注意使用正確的疑問句句型結(jié)構(gòu)。下同。)  1. Im meeting her at the station tomorrow. (meet)  2. Im taking my sister to the ballet tonight. (take)  3. —How are you going to the airport tomorrow morning? (go)  —Im going by car. My husband is driving me there. (go / drive)  4. mare you giving him something for his birthday? (give)  —Yes, Im giving him a dictionary. (give)  5. mare you doing anything tonight? (do)  —Yes, Im going to my computer class. (go)    Fill in with the simple future form.  1. Youll be able to drive after another five lessons. (be)  2. Ill remember this day all my life. (remember)  3. i wonder how many of us still will be here next year. (be)  4. Hell be offended if you dont invite him. (be offended)  5. — What will your father say when he hears about this accident? (say)  He will not say much but be will not lend me the car again. (say / not lend)    Fill in with will or be going to:  1. — Will you open the door for me, please? (open)  — Yes, certainly.  2. "Will you read the passage aloud, please?" said the teacher. (read)  3. —Will you put my car away for me, please? (put)  —Yes, certainly.  4. m Will you have another cup of coffee? (have)  —No, thank you.  5. Will you drive please? I dont like driving at night. (drive)  6. Are you going to paint the whole room by yourself? It will take ages. (paint)  7. Are you going to walk there in this rain? Youll get awfully wet. (walk)  8. What are those notes for? Are you going to give a lecture? (give)    Match the language and the countries, using the passive voice.  EXAMPLE: English is spoken in Britain and Australia.  French is spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.  Spanish is spoken in Spain and most Latin American countries such as Mexico and Chile.  Italian is spoken by the people of Italy and Switzerland.  German is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium.  English is spoken in England and the United States and also some other countries such as  Canada, Australia etc.  Brazil is a Latin American country where Portuguese is spoken.  Match the parts:  1. Petrol prices...        b a. ... was told to stay inside their homes.  2. This jacket ...      e b. ... have been raised.  3. Five people ..         f c. ... has been disconnected.  4. The telephone . ..       c d. ... will be sent to candidates.  5. It appears the phone bill...  h e. ... was made in Hong Kong.  6. Further information ...  d f. ... were killed in the crash.  7. Smoking ...        g g. ... is not permitted in public places.  8. The old town library ...    i h. ... has been paid.  9. Before the storm everyone ...  a i. ... is now being rebuilt.  Fill in with the correct passive form of the verb.  1. Application forms should be returned by mid-October. (return)  2. Further information may be obtained from the reception desk. (obtain)  3. You would be expected to take part in some sports. (expect)  4. Interviews will be held in early January. (hold)  5. Names of two referees should be given. (give)  6. Applications should be made on this form only. (make)  7. Teachers might be offered accommodation in college.(offer)    Choose who, which, that, or whom for the sentences.  1 A person who has a lively personality generally makes a good teacher.  2 This is the best school that I know about in this part of the country.  3 The teacher whom I felt most thankful for in my school days was my tutor.  4 Anyone who saw a child struck down without offering help was a coward.  5 The boys who won the match had been trained for years.  6 The friend with whom I was travelling in Europe spoke both French and Spanish.  7. The carpet that I am standing on is from Iraq.  8. The bike which/that I borrowed from John had a flat tire on the road.  9. This is the picture which/that I happened to find in a second-hand shop.  10. The room, which was both dark and filthy, had never been slept in.  Look at the above sentences again and indicate in which sentences the relative pronoun can  be omitted.  In sentences 2、3、7、8 and 9 the relatire pronoun can be omitted.  Join the sentences, making the first sentence a relative clause with who, that or which as  the subject of the clause.  EXAMPLE:  The train leaves at 5. / Youre too late to catch the train that leaves at 5.  1. Some things were stolen. / Have you got back the things which /that were stolen.  2. A woman answered the phone./ The woman who answered the phone asked me to call  back later.  3. A book was left behind on the desk. / The book which /that was left behind on the desk belongs to John.  4. Some people live in glass houses. / People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.  5. Some students want to succeed. / Students who want to succeed must do their assign-ments.  6. Some people work all the time. / People who work all the time dont have time to enjoy life.  7. Some cars use a lot of gas. / It is not at all cheap to ride cars which /that use a lot of gas.  8. Some dogs are specially trained. / Dogs which /that are specially trained are used to help blind people.  9. Some books are borrowed :[rom the library. / We must not write in the books which/that are borrowed from the library.  10. A girl sang the song. / She is the girl who sang the song.  ……





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